Page 43 of Buying Angel

“So, as I said, what I am about to say may shock you. As you know, Nico and I are best friends, but we are more than that. We are also lovers. We are both bisexual.”

I managed to stop myself from gasping, as I didn’t want to make matters worse. I knew this was probably as difficult for Hudson to say as it was for me to comprehend, so I thought it best to let him tell me everything before I made a comment. However, everything I had felt was starting to make sense. The way they were together. The closeness I had felt between them. All the signs were there; I just didn’t put two and two together.

“I guess I should fill you in. I had never had any feelings for a man before. It wasn’t long after I had come to New York. I was feeling down about the fact I had lost you to Vincent that night. Nico kindly gave me a place to stay and we both got slightly drunk one night and were fooling around a bit. I didn’t know then that Nico liked me, that he always had, and that was one of the reasons he moved away. Because he couldn’t stand to see me with the women I went out with.”

I could feel Nico squeeze my hand as Hudson was telling the story. This must have hurt him to hear as well. I watched as Hudson looked over to Nico, who had an unshed tear in his eye. I wasn’t sure if he wanted to continue until he took a deep breath and spoke again.

“As I said, we were fooling around a bit, and somehow I ended up falling onto him. I’m not sure what switched inside me, but I kissed him. Nico, of course, was the gentleman and wouldn’t allow anything to go further than that while I was drunk, so we just spent the night together in bed. I woke up the next morning to find myself wrapped around Nico’s body and realized that I didn’t regret a thing. Our relationship kind of just flourished from there.

“After speaking, we realized that there was something missing from our relationship. We both wanted to share a woman in our lives. So we spent the next two years trying to find someone. But we could never find the right person until now.”

I had to admit I was shocked to hear that both Hudson and Nico were bisexual, but there was also something alluring about it. The thought of watching them together sent shivers through my body. I looked from Hudson to Nico. They both sat there waiting for me to say something, but before I could speak, Nico squeezed my hand and started to talk.

“There is something else, though, Rosa. Something far more important than our relationship. It’s something you really need to consider before you decide if you want a life with both of us.”

My head spun around to look at Nico. Gone was the smile that he previously sported, and now he looked serious and concerned.

“Nico, you’re starting to worry me now.”

“I don’t want you to be worried, principessa, but you need to know everything first.”

The fact that he was now calling me princess instead of Rosa made me realize how important this was to him, and Hudson.

Nico gave me a sad smile and continued. “As you have gathered, I am Italian by birth. My name is Dominico Veronese.”

I gasped when I heard Nico say his full name. It was a name I had heard mentioned several times when I was in the presence of Mikhail and his associates. But that didn’t worry me. What did worry me was that meant that Nico was a mafia boss.

“I can tell from your reaction that you have already guessed what I am going to say. Yes, I am the head of the Veronese Family and a Mafia don. We aren’t the biggest family in New York, and most of our dealings are legitimate businesses. Still, some of the things we have done in the past haven’t been legal. Perhaps you can understand my need for the car we came in this evening now. Anyway, I needed to tell you the truth before you made a decision. You would be protected by every member of the family, as Hud is, but you would still be at some risk. Only you can decide if a relationship with us is worth that risk.”

I was both shocked and relieved at what I had just been told. The fact that they didn’t care I was in love with both of them, and that it was what they wanted, gave me hope for the future. But was the relationship worth the risk?

I looked at both the men that I had fallen deeply in love with and realized that yes, it was. They had cared for me so much in the past few weeks. How could I not continue this relationship? Nico had already proven to me how he would protect me at all costs, and both of them had shown me what true love was. I didn’t hesitate any further with my answer.

“Yes, it is worth the risk. I cannot see a life without both of you in it.”

I looked toward Hudson as I spoke and saw the look of relief on his face. I turned to Nico and saw his beaming face. I knew then I had made the right decision. There really was no other choice that I could make. I was completely smitten with both of them. I saw a smirk come over Nico’s face as he spoke.

“Does that mean I finally get to kiss Rosa?”

I looked over at Hudson, who replied.

“I don’t know. Does it, Gaby?”

I turned back to Nico and just nodded my head to say it was fine.

“Thank fuck for that. I have waited two fucking weeks for this. Get over here now.”

I was pulled from my chair in an instant and onto Nico’s lap. I expected him to crash his lips against mine, but he placed his hand gently on my face and moved his face toward me, pressing his lips against mine so tenderly. I finally felt the tingles going through my body as our kiss turned heated quickly, but still slow and sensual. My hands instantly went around his body and into his hair, pulling me closer. I heard a groan behind us, and then the words I had been desperate to hear since I first met them.

“Bedroom. Now. Both of you.”

I felt Nico chuckle underneath me as he pulled away from our kiss. His eyes were full of love and lust as he looked at me.

“I guess I’d better show you the way.”

I got up from Nico’s lap and walked over to Hudson. He immediately pulled me into his body and started to kiss me. It wasn’t long before I felt Nico pressing into me from behind. I suddenly felt alive between these two men, my body instantly reacting to their touch. I could feel myself starting to get wet as I felt Nico’s warm breath on my neck as he started to kiss my neck.

“Is this what you wanted?”