Well, I guess there was that. I looked back to Warwick. “It will be all right. We’re a team, and we will be all right.”
I sighed. I wished I had his confidence. I was absolutely terrified.
“How about we let the two of you see your babies again? That might go a long way with helping Cecil feel a bit calmer about the short gestational length,” Constantine said. I wasn’t so sure, but I wouldn’t say no to seeing the babies again. The last time, they had been so incredibly small, and in all honesty, you could hardly tell they were babies.
But when the room went suddenly dark and then an image was projected in the air in front of us, I gasped at what I was seeing.
“Is that them?” I asked.
“That is. You have two very healthy boys there,” Dr. King said.
I could only stare at the image in front of me. They were moving a little, and although they didn’t look like they were ready to be born, they certainly looked a whole lot more developed than they had last time.
“Are you still worried?” Warwick asked.
I looked up at my mate. “A little. It’s a whole lot of changes in such a short time.” I glanced at the babies again. Seeing them like that, though, made it seem so much more real. We were having babies. Soon.
Chapter 19
Ihadn’t thought it would be too much different to be back at work after finding my mate, but I was wrong. I suddenly found myself looking at everything differently. The desire to be involved in every assignment was gone. It wasn’t that I didn’t wish to still be involved. I did. And I was itching to find out what had been developing with the coven in Venice. There had been several meetings regarding it this week, but today’s meeting was the first that I’d been involved with. My pack, of course, knew most things that had been going on with Cecil, but the rest of the enforcers hadn’t been informed.
“So is Warwick going to Venice with us next week?” Frederick asked. He’d been on at least two different short assignments in the time I’d been off with Cecil, and apparently, nobody had thought to let him know that I wasn’t going to be leaving the immediate area for at least the next month.
I was only back at work because Cecil had insisted once he had come to terms with the fact that we would be having our twins in our lives incredibly soon. As in within-a-week-or-two soon.
“No,” I told him. I glanced around the room, my eyes landing on Master Edison in question. “Do they not know?”
“I had a meeting with your pack, but beyond that, the enforcers are not aware of everything.”
“What’s going on?” Sebastian asked. He and his own One had a baby girl, and he himself had just come back to work this week.
“Since there wasn’t any information about anyone being pregnant with a hellhound’s baby or carrying hellhound babies, Master Edison reached out to the goddess to ask questions,” I told those in the room. “She, for whatever reason, decided that when a hellhound baby was involved, the gestation is six weeks.”
“Six weeks?” Benjamin said. I nodded. “That’s shorter than Eli’s gestation. How is that even possible?”
“How is any of it possible?” Master Edison said. “Magic.” Master Edison got up and started walking around the conference room we were all in.
“Wait, so is Cecil carrying a hellhound baby?” Benjamin asked.
“Two, actually,” I said. I’d not told anyone anything except the pack.
“Seriously?” Sebastian said. “Congratulations.” Sebastian’s brow furrowed. “When is he due?”
I chuckled. “Next week. But we honestly don’t know if it will actually be next week or not since there’s never been a hellhound baby before.”
“Why are you even here?” Frederick asked. Benjamin and Sebastian chuckled.
“Because my mate basically kicked me out because he knows how much guilt I’ll feel with having taken so much time off.” That conversation still plays over and over in my head.
“Go to work, Warwick.”
“I don’t have to. The pack and Master Edison know how things are with you and the babies. I don’t have to be back until after I’ve had my time off after you have them.”
“No, you need to go back to work. Grandpa Lev is here every day with me, so I won’t be alone. I’ll reach out to you the moment my first contraction hits. And my omega line is completely closed. Not even pink yet.”
“We have things to do still to get ready, Cecil.”