I looked over at Warwick. “You might as well let them in. I can be a circus act for them, apparently.” I glared toward the others.
Warwick used magic because the door suddenly opened, and the others all filed into our sanctuary. I tried to not be upset, but I couldn’t help it. I wanted to go back upstairs and hide out in our bed, shutting out the rest of the world.
“We do apologize, Cecil,” Master Edison said. “We do not wish to make you feel as if you are an exhibit somewhere.”
I sighed. “I’m sorry too. I’m apparently emotional when pregnant. I just didn’t really expect to have four additional people in the room when I had an exam.” If they thought for one second that I was going to allow anyone other than Dr. King and Warwick in the room when I had the twins, no. It wasn’t happening.
Grandpa Lev walked over toward us and knelt down. “I thought you and Warwick might need some support. We weren’t going to stay for more than the news.”
I nodded. “And what is the news?” I asked. I looked around, wondering who had it. Grandfather, perhaps? I moved my eyes to meet his.
It was Master Edison who spoke up though. “There is some interesting news with hellhounds that the goddess shared with us.”
I met the created warlock’s gaze, wondering if I was going to like this news or not. Absently, I reached for Warwick’s hand, and when he grabbed mine and laced our fingers together, a sense of calm washed over me.
“Interesting how?” Warwick asked.
“Yes, that. So the goddess has decided that since there are only a few hellhounds, two of which are already mated to other alphas and cannot have children, those that find omega mates will have short pregnancies.”
I glanced over at Warwick. “I wouldn’t consider five months all that long,” I told my mate.
“Not as long as others,” he countered.
“You don’t seem to understand,” Master Edison said. I looked back to him and waited for him to continue. “Your pregnancy has been taken over by the hellhound side. Your pregnancy will be shortened to only six weeks when carrying a hellhound baby or babies.”
My ears started ringing. I shook my head slowly. “I’m sorry, what?”
“Six weeks. You will carry the twins for six weeks before you will be due to give birth.”
There was no way. Five months didn’t become six weeks. “No. That’s not possible. I’m a bear shifter. They carry babies for five months.”
It was Dr. King who answered. “You are the first to carry hellhound babies. When I measured them before, they were developmentally larger and further along than they should have been. I know it’s a huge shock, but your new due date is the sixteenth.”
I could only blink at Dr. King and the others.
“No,” I said again and looked around. “That’s only two weeks from now. I can’t be ready to give birth in just two more weeks. We don’t have anything for the baby. We aren’t ready for them yet.”
I looked up at Warwick. I wasn’t ready to share him yet. We were still falling more in love. He was amazing, and he was going to be a wonderful dad. But we needed more time.
“Why would she do that?” I blurted out. “That’s just dumb. Let me carry them for the full allotted time.”
“You will if you become pregnant with a polar bear cub,” Master Edison said.
I leaned over into Warwick’s side. This was definitely a whole lot. How did I even process all of this? I couldn’t. At least not at the moment. The thought that I could go into labor as early as next week was impossible.
“What about my stomach?”
“What about it?” Master Edison asked.
“It’s not really big. If I’m to give birth in a week or two, then shouldn’t I be showing?”
“You would if you were shorter. You happen to be fairly tall, and that helps to hide a pregnant stomach.” I sighed. I didn’t think I was that tall. In fact, for a bear omega, I was actually really short and way too slender.
“Are you all right?” Grandpa Lev asked. I shook my head at his question.
“I don’t think I am, actually. It’s a lot to take in and in such a short timeframe.” I paused, trying to figure out how I actually was feeling. “How are you? Are you upset about the babies coming so soon?”
Warwick shook his head. “No. Whether the babies come next week or several months from now, we are going to be the best parents we can. We just need to make sure we have everything for them a bit quicker than anticipated. They are going to be here no matter when, and we can’t change that.”