Page 67 of Warwick

“Thank you for being here,” I told her.

She smiled. “I wouldn’t miss this for anything. Even if my brother is being his usual prickly self and trying to cause trouble.” Warwick stiffened. “Relax. He’s still very much stuck right where he is. He’s still in…what do you call it? Time-out, I believe? Our creator is still not too happy with my brother. He will have a long time stuck where he’s at before he’s allowed to even think about getting out.” The goddess stood from where she was leaning over Warwick. “I’ll take my leave now.” She looked directly at Grandfather. “Tell Edison to be sure to consult the hellhound book again. I’ve taken what Cecil had to say into consideration.” Seconds later, she was gone.

I dropped my gaze from where she’d been standing behind Warwick to my mate, who was still holding our babies.

“All right. Cecil is closed up as well as cleaned up,” Dr. King said. “Can we help you get more comfortable, Warwick?”

“I think I can stand, but I’d really rather you help Cecil sit up some. We can then give him the babies.”

I wasn’t going to say no. I wanted to hold our babies desperately, but I had wanted Warwick to hold them as well. I knew the thought of having tiny little beings in his arms was terrifying for him, but he was so gentle and protective with me I knew he would be the same with our children.

“I’ll help him,” Grandpa said. He helped pull me into a somewhat upright sitting position. There were several additional pillows behind me, but I was simply going to go with it.

When I was finally sitting to Grandpa’s satisfaction, Warwick leaned down, holding out his arms stiffly. I reached for Xander, and my heart melted as I got the first look at our son.

I pulled him close as Warwick carefully placed Zayne on my legs.

I glanced between the boys and then up at their alpha father and shook my head. “They are mini versions of Warwick,” I said.

One or both of the doctors chuckled. “Both of their eyes flamed before they calmed down,” Dr. Rothwell said.

I looked up at him, surprised. “Already?” Should they be able to do that? Shifters didn’t have the ability to shift until puberty.

“They had their magic until they were born,” Grandfather reminded me. “Their beasts most likely were acknowledging their alpha father before they went dormant until they hit their teens.”

That made sense. “Is that why your eyes flamed so bright?” I asked Warwick.

“Yes. My beast was seeing theirs. They are going to be beautiful in their beast forms, Cecil. Their coats aren’t coal black like mine though. They are black with some silver in them. I’d say their coats are more of a mixture of both of us.”

I smiled while looking down at my twins: one in my arms and one on my legs.

“The aftercare talk,” Dr. King said, drawing our attention. “I will be here for a few hours if needed, but otherwise, I am only a phone call away. The storm isn’t letting up anytime soon, it seems, but that doesn’t affect my ability to travel.”

“Rest,” Dr. Rothwell said.

“I will, Dr. Rothwell.” I yawned just then. It had been a long day, and although I’d not had a long pregnancy, it’d still drained my energy.

“Constantine is fine. Although you still call Maxwell Dr. King, I don’t mind being called by my first name.”

I shrugged. “He’s my boss. If he insisted I call him by his name, I might consider it.”

Dr. King chuckled. “I am not your boss. We work together. But we both work for the council. Consider your grandfather our boss.”

Grandfather shrugged. “In a way, I guess. Your grandpa and I are going to take the last room on the left,” he said. “If you need help with the twins, we’ll be here for the next day or two. Well, Lev will. I have to be at the council in the morning for a meeting.”

“If you need help getting there, I’m more than willing to help in any way I can,” Warwick said.

“I appreciate it. But I think my bear would very much like to go for a romp through the snow. It’s been a while since I’ve had the opportunity to just enjoy a leisurely stroll through snow as deep as it is out there now.”

Grandpa kissed the top of my head before he gently touched each of the twins on their heads and climbed off the bed.

“It was a pleasure and honor to be here to assist in the birth of your twins,” Constantine said. “I am going to take my leave. You are, of course, welcome to call me if needed, but Maxwell is more than capable.”

“Thank you, Dr. Rothwell,” Warwick said.

Constantine looked as if he was going to say something but instead just nodded. He glanced at Dr. King before he followed my grandparents out of the room. It was probably the middle of the night in Amherst at this point, so I didn’t blame him at all.

That left us with Dr. King. “I will be downstairs if you need anything. Spend this time bonding with your boys though. Take it easy for the night if you can, Cecil. I’ll let myself out in a few hours and then be back tomorrow to check on you and the twins. If you need anything before then, you know how to get in contact.”