“Laird! Laird! Laird Caelen!”

Hugh McDonald rode into the encampment, four men right behind him. ’Twas evident the horse had been ridden hard and without rest. Hugh slid from the saddle and staggered in Caelen’s direction.

Caelen resheathed his sword and grabbed the much larger man by his tunic. “What is it, Hugh? What has happened?”

“ ’Tis your wife, Laird.”

Caelen’s blood ran cold. “What mean you?”

Hugh caught his breath. “She was set upon by intruders two days past. They came across the brook between the two lochs. From the forest. They were hiding in the trees.”

Caelen got into Hugh’s face, his pulse pounding harshly at his temples. “Is she all right? Was she hurt? What did they do to her?”

“She was badly beaten, Laird. I know nothing more. I saw her when she crawled back to the courtyard, but I left soon after to pursue her attackers. When I lost their trail, I came directly to find you.”

Caelen thrust him away, his hands shaking as he attempted to collect his thoughts.

“She is alive?”

“Aye, Laird. She was alive when I left. I do not think the injuries were serious enough to cause her death.”

Caelen turned to Gannon. “You ride with me.” Then he gestured at Simon. “You and the others pack the meat and return to the keep at once.”

Gannon strode swiftly to ready the horses and Caelen turned back to Hugh. “Who were they?” he asked in a deadly voice.

“I know not that either, Laird. The lass barely spoke a word. I did not wait for her to relate the tale before I left in pursuit of the ones who launched the attack.”

“You did right, Hugh.”

Simon pushed forward, his expression serious. “Laird, I would ride back with you and Gannon. ’Tis not safe for two men alone.”

Caelen raised one eyebrow. “You seek to protect me?”

Simon paused a moment before he finally answered. “You’re my laird. My duty is to watch your back at all times. I cannot do that if I am left behind.”

“Very well, Simon. I’ll be glad of your escort. Let us make haste so that I may see to my lady wife.”


The sun hadn’t yet risen when Caelen, Gannon, and Simon rode into the courtyard. Caelen was off his horse before it had fully stopped. Sarah met him at the bottom of the steps leading into the keep.

“How is she?” he demanded.

Sarah wrung her hands, her face creased with worry. “Thank God you’ve come home, Laird. I don’t know what to do with her. She’s not left her chamber since the attack. She’s not herself. She won’t eat. She just sits and stares out her window.”

Caelen grasped Sarah’s arms, shaking her from her hysteria. “Is she well? How badly is she hurt?”

Tears shimmered in Sarah’s eyes. “ ’Tis the truth I don’t know what all was done to her. Once she regained consciousness she was so quiet. She refuses any company. She won’t confide in me.”

“I’ll see to her,” Caelen said as he brushed past Sarah.

Dread gripped him as he hurried up the stairs. He realized when he reached the door to his chamber that he was afraid. It was an odd sensation and even odder to admit such. He’d watched his brothers go through hell with the women they loved, but he hadn’t imagined he could feel that same fear that had gripped his brothers.

He shook his head. He’d feel concern for any woman who’d been abused. And outrage that another man had dared to touch what was his.

He stood in the hallway, his hand raised to knock when he realized what he was doing. He dropped his hand and then opened the door.

He’d expected to find her asleep but when his gaze fell over the bed, it was empty. It didn’t look as though she’d slept in it recently. He turned his head, scanning the room to find her sitting by the fire, her head cocked to the side.

His breath caught at the bruises shadowing her face. He could see only her profile, but her eye was swollen and even from across the room he could see fingerprints around her neck.

Carefully he shut the door, not wanting to awaken her. Then he crossed the room so that he could look more closely at her.

Sweet Jesu, but someone had sorely beat the lass. His hands tightened in rage as he stood over her. She looked so fragile. So delicate. How had she ever survived such brutality? Worse, just how much had been done to her?

His stomach heaved as he imagined just what could have occurred. Sarah had said she had closed herself off in her chamber ever since the attack and would confide in no one. Had she been violated?

His hand trembled as he reached out to caress her cheek. Dear God, he couldn’t stand the thought of someone touching her. Of hurting her. He had to sit down on the stone hearth before his legs gave way.

She stirred when his hand left her face. Her eyelids blinked and then she squinted as if opening her right eye had caused her pain.

“Caelen,” she whispered.

“Aye, lass, ’tis me. Are you well? Do you hurt still?”

She licked her lips and then raised a hand to massage her throat. The delicate movement only brought more attention to her fragility, and fury sizzled through him like a whip.

“I’m sore, but I am well. ’Tis nothing serious. Was your hunt successful?”

The formality of their conversation baffled Caelen. ’Twas as if nothing amiss had occurred during his absence and he’d come home to a polite greeting from his wife.

The shadows around her eyes troubled him, for they went deeper than the bruises. The fragility that he’d already noted was more pronounced the longer she was awake. There was something off about her, and now he realized why Sarah was so concerned.