“Thank you,” she said huskily. “I love them. ’Tis the best gift anyone has ever given me.”

There were sounds of amusement on all sides of them, but she ignored the men as they gathered. She pushed herself off Caelen, who looked dazed and befuddled by what had just transpired.

She gifted the men with an equally dazzling smile and then she performed a perfect curtsy in Ewan’s direction.

“I’ll leave you to your duties,” she said.

She chanced one more look at Caelen, who still lay sprawled in the snow, a look of complete bemusement on his face, and then she turned and all but skipped back toward the keep.

Caelen blinked and stared after his wife as she hurried through the snow. Then he glanced around at the men gathered and scowled at their looks of amusement.

Ewan stood to the side, contorting his mouth so he didn’t laugh aloud, and then he extended a hand down to Caelen.

“I take it Rionna liked her gifts.”

Caelen grasped Ewan’s hand and hauled himself out of the snow.

“For God’s sake, the woman has no self-control,” he muttered.

Ewan laughed softly and then clapped Caelen on the shoulder. “I’d say you just scored some points with the lass. I’m sure we’d all understand if you chose to excuse yourself for a time.”

Laughter rose from the assembled warriors and Caelen scowled even harder. Then he punched Ewan directly in the gut, satisfied when his brother let out a pained grunt.

“What the hell was that for?” Ewan demanded.

“Payment for the time you did the same to me when I needled you about your wife.”

Ewan laughed as he rubbed his belly. “I believe you made mention of me missing my cods. Strange that you seem to suffer the same affliction when it comes to a certain, golden-haired lass.”

Caelen went to hit him again but Ewan dodged this time and both men went down in the snow. The men pressed forward and shouts rose as they urged the two brothers on. Wagers were quickly placed and the snow began to fly.


Crispen threw his arms around Rionna’s waist, surprising her with his exuberance. He was a sweet child but a typical boisterous lad. She kissed the top of his head and he bounced away to pounce on his Uncle Caelen.

“Farewell, Rionna, and thank you for your hospitality,” Mairin said as she hugged Rionna.

Rionna kissed her cheek and then pulled aside one of the small blankets that encapsulated Isabel and nuzzled the baby’s soft cheek. Oh but babies smelled so sweet. It filled her with longing for her own babe, and then she shook her head at the insensible urge.

“Safe journey, Mairin. I’ll pray for you and Isabel.”

Mairin smiled and then went to say her farewell to Caelen, while Ewan waited by the horses. Rionna watched in amusement as Caelen softened into a pile of mush as he stared down at Ewan’s tiny daughter.

There was something powerful about a warrior brought to his knees by a babe. Rionna stifled her laughter as Caelen uttered something nonsensical to Isabel. He followed it with a promise to cut off the heads of all men who’d pursue her in the future.

Rionna and Mairin exchanged eye rolls. At least he hadn’t suggested another part of the male anatomy.

Ewan and his men mounted and then Caelen lifted Mairin and Isabel up onto Ewan’s horse. Ewan wrapped his arms securely around his wife and child and then gave the order to ride.

They filed out of the courtyard, over the wooden drawbridge, and into the moonless night.

Caelen returned to her a moment later. “ ’Tis late. We should retire now.”

She nodded and allowed him to take her arm as he escorted her inside. He paused at the bottom of the stair to discuss the next day’s events with Gannon while Rionna proceeded up the stairs.

She had plans for her husband this evening. Daring plans that no lady should ever entertain, which delighted her even more.

Once inside her chamber, she quickly added logs to the fire and straightened the furs on the bed. Soon she heard her husband’s heavy step on the stairs and then right outside the door.

She turned, hiding her smile, so that her back was presented when Caelen stepped inside the chamber.

“Rionna, there is something we should discuss,” he began sternly.

“Hmm, can you help me with my dress?”

She turned in time to see him frown. But he crossed the room and began to unfasten the buttons of her gown.

“Now what is it you’d like to discuss, husband?”

He cleared his throat. “There are certain things that should not be done in front of others.”

She lowered the sleeves of her gown and turned, holding the bodice barely over her ni**les. She stared innocently up at him as she allowed one side to slip, baring the tip of her breast.

“Like what?”

His gaze tracked downward and he sucked in his breath. It took him a moment before he continued. “Displays of affection should be contained to our private chamber.”

She turned away again and let the gown fall, stepping from it and reaching for her sleeping gown. She tossed her head, allowing her hair to skim along her bu**ocks, and then she arched as if stretching before tossing aside the gown, seeming to change her mind about donning it.

“Such displays are never appropriate in front of my men,” Caelen continued in a strangled voice.

Rionna turned once more and stepped forward to loosen the ties of his trews. “Aye, husband, I’m sure you’re right. No show of affection in front of others. ’Tis unseemly.”

She reached inside and cupped his heavy sac, squeezing gently.

“ ’Tis not just … What on earth are you about, wife?”