For a moment Caelen didn’t acknowledge Gannon’s question. It caused him too much discomfort. The truth was an ugly, unforgiving thing. Always there. Never changing.

“ ’Tis my fault we’ve struggled for as many years as we have,” Caelen said quietly. “I owe my brothers more than I can ever repay. My agreeing to this marriage gives Alaric what he most wants in the world, and it aids Ewan in keeping his wife and child safe. It wouldn’t matter if Rionna McDonald were a pox-riddled whore. I’d marry her for those reasons and never feel regret.”

“How fortunate for you that I’m nay pox-riddled nor a whore.”

Caelen swung around to see Rionna standing a short distance away, her face drawn into an impassive mask as she stared at him and Gannon. He cursed under his breath just as Gannon muttered “Uh-oh.” Caelen was forever making a muck of things around Rionna.

“Rionna …”

She held up her hand to silence him and he did so before it sunk in that she was giving him a command and he’d meekly followed it.

“Don’t apologize for speaking the truth, husband. ’Tis the truth I had no more desire to marry you than you did me, but as you said last eve, neither of us had a choice. Perhaps it would be better to move forward rather than to keep rehashing the reasons why over and over.”

He hated the hurt in her voice even as her gaze flickered coolly over him and Gannon. Her face had the perfect you-can’t-touch-me expression, but her voice told the truth. He had wounded her.

“You shouldn’t be outside the keep. ’Tis frigid this morn. What are you doing up at this hour?”

Her gaze was as chilled as the wind. She showed no reaction to the biting cold even though the clothing she wore was ill-suited for such weather.

“I woke when you rose and I knew you’d want an early start. ’Tis not an overlong journey but the snow will hinder us. I thought to aid you in preparing.”

“ ’Tis a thoughtful gesture, my lady,” Gannon said. “But ’tis my duty to assist your husband. I would feel better if you were inside where ’tis warm and you don’t chance taking ill.”

Caelen glared at Gannon for his well thought-out words. The sentiment should come from him, not his commander. He could see the effect it had on Rionna. Her eyes lost some of their frost, and her stance relaxed.

“I’ll want to bid my farewells to Keeley as well as Mairin and the babe.”

Caelen nodded. “I’ll summon you when ’tis time to depart.”

She gave a stiff nod of her own and then turned back into the keep. Caelen sighed and glanced over at Gannon.

“ ’Twill be a task to clear the pathways. We may as well begin now.”

Rionna waited until she was certain Alaric had risen before she went to Keeley’s chamber. Though all the McCabe warriors were notoriously early risers—they somehow functioned on but a few hours’ sleep every night—Alaric had devoted most of his time for the last weeks to Keeley’s bedside.

After she saw Alaric reenter his chamber with food for Keeley to break her fast, she waited a few moments and then knocked.

Alaric opened the door and Rionna straightened her shoulders. “I’d like to say my farewell to Keeley if she’s feeling well enough this morn.”

“Of course. Come in. She’s breaking her fast and grumbling about being held captive in her bedchamber.”

Rionna grinned at Alaric’s exasperated tone. She walked inside to see Keeley sitting up in bed, more color in her cheeks than had been there the day before.

“I’ve come to bid you farewell.”

Keeley’s lips turned down into an unhappy frown. “So soon? I had hoped to spend more time with you.”

Rionna perched on the edge of the bed, taking Keeley’s hand in hers and squeezing. “You’ll come to visit when you’re well. Perhaps I’ll come back to visit you. We’re married to brothers. We’ll see each other often. I still expect you to attend me when I bear my first child, so make sure you do nothing foolish like injuring yourself again.”

Keeley’s eyes danced with merriment. “How went it last night with Caelen?”

Rionna’s eyes narrowed. “I hate him. He has a wicked, silken tongue, but he turns into the worst sort of ass outside the bedchamber.”

Keeley sighed. “Give him time, Rionna. He’s a good man. You just have to dig below the surface to uncover that man.”

Rionna made a face. “I don’t have your faith, Keeley.”

“I want you to be happy. Promise me you’ll give him a chance.”

“I can only promise not to stick my dagger in his gut while he sleeps,” Rionna grumbled.

Keeley laughed. “ ’Tis all I can ask then. Be well, Rionna. And be happy. Send word when you’re established at McDonald keep and let me know you’ve arrived safely. I’ll be awaiting word on the news of your first child as well.”

Rionna rose then leaned down to kiss Keeley’s cheek. “ ’Tis the truth I’ll never bear a child if he doesn’t learn to close his mouth at the appropriate time.”

Keeley grinned. “ ’Tis a skill I don’t think any man has yet learned. But remember all I counseled you on. Use your skills as a woman and I guarantee he’ll shut his mouth, for a time at least.”

Rionna sat atop her horse surveying the line of McDonald men that was smaller than it had been when they’d arrived. Her chest ached for the men who’d chosen to side with her father. These were men she’d grown up around. Some of them were young and were probably swayed by her father’s talk of loyalty and distrust of the McCabes. The older warriors were likely outraged over the ousting of her father as laird and had followed him without coercion.