Cass scratched her head and shrugged a shoulder. “Not sure. I think maybe I was afraid to tell you just how weak and needy I was. The point is, though, everyone did their best in the situation we were in. You didn’t know any of them, babe, so I can only imagine they had a hard time trying to figure out what to do and how to help. But I need you to know they showed up for me. And for Mocha. Bella may never forgive us for taking Mocha back, but that’s a bridge we must cross at another time.”
Rebecca glanced at Hunter, who covered her mouth to stifle a laugh. She walked to Cassidy, standing toe to toe with her, and looked up. “You’re so weird, baby.”
Cass grinned down at Rebecca. “You still love me.”
“That I do.” Rebecca lifted herself onto her tiptoes and kissed Cassidy’s lips. “Thank you.” She looked at Hunter again, who had been very quiet the entire time Cass spoke. “And you. I will forgive you on one condition.” Rebecca pressed a finger on Cassidy’s lips when she began to argue, her gaze never leaving Hunter.
“Anything,” Hunter said sincerely.
“I’ll forgive you if you forgive yourself. None of this was your fault, Hunter. If anything, you helped me by being persistent about my having a physical that day. You couldn’t have known the outcome. So let yourself off the hook.”
Hunter stood and nodded. “I promise to try. I should’ve been there for you, Rebecca.”
“You were there for the one who needed you the most, Hunter. And for that, I’m eternally grateful.” Rebecca hugged Hunter tightly. “Thank you.”
“Yeah, um, ahem.” Hunter thumbed towards the door. “We should get back out there. Mo is manning the grill.”
“Grayson is out there, too,” Cass reminded Hunter.
“Uh, do you remember what happened with the hot dogs the last time Grayson was in charge?”
Cass’s eyes widened. “Shit. I was scraping hot dogs off the grill for days. How the hell do you explode a damn hot dog?” She shook her head. “Head on out, I’ll catch up with you.”
Hunter saluted, winking at Rebecca with that lopsided grin that won Ellie over. Once they were alone, Cass took Rebecca in her arms.
“You sure you’re okay?”
“Yes, baby. I’m going to take five minutes to do some breathing exercises that Ellie taught me, and then I’m going to stop being a rude hostess and go out there to be with my friends. Maybe we’ll watch you studs grilling and… talk.”
“Yeah?” Cass grinned down at Rebecca. “Gonna tell them how I’m the only one who has ever made you sq…”
Rebecca pressed her lips to Cassidy’s to shut her up. “If you say anything like that in front of our friends, I will be forced to tell them about the anal beads fiasco.”
“Fucking hell, babe!” Cass’s entire body shivered. “I was nervous! When you’re nervous, you clinch! I think we’re good with keeping some things to ourselves.”
“That’s what I thought,” Rebecca winked. “Now, go on. I don’t want to smell hot dogs for the next three weeks.”
Cass pulled a Hunter and saluted. “Love you, babe.”
“Love you, too, Cassidy.” Rebecca slapped Cassidy’s ass as she walked away. Cassidy looked back and gave Rebecca a look that buckled her knees. Good lord, she really did love that woman. Rebecca inhaled, trying to focus on relaxing instead of what she wanted to do to Cassidy. That wasn’t easy.
“Can I help?”
Ellie looked up from her task and smiled at Rebecca. “Absolutely. Grab a knife.”
“Welcome back,” Eve said, setting aside the bowl she was mixing veggies in and giving Rebecca a hug.
“Thank you. I heard you were giving these away,” Rebecca grinned, relaxing considerably since she walked in. This was friendship, she thought. When you could walk in a room and no matter whose house you were at, everyone looked like they were home.
“Only to those who deserve it,” Eve winked. “Since you’re late, you’re on onion duty with Blaise.”
Rebecca nodded but stood there for a moment. “I wanted to say thank you for being there for Cassidy. All of you are in love with your soul mates, so I know you’ll understand when I say that means more to me than anything else you could’ve done. I also know this situation was… weird for lack of a better word. But you never let Cassidy fall too far out of hope. I owe you so much for that.”
“You don’t owe us anything,” Ellie said, sniffling and dabbing at her eyes with a paper towel. “We’re family and that’s what family does.”
“Truth!” Blaise offered. “Now stop making Ellie and Eve cry.”
“You’re crying, too!” Ellie laughed.