My teeth tingled as well, and when I pushed up and couldn’t pull back out, I reached up and wrapped a hand around Cecil’s neck. I pulled him down on top of me, my mouth immediately going to his shoulder. I pushed Cecil’s face into mine, and when I opened and bit down, my orgasm slammed into me the same instant my beast howled in my head. Cecil screamed, the sound muffled by his mouth against my neck. But then I felt a sharp pain against my collarbone.
Cecil’s body trembled above me, his teeth pulling from me just before he went limp above me. I pulled my teeth out, licked over his bite, and wrapped my arms around his slim body. Another pulse of pleasure went through me every time I moved, and I wondered if it was like this because we’d claimed each other or because Cecil was in heat.
I tried to move onto the bed more, but when I did, Cecil moaned, and there was a pull against my knot that wasn’t exactly pleasant. I gave up and used magic to relocate us onto the center of the bed. I was incredibly thankful for the extra-large bed, which would provide us not only plenty of room to sleep side by side but also for other activities.
It was sinking in what had just happened. I really hoped that Cecil would forgive me when he came out of his heat. I had more questions than I did answers, and I was definitely going to need to ask someone about why my new mate hadn’t yet had a heat until this very moment.
Cecil moaned again, and I absently ran my hand up and down his back. Would he remember this? I sure hoped so. He’d said he wanted me, and I was holding on to those words. I couldn’t undo what we’d just done, so it didn’t matter too much. Well, it did, but again, I couldn’t change the fact that we’d just claimed each other.
Cecil moved, and when his head turned, I waited, wondering if he was going to sit up. When he only changed position, then wiggled to get comfortable, I smiled. I let my thoughts wander again, and when they moved to the omega lying knotted to me, reality seemed to set in. I was mated. My mate was an omega. Despite the fact that he swore he’d never had a heat before, I knew he was in heat. We’d knotted together. Were we about to become parents? Would we have a little polar bear cub? There was no way we could have a little hellhound cub, could we?
I shook my head. No. I had so many questions I wondered if I’d be able to remember all of them when we came out of the other side of Cecil’s heat.
I reached up to my shoulder to scratch and remembered why it would be itching. Cecil had come more than once, and both times, it had gone all over my stomach and chest. Not only were we locked together, but we were also covered in my mate’s release. I used magic to clean us, feeling good about the ability to take care of my mate in such a way.
Cecil moved his head again, then moaned. When his body stiffened, I realized he was waking up. I ran my hand up and down his back some more, curious about how this was going to go. Would he be happy? Still not completely coherent because of his heat? Would he be upset? I hoped it wasn’t the last.
Cecil pushed up, looked around, and then finally met my gaze. I kept my hands loosely around his hips, hoping he didn’t pull away too much in either direction. “Warwick,” he whispered.
Cecil smiled. “It wasn’t a dream.” He sighed and lay back down. Seconds later, I heard a little snore. Did he seriously fall back asleep? I heard the snore again. Yes, he did. I didn’t know if I should feel proud that I’d worn him out or upset that my abilities were so lacking that he’d fallen asleep with me knotted to him. After the day I’d had, I was going with the first. I’d simply worn him out.
Chapter 14
My ass hurt. My neck burned, my mouth felt like the desert, and my entire body ached like I’d been body slammed by someone much larger than me. And I’d had the oddest dream. There was no way that I’d woken up with a beast with fire eyes looming over me. The beast had licked up the side of my neck and then disappeared, which was the oddest thing. I didn’t understand it, not even a little.
I rolled over and grabbed my head. Seriously, my body felt like it weighed a thousand pounds. Why did I feel so terrible? I tried to roll again but froze when I encountered something. Or rather, someone. I opened an eye, immediately relieved that it wasn’t extremely bright inside the room.
I saw an arm that was attached to a chest. A massive chest that was covered in hair. Warwick. I gasped, pushed up, and immediately regretted my choice. Warwick turned his head, his dark eyes looking right at me, and where I expected irritation, I saw only concern.
“What do you need?” he asked. “Do you want to crawl back on top?”
Well, that was an interesting proposition. I wasn’t sure I’d ever had that question asked of me before. And although it sounded like an amazing idea, I wasn’t sure I was up for it. I shook my head but grabbed it when the movement caused it to throb painfully.
“I’m not sure what’s wrong. My entire body aches, but my head especially hurts.”
Warwick sat up, and the man had absolutely no right looking that good after being in bed. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but it’s good to hear you talking to me coherently.”
I was rubbing my head and stopped to look at Warwick. “Why would you say that?”
Warwick sat up the rest of the way, the sheet pooling around his waist. I really wanted to see what was under that sheet. We’d claimed each other last night, but I didn’t remember exactly what Warwick looked like below the waist. But with the way my ass hurt this morning, I could only imagine just how big he was.
“Cecil, what do you remember?”
“We had pizza. I remember asking you to fuck me, and you carried me upstairs.” That’s where it got a little fuzzy, and I rubbed my forehead again, trying to figure out why. “I know we claimed each other. I can see my bite on your shoulder.” I winced. That had to hurt. “Sorry about my aim. I guess I was a little off.” Warwick shrugged. “I guess I was on top at some point. You asked me a bit ago if I wanted to climb back on top.” My head was really throbbing. “I’m not trying to say it wasn’t amazing, because I am sure it absolutely was. But I don’t remember being on top.”
Warwick chuckled. I wanted to glare, but that hurt my head even more. But when I looked at him, he was holding out a glass. I took it and sighed as the cool water slid down my dry throat. It felt wonderful, and I managed to drink the entire glass in seconds.
“Oh, that’s wonderful. Thank you.”
“You’re very welcome. We should probably talk.”
I looked at Warwick, suddenly worried. “You know, if we were human, those words are usually precursors for the we-need-to-break-up talk.”
Warwick grinned and shook his head. I couldn’t help but stare. He was seriously gorgeous. His hair was absolutely wild this morning, but that only added to it. “No, no breaking up for us. But we do need to talk.”