“This is true,” Dr. Rothwell said. “Miles had me change our nursery several times before our triplets were two.”
“Really?” I asked.
“Yes. Just pick something that interests you and will bring you a sense of calmness. Go from there.”
I could do that. “Can you do the nursery in stars? You know the one we were looking at?” I asked Warwick. My mate smiled as he leaned close. He kissed me and then ran his fingers through my damp hair.
“Done. And if you decide you don’t like that, we’ll pick something else out. But right now, let’s focus on getting the babies here with us.”
I nodded. That was good.
“Are you ready?” Dr. King asked.
“As ready as I’m going to be. I’m not sure about doing this again, so let’s get this over with.” I looked at Warwick with wide eyes. He grinned at me.
“If you only want the two, that is fine with me. I’m not the one that has to carry them. We will have as few or as many as you wish.”
I shook my head. “I’m just nervous. I’ve always wanted a big family.” I reached for Warwick. He leaned down and gave me a kiss. As he did, I felt myself starting to float, which surprised me a bit. Warwick pulled away, and I looked up at him. “Why am I floating?”
“That was us,” Dr. King said. “We have numbed you so there is no pain during the delivery. Most omegas really like the floating feeling.”
“I can see why. If I was having strong contractions, I can see how that would be nice.”
“Because your omega line didn’t open, we have to cut you open, Cecil. Without numbing it, there would be a great deal of pain,” Dr. Rothwell said.
“I understand. Is it time for the babies now?” I asked. “Where’s Grandpa?”
“I’m here,” Grandpa said. He came over to stand behind Warwick.
“Can you hold my other hand?” I asked.
“Of course.” Grandpa Lev moved around the bed, and when he crawled onto it, I realized he was wearing flannel pants.
Once he was settled on the bed, I said, “I’m sorry you were pulled from bed. It’s late, huh?”
Grandpa smiled down at me. “Babies come when they’re ready. They have no sense of time, so don’t apologize. Your grandfather and I were in bed, yes, but we were watching one of our cooking shows.”
I smiled at that. Grandpa loved to cook, and Grandfather humored him by watching the various cooking shows with him. Although I knew the truth. Grandfather liked those shows just as much as Grandpa.
“Cecil, we’re going to begin now. You’re going to feel some movement and possibly a bit of pressure, but there won’t be any pain,” Dr. King said.
The doctors were standing side by side, down by my waist, which made perfect sense. I found Grandfather standing at the foot of the bed beside the goddess.
“I’m ready.” I took Grandpa’s hand on the right and Warwick’s on the left. I turned my head to the left and stared into Warwick’s eyes. I felt movement, but that was it. Then more, and suddenly, Warwick’s eyes flamed.
“Are you all right?” I asked, suddenly worried about my mate.
“Fine,” he said, a light growl to his voice.
More movement was made, and I heard the doctors talking to each other and then a loud cry. When the baby cried out, Warwick’s eyes flamed so bright I had to look away. I turned my head toward the sound and saw Dr. King handing the baby to Dr. Rothwell.
“The first baby is quite loud,” Dr. Rothwell said. He moved the baby to the bed, where I lost sight of him.
Dr. King smiled. “It’s safe to say his lungs are quite developed.”
I smiled. When I looked back over to Warwick, he was staring toward the baby. Even from where I was, I could see that his eyes were definitely those of his beast.