Dominic shook his head. “I said mostly drugs. There are a few other things. Stolen goods is another.”
I got a sinking feeling. “Is he selling people?” We knew the trafficking was worldwide, and we were working to get a branch of the council set up here in Sicily, but it was going to be some months still before it was up and running. It took time to get people to up and leave their lives behind and move to another country to form a paranormal government.
Dominic shrugged. “I wouldn’t put it past him. I’m a nobody in the coven though, and I don’t have access to anything that will say what specifically goes on. Only a very select few do, and I’m nowhere near close enough to be in the inner circle. I work in marketing. I make sure the outside world thinks the corporation is on the up-and-up. It’s not something I chose; it’s something I was told I would do.”
I stopped walking along the pathway that ran along the beach and stared at Dominic. “What do you mean? There’s a whole lot to unpack right now.”
Dominic sighed. “Go home, Warwick. One person working for the council can’t take on all of the warlocks here at the coven. I’m no threat to you, but they will be coming for not only you but me, most likely.”
That simply wasn’t going to work. “You’re not mated,” I said. “Will they come after your family?”
Dominic shook his head. “I’m old. Almost three hundred. My parents are long gone, and I’m an only child. I’ve tried to leave a few times, but Master Conti’s reach is far. Let’s just say that, more than once, I’m surprised I survived.”
I glanced around, then grabbed Dominic’s arm. We were instantly gone and back in my hotel room. Dominic looked around before shaking his head.
“Talk. You offered to show me around, but you just warned me away from your office. Now you’re saying your coven master is abusive. Explain.”
“I could have met you elsewhere, but Master Conti doesn’t like strangers. Those that are unknown are dangerous to his empire. He’s a tyrant. He’s dirty. He’s definitely selling drugs, guns, and yeah, probably people. He fronts it through the corporation. We’re in shipping. The corporation is also heavily into real estate. Those buildings are mostly large warehouses. Warehouses that are used for storage. Of course, we can’t leave the coven. If we do, we could share things he doesn’t want others to know. Many have tried. Some return after a time; some we never see again.”
“Who all is in on it?” I asked. I pulled out my phone, and after unlocking it, I opened the contacts and immediately scrolled to Master Edison’s name and touched it.
“I’m not aware of who is involved. The upper end of the coven for certain, but I don’t know about anyone beyond that. I’m sure there are, but I cannot give you names.”
“What am I hearing, Warwick?” I heard Master Edison asking when I brought my phone up to my ear.
“We have a situation here in Venice, Master. One that I believe needs to be addressed immediately.”
There was a long moment of silence before a loud sigh came through the phone. “Warwick, you are supposed to be on vacation. Not working.”
“Yes, Master. I am on vacation. I cannot help it that I happened to meet up with a certain warlock here and disturbing things have been brought to my attention.”
Another long pause. “Where are you?” I gave him the name of my hotel and the room number without a thought. “Very well. Do I need to come there, or can you come here?”
“I can—”
“No, you know what? I’ll come to you. Do I need to bring anyone?”
I had no idea who he should bring, but he probably shouldn’t come alone. “Umm…whomever you wish, Master. But we’re dealing with a dirty coven. One that seems to be quite powerful too,” I said, looking directly at Dominic, who nodded.
“Very well. Give me ten, maybe fifteen minutes.”
“Yes, Master.” That was the end of the call, and I put my phone in my pocket.
“Are you a warlock hybrid?” Dominic asked. I tilted my head to the side, trying to figure out how to answer him. It was a valid question, and it honestly made sense with my ability to both shift as well as have magical powers.
“No, Dominic. I’m not a hybrid. At least not that I’m aware of. I’m a hellhound.” I figured there was no point in keeping that from him any longer since he was about to meet the created warlock at a minimum.
Dominic’s eyes rounded, and he took a step back. I chuckled and shook my head. “Do you wish to sit? Master Edison is going to be a few minutes. He’s going to bring some others, but he probably needs to figure out who to ask.” I held out my hand toward the small sofa. It sat two, or one and a half when I was sitting on it.
Dominic slowly moved over toward the sofa and sat. He looked at me and opened his mouth a few times before finally shaking his head and leaning back into the sofa.
“What? You can ask your questions.”
I nodded, then grinned. “And Master Edison is the created warlock.”
Dominic’s eyes widened, and he suddenly scented of fear. He’d not had that when I mentioned I was a hellhound. Uncertainty, sure, but not fear.