Page 29 of Warwick

“Yes, I’d heard that you had found your mate. Congratulations on that,” Alpha Sergei said. He quickly glanced at Alpha Vitomir before his eyes met mine again. “What is it that you need help with exactly?”

“We were given a house, and we’ve moved into it, but I don’t know how to be romantic. Atticus and Damien said I needed to romance Cecil, and I tried, but I know I failed. We were having lunch, and he suddenly withdrew.”

“What did you say?” Alpha Vitomir asked. “Cecil? As in my grandson?”

I nodded slowly. “I need help, Alpha. I know he deserves so much more than what I am, but my beast says he’s my mate, and your grandson says I’m his. How do I treat him like he deserves?”

There was a low growl in the room. Alpha Sergei stood, and Alpha mate Chin chuckled. He suddenly stood. “I will handle this. I think coming from me, I might have a bit more of an omega’s inside perspective. No?”

I was a bit surprised but left with Alpha mate Chin anyway. I heard Alpha Vitomir and Alpha Sergei arguing, but when Chin grabbed my arm and pulled me along, I went with the omega dragon.

“What were you doing when your mate became upset? You mentioned that you messed up. How is it that you think you went wrong?”

I sighed. “We were having lunch. I got a drive-thru that he wanted, and we took it back to our new place. We were eating, talking, and suddenly, Cecil seemed to become upset. I realize I’m not who anyone would really want for a mate, but Cecil says I’m his.” I looked down at Chin. “I need to know how to romance him. Atticus said I needed romance. Damien agreed. But they also said I needed to claim him so I could form a bond with him, and then I’d know what he was thinking. Which was probably my best chance at not upsetting him. They don’t seem to have much faith in me not screwing things up.” I shrugged. “I’m inclined to agree. I’ve never been in a relationship.”

Chin smiled. “Well, romance can be subjective. What one person considers romantic could be eh to another. Does your mate like flowers? Dancing? Quiet dinners? Gentle touches? Cuddling on the couch?”

I had no clue. “Are all of those things romantic?”

“They can be, certainly. But again, it really depends on what your mate considers romantic. Some are incredibly moved by acts of service. Someone doing the dishes for them or all of the laundry. Carrying the groceries into the house for them. Things such as that, although everyday tasks that we have to deal with, can also be considered romantic gestures to the right person. Do you know anything at all about your mate? How long have you two known one another?”

I shook my head. “I don’t know much of anything about him. How do I find these things out? All I really know is that he is Alpha Vitomir’s great-grandson. His parents are real pieces of work, and he spent years being mistreated by them. He works with Dr. King, and he likes Chinese food. That’s the extent of what I know about him so far.”

Chin grinned. “That is a start. We have two options. You can either go all out and do everything you can think of to show him you want to be a good, loving, and attentive mate to him. Or we can go to Lev and ask for some insider help with his grandson. Which do you think you’d prefer?”

“I would think that asking his other grandfather for help would be more beneficial, wouldn’t it?”

“Probably. It can’t hurt to try other things as well, but we’ll go visit Lev, and you can listen to what he suggests when it comes to Cecil.” Chin grabbed my arm again and pulled me in the other direction. I wasn’t sure where we were going until we were walking toward the main doors that I picked up on the fact that we were actually leaving the council building.

“Is Alpha mate Lev not here today?”

“He doesn’t come too often, from what I have seen. He often helps out with the childcare center, but I know that he’s home today after yesterday’s family dinner. Vitomir was talking about it in passing not long before you showed up.”

We left the council building, and once outside, Chin looked up at me expectantly. I continued to stare at him in return.

“I see what might be part of the issue already, but we’ll work on that. Do you know where Alpha Vitomir and Lev live?”

I nodded. All of the enforcers knew where the other created ones lived. We’d all spent time learning scents and where they belonged. It helped when it was time to patrol the mountaintop.

“Then take us there. You have magic, no?”

“Oh. Yes. I can do that.” Since Chin was already touching my arm, I didn’t need to grab ahold of him. I had us standing in front of Alpha Vitomir’s place in a blink, and Chin smiled up at me.

“You did good. Now we talk to Lev and see what you need to do in order to impress his grandson.”

I wish it could be that easy, but I was sure it wasn’t going to be. Nothing seemed to be in my favor when it came to Cecil. On top of everything else, there was still the new discovery about the coven in Venice. I was going to have to decide if I wanted to be involved in that or not. Yesterday, I would have said that without a doubt I wanted to be in the thick of things. Today? My beast was grumbling about the thought of leaving Cecil. Was this what Damien and Atticus went through every time they had to go off on assignment with their mates being left behind?

Chin knocked loudly on the door, and we waited. It only took a moment for the door to open, and if it hadn’t been for the few times I’d seen Lev with Alpha Vitomir at the council, I wouldn’t have known who was standing in front of us.

“Hi, Lev. We need your help.”

“Chin,” Lev said, but his gaze was glued to me. “You must be Warwick.”

I nodded. “Yes. I’ve come to see if you can help me with an issue I’m having.”

Lev smiled. “Yes, so I’ve heard. You’re Cecil’s mate, apparently.”

“Yes. So he and my beast tell me.” I was going to ask how he knew that already but then remembered the bond thing and that of course Alpha Vitomir would have mentioned that to his mate through their bond just as soon as Chin and I had left the office.