Page 22 of Warwick

Atticus shook his head. “His beast took over. He was flustered because he didn’t have control over himself completely just then, and he was afraid of what might happen next. Trust me when I tell you he won’t ever intentionally harm you. He’s probably going to bruise your heart a time or two though,” Atticus said and then sighed. “I completely shattered my own mate’s because I denied our connection for a decade.”

“A decade?” I asked, entirely too loud. “And then he forgave you?” I wasn’t sure I could forgive Warwick if he ignored me for ten years. That was a very long time for resentment to build. Why would someone want to be apart from their mate for so long? I didn’t understand that.

“I was very lucky that he chose to forgive me. And it wasn’t an immediate thing. I had to work on proving to him that I was sorry.”

“So what is the plan?” Dr. King asked. “I assume that I’ll be losing my office manager soon, and I’ll need to make accommodations.”

“The plan is that hopefully Warwick will talk to Cecil today. He was talking to Master Edison just a little while ago. We tried to get him to understand what his beast was trying to tell him yesterday. Cecil saying he scented Warwick confirms what we were trying to tell him.”

I looked at Dr. King. “No, I’m not going anywhere,” I told him.

“You most certainly will be going somewhere,” Dr. King said. “You know how it works with omegas when they meet their mate. And the council will give Warwick time off to take care of you and for the two of you to strengthen your bond.”

I wanted to argue but instead kept quiet. I didn’t need to announce to everyone standing here that I wasn’t like other omegas. That I couldn’t give Warwick children. And thinking about that, it was possible that he would decide that he didn’t want me. Then that would solve all of the issues of needing time off. It would hurt, but I’d lived with a lifetime of hurt already. This one would hurt more though; I just knew it.

“Just give him a chance?” Damien asked. “He’s going to fumble. Part of that is because he’s a hellhound. A bigger part is because he’s Warwick. He’s quiet. Mostly because that’s just who he is. But in part because of how he’s seen by others. Warwick isn’t exactly a small man.”

“His size doesn’t bother me,” I interrupted. “And he’s always been kind when he’s talked to me.” Granted, it had only been twice, and only one of those times had we both been shifted and able to speak. But even that first time, Warwick had been concerned for me and had asked if I was lost.

“Maybe give him a little push?” Atticus suggested. “I’m not sure how it works as my mate is another alpha, but try some of that omega charm I’ve heard about from other enforcers?”

I snorted. Dr. King chuckled. “Omegas do indeed have a way about them. Thank you for the heads-up. I’m sure that Cecil and Warwick will be able to figure things out.”

I looked up at Dr. King, but my gaze was caught by Warwick, who was standing not far away. I’d not noticed him, but Dr. King had. My boss glanced down at me and smiled. “It’s a very slow day today. Only one appointment. Take all the time you need, and if you don’t show up, I’ll not worry too much. But just remember, he’s your mate, and the two of you can go at your own pace.”

I nodded. “Thanks, Dr. King.”

I peeked back over to Warwick and found him quietly talking to Atticus. Damien was still standing near us, and I looked over to the other hellhound in question.

“He’ll be a great mate. But he’s probably going to take a bit of time to get used to.”

“Doesn’t every mate?” I asked. “Learning to live with another person is always an adjustment.” Why would Warwick be any different? It was true, he knew him better than I did. But did they think I would give up on my mate simply because of who he was? I was a little more understanding, but not much.


I turned at the sound of my name coming from my mate. I smiled at him, and everyone else around seemed to disappear.

“Hi, Warwick.”

Chapter 9


My talk with Atticus and Damien last evening had kept me up most of the night. My meeting with Master Edison this morning has been much more helpful, and I certainly wanted to talk to Cecil. When I left the council building to go to the omega clinic to see if he was available for a quick chat and then maybe lunch later, I didn’t expect to find him standing out front with Dr. King, Atticus, and Damien. I didn’t understand that I couldn’t scent him, but I acknowledged that my beast was most certainly drawn to the cute omega.

I walked over, wondering if he had time to chat and, if so, what exactly I would say to him. I knew what Master Edison had recommended, but could I remember to get everything out? I wasn’t so sure.

“Everything all right?” Atticus asked as he joined me. I wasn’t sure Cecil had seen me yet, but I’d certainly noticed him.

“Sure. I just need to talk to Cecil for a moment,” I told him. After talking to Master Edison, I’d picked up on what he’d been telling me about my beast. I’d asked him how he knew so much about hellhounds and what we were going through, and he’d simply said that the goddess had told him. It was a bit frustrating. If she could give us back our magical powers, why couldn’t she give us the ability to scent our mates like any other shifter? It didn’t matter too terribly much. I just wanted to talk to Cecil and see if he was available later.

“See you in a bit,” I told Atticus. I walked away without a thought for my pack alpha, and when I made it to Cecil, my first thought was what he was thinking. “Cecil?”

“Hi, Warwick.”

He remembered my name. And that was something, I guess.

“Hi. I need to talk to you,” I said. “Will you have time later on this afternoon?” I wasn’t sure how the day would go with me trying to focus on work while not worrying about Cecil and what he would say.