Page 43 of Warwick

“Warwick. It’s good to see you. Congratulations,” he said.

“Ramsey?” Cecil said loudly before he looked at me. “Is he the Ramsey that said you shouldn’t ever smile?” Cecil started glaring at the gargoyle.

I looked to Dr. King for help. “Second door on the left, Warwick. I’ll be with the two of you in just a moment.”

I nodded, picked up Cecil, and carried him down the hallway. “No, Warwick. I want to tell that jackass off. How dare he say you shouldn’t smile. Your smile is amazing, just like you are.”

“Shh,” I said as I entered the door that Dr. King had indicated. I gently pushed it shut with a bit of magic behind me before I placed Cecil on the exam table. “It’s not important. You and I are here, we’re together, and that’s all there is to it. Don’t worry about Ramsey or what he says. He’s in trouble more often than not with Chief Daegal.”

Cecil stared up at me but finally seemed to relent when Dr. King knocked on the door and then peeked his head in. Hopefully, we were about to get some solid answers, and Cecil would finally believe me when I said he was pregnant.

Chapter 16


“Cecil, it’s good to see you. But I will say that I didn’t quite expect to see you so soon. Most omegas don’t come to see me until they’ve been mated a bit longer.”

“I’m not sure what to say, Dr. King. I don’t have heats, but Warwick swears I did, and now he’s saying I’m pregnant. But I shifted and came here in my bear form. Tell me that isn’t all kinds of messed up.”

Dr. King’s eyes went from Warwick to me, where he held my gaze. “All right. Maybe let’s start at the beginning. And first, congratulations again.” Dr. King gestured between the two of us. He pulled a rolling stool over and sat down. “Tell me about your heats.”

I shook my head. There were no heats to speak of.

“No you won’t talk about them?”

“That’s not it. I’ve just never had them. I never did, and it was something my parents definitely held against me. I’m an omega, their only omega son, and I’m defective and can’t even do the one thing I’m supposed to be able to do.”

Dr. King glanced at Warwick, who was shaking his head before he pulled up a chair and sat in it.

“All right. So no heats. None, ever?”

“No,” I told him. “I’ve never had one. I hit puberty and was able to start shifting, but no heats ever came. Warwick said I had one though, and what he described to me and then showed me through his memories, I’d say I actually did. I just don’t remember most of it.”

“Okay. And no suppressors or anything else of that nature?”

“No.” I shook my head.


“I didn’t need them. At least that’s what I thought. But then when we claimed each other, well, I think I might have gone into heat, and Warwick swears I’m pregnant, but I shifted, so I’m saying no. But I just don’t know. I don’t feel pregnant, but his beast insists I am. So now we’re here.”

Dr. King looked just as puzzled as I felt. He looked to Warwick for his side of things, I guess, because Warwick started speaking. “He had a heat. Even before we claimed one another, he was showing signs of it starting. His cheeks went from pink to red. He kept saying it was hot in the house. His eyes became glassy, and in all honesty, he was acting a lot like humans do when they’re drunk. And once we bit each other, it was full-blown. It was then six days of sexual need.”

“All right. And the pregnancy?” Dr. King asked.

“I noticed his scent changed yesterday. Today, I discovered he was shifted on the back deck. When I joined him, my beast could scent the baby. He’s telling me Cecil is definitely carrying a hellhound’s baby.”

“See, that doesn’t make sense,” I told my boss. “I shouldn’t be shifting if I’m pregnant.”

Dr. King sighed. “Yes, possibly. But there are some that can continue to shift well into their pregnancies. And I’ll agree with your mate already, you are most certainly pregnant. I can detect the auras of the babies already.”

I stopped breathing. “What?” I asked quietly. I was pregnant?

“Babies?” Warwick asked.

“I am not pulling a Constantine here, I swear. I’m not meaning to spill any news prematurely, but you seem to be under the impression that you’re not pregnant. I’m telling you now that yes, you are. And it’s twins. This is something you need to be prepared for because the pregnancy will be different than one with just a single baby.” Dr. King looked at Warwick. “You said his scent changed yesterday?”

“For me, yes. I noticed it almost immediately when we woke up. It might have been changing before then, I just didn’t notice. But yesterday, it was obvious.”