Hunter glanced at Dr. Lima with a raised brow. “You’re a brilliant doctor, Alita, but this is one of my best friends. I’d rather she come out of the MIC and see a friendly face than someone treating this like an educational seminar. I’m sorry.”
Alita frowned. “As am I if you thought that’s what I was doing.” She stood back and allowed Hunter to continue coaxing Rebecca awake.
Rebecca shifted, moaning softly when her body ached in return. Her brain was foggy, trying to remember where she was and how she got there.
The muffled voice barely broke through the fog. Rebecca moaned again, trying to answer. Her mouth felt like it was filled with cotton, and her throat… hurt like hell. She lifted a hand to her mouth, and a tube met her fingertips. Rebecca’s eyes popped open, and she began clawing at the tube.
“Hey, hey. It’s okay.” Hunter gently pulled Rebecca’s hands away from the apparatus. “It was helping you breathe while you slept.” Hunter looked into Rebecca’s wild, scared eyes. “We can take it out. Doctor?”
Dr. Lima walked to the opposite side of Rebecca’s bed. She pressed a button that lifted Rebecca into an upright position. “Rebecca, I’m Dr. Lima. This will be a little uncomfortable for you, but we’ll try to make it as smooth as possible.”
Hunter gave Alita a look. That was the least clinical she’d ever seen Dr. Lima. “Just try to relax,” she said to Rebecca. “First, we’re going to suction out any debris that may be present.” Dr. Lima performed that task while Hunter tried to keep Rebecca calm. When she got the nod from Alita, Hunter returned her focus to Rebecca. “Now, I want you to take a deep breath. As you exhale, Dr. Lima will extract the tube. Deep breath in.”
Rebecca held vibrant blue eyes as she inhaled. When the order was given, she exhaled, wincing when there was a hiss before Dr. Lima pulled the tube out. Rebecca coughed, her face scrunching up with disgust.
“It’s okay. That’s just mucus that needs to be expelled.” Hunter took the suction device and helped Rebecca clear her airway. “Your throat may be sore for a few days.” She shifted so Dr. Lima could place a nasal cannula on Rebecca. “This is just supplemental oxygen to help you. Are you okay?”
Rebecca frowned but nodded.
Considering the side effects of an MIC, Hunter began her initial assessment of Rebecca’s cognizance while Dr. Lima poured a cup of water from the pitcher next to Rebecca’s bed. “Do you know your name?”
Rebecca cleared her throat. “Rebecca.”
Good start, Hunter thought. “Do you know why you’re here?”
Rebecca closed her eyes and frowned. When she opened them again, they were full of fear. “Beaten.”
Hunter’s breath caught in her throat. No. “Rebecca, do you know who I am?” She was met with a confused look.
“Here.” Dr. Lima stepped in. She handed Rebecca the cup, placing the straw close to Rebecca’s lips. “Take small sips to soothe your throat.” Alita glanced up at a shell-shocked Hunter before returning her attention to her patient. “Better?” Rebecca nodded, tears pooling in her eyes. “Can you tell me what year it is?”
A tear rolled down Rebecca’s cheek. She concentrated for a moment before looking at Dr. Lima. “2001. Is my aunt here? Has anyone called her? I want to see my aunt.”
Hunter’s heart sank to her feet. “I-I’ll go find out.” She nodded at Dr. Lima and smiled warmly at Rebecca.
Hunter took a moment, holding back her own tears, before breaking the news to Cass and the others. First, she had to figure out how to get Aunt Wills in the room and warn her without blurting out the situation in front of Cass. She needed to ease Cass into the issue. Hunter stuck her head out, a smile plastered on her face.
“Aunt Wills? She’s asking for you.”
Willamena looked up, a huge smile across her face. Until she saw the strain in Hunter’s. Something is wrong. She grinned at Cass, who was getting up to go in the room, too. “She probably wants me to get her all prettied up for you,” she told Cass, patting her shoulder. “Give me a minute with her?”
It took considerable strength to agree, but Cass nodded. “Sure, of course.”
Cass was watching them too closely for Hunter to say anything to Willamena. Hopefully, Aunt Wills would forgive her for this. However, Hunter’s focus was Cass. This was going to devastate her.
“How’s she doing?” Cass stuffed her hands in her pockets, anxious to go in and see Rebecca.
“There’s, um…” Hunter found Ellie’s eyes, searching for strength to say the words. As always, Ellie knew something was wrong and fell in beside Cass for support. Hunter saw the others step forward as well. “There’s been a development.” Coward.
“A development,” Cass repeated. “What does that mean?”
“It means… Cass, Rebecca is experiencing some disorientation and agitation. Both are common when waking up from a coma.” Stop stalling, Hunter!
“Okay. Should I go in there and help calm her down? I know all of the techniques — clean ones — Rebecca uses when she’s upset.” Cass grinned, but it was tremulous. She could feel in her bones that something more was happening here than simple side effects. Whatever it was, Cass would fix it. She’d do anything for Rebecca.
Hunter stepped in front of Cass when she moved towards Rebecca’s door. “She’s confused about what year it is, Cass.”