I allowed him to lead me away from the memorial and toward the glades where, over in one corner, I could see Nico sitting, a solemn look on his face. I couldn’t help myself as I pulled my hand from Hudson’s and went running over to him, engulfing him in my arms.
“I’m sorry, Nico. I didn’t mean to put you through that.”
His arms came around me to return the embrace, and we sat there for a moment comforting each other. I felt his grip loosen and moved away to see a sad smile on his face.
“I know you didn’t, Rosa. I wanted to be there with you. It’s just…”
“Hudson explained. Please next time say if there is something I want to do that will upset you. I’m sure Hudson can take me there, just the two of us. I hate seeing you upset.”
Hudson placed his hand on my shoulder as I felt his presence behind me. I looked up and he was smiling at both of us.
“Come on, let’s enjoy the rest of the day together.”
WE'D SPENT THE afternoon just chilling out around Central Park. There were so many sights I wanted to see in New York, like Times Square, The New York Public Library, The Empire State Building and so much more. However there just wasn’t enough time for one afternoon, and if I was going to be living here I would be able to visit whenever I liked. We took a walk around the park to see the Bethesda fountain, Strawberry Fields, the Alice in Wonderland statue, and had just finished walking around Central Park Zoo. It was just starting to get dark when we arrived at the horse carriages.
“I’ll head off and get us something to eat.”
I looked over at Nico with a perplexed expression on my face. I knew that you had to pre-book the carriage rides, so I was surprised when we had stopped here. Hudson took my hand.
“I booked for a ride this morning. It was Nico’s idea. He thought we could do with some time to ourselves and talk about the future.”
I went to thank Nico for the sweet idea, but saw that he had already left us. Hudson helped me up into the beautiful white coach that was next to us, and the driver placed a blanket over our legs. It wasn’t that cold, but the evening air was still very fresh and I was thankful of the warmth. Especially when Hudson pulled me into his side and placed his arm around me.
“So, I know everything was a little chaotic yesterday evening, and we kind of made the decision for you to come to New York with us. However, you do have the choice. You don’t have to stay here with us if you want to go somewhere else. I will help you with anything you need.”
I looked up at Hudson. I could see the doubt in his eyes of what my reply would be. However, there was never any doubt in my mind. I wanted to spend the rest of my days with him – and Nico, for that matter.
“Of course I want to stay with you. You and Nico. You saved me. If you hadn’t called when you did, then I would probably be sporting a body full of bruises this morning. Vincent suspected there was something going on when the money didn’t appear in our bank account last night. I made up an excuse, but I’m not sure he actually believed me. The past three days have been some of the happiest of my life. Both of you have looked after me and cared for me. I can’t think of anywhere else I would rather be.” I paused for a second because there was one thing that was bothering me. “There is one thing, though. One thing that is worrying me. Apart from Vincent finding me here, that is.”
I could feel Hudson tense slightly next to me as if worried what I was about to say was about him. His voice was hesitant as he replied.
“What’s that, sweetheart?”
“I can’t expect you to keep me. Not only that, but I want to stand on my own two feet as well. The past five years Vincent has told me what to do, and what to wear, and where I could work. I don’t want to feel like that anymore. I want to be able to get a job and earn my own money. Along with help out in the apartment.”
Hudson brought his finger up to my lips to stop me from speaking. “I would never tell you what you have to do. With regards to a job, of course you can find one, but hear my suggestion first. I know you worked as a PA to Vincent, and mine has recently resigned because she is moving away with her family. You don’t have to take it, but I would love for you to work for me as my PA. On a purely selfish note, it would mean I get to spend the whole day with you. If you don’t want to, that is fine, but at least consider it.”
I hadn’t expected Hudson to offer me a job. It had been the last thing I had thought of. I was more thinking of a job in a coffee shop, not that I would probably have been very good at it. However, the thought of spending every day in the office with Hudson, and possibly Nico, was quite appealing. Even if it was only until he could find someone else if I felt it was too much.
“I didn’t expect you to give me a job, Hudson, if that is what you thought I was suggesting.” I raised my hand as he went to speak. “Before you say anything, I said I wasn’t expecting you to give me a job. If you need me to be your PA, then I will gratefully help. We can see how things go and whether we make it permanent or not. Okay?”
I guessed I would have an argument if I did decide I didn’t want to work for him in the future, but that would be a problem for another day.
“I’ll agree to that for the moment. As for helping around the house, of course you can. You’ll just have to have that argument with Nico. He’s the OCD one, not me.” He pulled me into his side again, and started to stroke my hair. “Anyway, let’s just enjoy our night ride in the park.”
Chapter Twenty-One
WE HAD BEEN BACK in New York for nearly two weeks and settled into a routine both at home and work. Gaby was working as my PA in the office and seemed to be liking it. She was definitely an asset, especially as she already knew exactly what I needed and when. She kept my appointments completely up to date and made sure that I never missed them. She also enjoyed helping Nico in the kitchen, and I would quite often walk in there after hearing the two of them joking. All in all, everything seemed to be going well.
I had been keeping Trent up-to-date with the situation here, especially after he told me that Vincent had paid him a visit asking if he had seen me and was Gaby with me. He, of course, said that I had returned home, which he already knew because I had told him the night I saw him. And as for if Gaby was with me, he had no idea. As far as he was concerned, it had just been Nico and me on the company jet when we returned.
I wondered if Mikhail had contacted Vincent and told him I was at the auction. He shouldn’t have done it, because we all knew that what happened inside Club Lust stayed inside. Plus he would have had no idea if I purchased Gaby for the weekend because that information was also confidential. The only way he would have known was if he had seen me and Gaby leave together, and that was unlikely, as Nico had said he didn’t see Mikhail anytime after he walked in.
All of that was the least of my worries right now. Tonight was the night I was going to tell Gaby everything. The truth about me and Nico, who Nico actually was, and how we wanted our relationship to go forward. I was worried as hell about what was going to happen. Gaby could turn around and say she wanted nothing to do with it and walk out of our lives. I just hoped that the feelings I thought she had for Nico were strong enough for her to say yes.
I had told them both to stay at home today and suggested that Gaby have a nice relaxing and pampering day to get ready for the fun that was in store this evening. I was a part owner of a club in New York that, like Club Lust, catered to the wealthy. However, Pleasures gave members a place to come and enjoy an evening of fun and debauchery with either another member of the club, or one of the subs that had special membership to be there. I had my own private room at the club that was for my personal use only – one of the perks of being one of the owners. It also allowed me to have a meal prior to going into the room in one of the private dining areas. I had made sure I had booked one for this evening. I just hoped that it was all worth it.