“Not too long. Vitomir has a few questions for everyone, and then they will be questioned by someone from the council. Most likely Alpha Dane, I believe. The last I’d heard, he was the one who would be doing the questioning, but I can’t be completely certain. Vitomir has asked others at the council what he should do in this situation, and although it was agreed that they wouldn’t be ended, your parents will face some amount of time away, at least.”
I nodded. I didn’t have anything to say. What could I? I couldn’t deny that they’d been horrible to me. Mother especially. Father more that he just went along with it. He had the power to stop her, but he chose not to, so he was just as guilty in my eyes.
“I’m going to go sit down,” I told Grandpa. I wanted Warwick. I didn’t even feel like watching one of my favorite movies, but I wanted his arms wrapped around me. I needed to feel his presence, have him calm me. The more I thought about it, the madder I got. How dare she suddenly think she could just act as if everything was perfectly all right with me? After decades of being so horrible. How?
Just as I lowered myself to our oversized couch, I heard Warwick’s voice. I knew I didn’t need to call out; he would be able to find me in moments. Sure enough, he came into view, and the waterworks seemed to hit. I reached for my mate, who didn’t even blink; he simply scooped me up into his arms and carried me off.
I cried against his shoulder as he carried me up to our bedroom. It was obvious that my parents still had an effect on my emotions, and they probably always would, at least a little. I’d only ever wanted to be accepted and loved. I’d never had that from them, and I knew I never would. It didn’t matter, to be honest. Not really. I had Grandpa and Grandfather, as well as Warwick. Especially Warwick. He loved me. He did amazing things for me, like carry me up to our bedroom when I was upset by my parents.
I felt myself being lowered to the bed and then my shoes being pulled off. When the bed dipped behind me moments later, I sighed as Warwick’s scent and arms surrounded me.
“Want to talk about it?”
I wiped at my eyes with the paper towel. “I’m not sure. I mean, I honestly don’t feel much for my parents at this point. But it hurts. How could she suddenly think that after all of this time, she has a right to our babies?”
“Because she only thinks of herself. She has an image to uphold, and being the doting grandmother is part of that image. I noticed your siblings didn’t have much to say in your parents’ defense.”
“No. Rami is just over thirty years older than me. He had already moved out by the time I was born. I would imagine they all left as soon as they could, but we’ve never been overly close. I talk to Rami every so often, but maybe once a year, and it’s always just a ‘hi, how are things going’ message.”
“Your siblings will be questioned by the council, but I don’t believe any of them will be in any trouble.”
I shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. That might sound cold, and it probably is, but they weren’t there for me. They knew I existed but never came home to check on me. I don’t hate them; I’m simply indifferent toward them.” Maybe that’s why I’d always longed for a large family of my own. I’d never had a family growing up. My parents had kept me fairly isolated simply because they had to hide the fact that they weren’t aging. They weren’t in the den because if they were, then someone would notice how Mother treated me.
“Would you want a relationship with your siblings if they asked?”
I thought about it for a minute before shaking my head. “I don’t think so. I know that some of them are mated, but I’ve only ever met Rami’s mate. She seems nice, but again, they have their own lives, and they never really seemed interested in mine. Why do I need to make an effort?”
Warwick’s arms gave me a squeeze. “You don’t. I was simply asking. I’ll support you either way, and if you ever change your mind, nobody is going to be upset.”
Would I? I couldn’t say. There was simply too much going on in my life in the last month to even think about adding a relationship with my siblings to it. It simply wasn’t going to happen.
“How was work? Did you find out all the interesting and fascinating things about the assignment in Venice?”
Warwick kissed the back of my head. “No. The council has the main bad guy somewhere, but two are missing. And they’re bad.”
“Bad-bad? Or just bad? There are different levels of bad out there.”
“Bad-bad. These two show no remorse for anything, nor do they seem to have any limits as to what they are willing to do in the name of the coven and getting things accomplished.”
I shivered. I couldn’t verify it, but I would bet my life that I’d encountered more than one person like that in my lifetime. They just had a certain look in their eyes that said they had little to no moral compass.
I felt Warwick’s thoughts creeping in. “No, don’t,” I said. “Don’t think you’re like them.”
“Am I not though? I used to do absolutely vile things.”
“Only because your master ordered you to. But think about it. You’re here why?” I didn’t let him answer. “Because you fought back. Why did you fight back? Because you knew it was wrong and chose to. That there makes you not like them. That makes all of you not like them. You didn’t have a choice. Now you do. And you choose to be here, helping others.” Would he be satisfied with my response? I wasn’t sure, but it was how I felt about him. “I love you, Warwick. More than anything else in this world.” I rolled over. It took some effort since my stomach now got in the way, but I got there, and when I did, I felt the stress of seeing my parents simply float away. I wasn’t sure how he could do that, but he did. “You are amazing. And you’re going to be a wonderful father when we have our babies. Don’t think otherwise.”
Warwick leaned in and kissed my forehead. “I love you too. I don’t know what I ever did to get chosen for a mate because I certainly don’t deserve you or our twins. But I’m going to do everything I can to be the person that you all can be proud of.”
I shook my head before I leaned closer. “I already am. You might not get it or understand, but I’m already proud of you. You are so wonderful. You don’t see it though, and that’s sad at times, but you are worthy of love, Warwick.”
I didn’t know how else to tell him. I’d said these words more than once, but like me, he needed to hear them over and over. I would never get tired of saying or hearing those words. They meant a lot, and the fact that Warwick was so free with them when it came to me was reassuring.
“Let’s talk about something else,” Warwick said.
“All right. Are you going to go to Venice?”
“No. I’m not on field duty until after I come back after the twins are born.”