We both knew that he had always had feelings for Nico, but was just too afraid to let him know, and still hadn’t. However, both of us could see that he was starting to get close to Gaby. Neither of us knew if she felt the same way, but if she did, what would we do? I sat there trying to work out how I would feel, bringing another man into our relationship. I personally had no feelings for him, so I wouldn’t be involved with him myself, but if that was what my Angel wanted then should I really put barriers in the way?
Nico hadn’t told me his feelings about it, especially his feelings for Gino, so I knew we had a lot to talk about, and that also included talking to Gino himself. He might not want to be part of our group and prefer just to have Gaby or Nico to himself. I hoped that neither of them would agree to that, because I couldn’t stand to lose them. They were my life, and I really wasn’t sure if, now that I had them both, I would survive without them.
Nevertheless, I couldn’t worry about that now. I had to get all these negative thoughts from my head. Right now, we had to look after Gaby and her feelings. Today had been a traumatic experience for her, knowing that Vincent was still trying to get her back and would do anything he could to make that happen was worrying enough. Involving Viktor had just made matters worse.
I knew Nico was best placed to be with her right now, even though it was killing me knowing Gaby was upset and I wasn’t with her. Nico was the more caring of the two of us. It was hard to believe that a person that was so ruthless in one respect could be so loving and caring in another. He was exactly what Gaby needed right now. Someone who would care for her and listen to her, or even make love to her, one thing that I had never been that good at without bringing my dominant side into the situation. I guessed that was why we all worked. We gave each other what we all needed. I could provide Gaby with the Dom/sub relationship that she craved, and provide the aftercare that she needed when we had played out a scene. Nico, on the other hand, could provide the devotion of a loving, caring partner that I sometimes lacked.
At least, for now, I knew that Gaby was safe, and was being cared for by the man we both loved, and that was all that mattered to me.
IT WAS JUST BEFORE seven in the evening when I arrived home. My meeting had gone on longer than I expected, and try as I might, I wasn’t able to get away and home to Gaby and Nico like I had wanted to. I walked into the apartment after saying goodbye to Gino in the parking lot and heading up in the private elevator. I expected to find both of them together on the couch, but was surprised when only Nico was there nursing a scotch. This immediately put my nerves on edge, because he only ever drank now when he was worried about something, and after what happened today, this set alarm bells ringing in my head.
I could see his eyes were red and he had been crying. Instantly, I went over to him and sat down beside him, pulling him into my side.
“What’s wrong, Nico? Where’s Gaby?”
It was only when those words left my lips that I started to panic. Had she walked out on us both, unable to continue with our relationship after what had happened today? I immediately went to get up and head upstairs to check if she was still here.
Nico’s words stopped me. “I left her asleep on the bed. She hasn’t left us, and she isn’t going to, so you don’t have to worry about that.”
I breathed a sigh of relief, as that had been the one thing I was most worried about. Everything else I could deal with, but the thought of losing my Angel after just getting her back was too much to bear. But that still didn’t explain what was wrong with Nico.
“So, if it’s not Gaby, what’s the problem?”
He placed his glass down on the table and leaned into me. It was more serious than I thought. He was always the one to initiate any comfort and hardly ever expected it from me, knowing that it wasn’t really something I did. Well, not very well, anyway. I placed my arm around him and started to stroke his hair as he would with me.
He sighed, snuggled into my chest, and started to speak. “I’m sorry, Hudson. I feel as though I have betrayed you. I’ve spent the whole afternoon with Rosa in bed, and you weren’t with us.”
I had to hold back my chuckle as he told me. Did he really think I would be annoyed that he had spent the afternoon in bed with Gaby? We had all agreed that there would be times when only two out of the three of us would be together. But I knew he needed comforting over this, so I chose to use my bedroom name for him.
“Babe, did you really think I would be annoyed by that? You know we agreed there would be times it was just you and Gaby. You both needed today. After everything Gaby had been through, and you hearing what Vincent had done to her, you needed that time together to comfort each other. Did Gaby want it?”
He nodded his head in reply.
“And did you want it?”
Again, he nodded his head.
“Then what’s the problem? I knew you would want to comfort Gaby this afternoon. That was why I suggested you take her home.”
“But I feel as though I have disrespected your relationship without being given permission.”
I gently placed my fingers under his chin and pulled his head up so he could look into my eyes.
“You don’t need my permission. She is ours. We share her, the same as she shares us. Would you expect her permission to spend the night with me? No, you wouldn’t. All I ask is you treat her with respect, which I know you would. Now, enough of this and give me a kiss, because I’ve missed you both this afternoon, and I’m not about to wake Gaby.”
I leaned down to press my lips to his, but he instantly placed his hand on my neck and guided me in to a deep kiss immediately. We sat there sharing our kiss until we both needed to breathe and broke away from each other.
“There is something else we need to talk about as well, Hud.”
I didn’t like the tone of his voice as he spoke. Again, this sounded serious, and I wondered if he was about to tell me the real reason that he was so down. I tried to sound upbeat in my reply, but I was dreading what his reply was going to be.
“What’s that?”
“We need to speak about Gino. I know we have had one conversation, but after today, I really do think that Rosa has feelings for him. She tried to apologize when I found her in his arms crying. It didn’t bother me because we both know what Gino is like when it comes to women who are upset. In fact, any man with a sense of decency will try to comfort someone if they are upset. I asked her if she liked him, and she didn’t answer. Not that I gave her much time to. But I could see in her eyes that she had feelings for him. I would know. I got that look for days before I actually became part of this relationship. I’m not saying we have to make a decision tonight. I just think we both need to sit down with Rosa and discuss it like adults. For all we know, I could be wrong on both accounts, but I don’t think I am.”
We had both known this was coming. We had thrown them together when we were both busy at work, and if I was at a meeting, Gino would often go and check on Gaby if Nico wasn’t around.
“Funny. I was thinking the same thing this afternoon. We need to talk about this with Gaby, but no more talk of this tonight. We will let everything settle down for a week or so, and then we can both talk to Gaby first. There is no point even asking Gino if she isn’t happy to involve him within our group. As for tonight, I want to spend the night in bed with the man I love.”