Page 3 of Buying Angel

So I spent my nights in my bedroom and locked the door, hoping that he wouldn’t come back and break it down. He had told me to move into one of the spare bedrooms a while ago, as he hated the sight of me. I hadn't complained because it gave me a place to escape him when I needed space. Which had been most of the time.

As I sat there across from him, I watched as he lifted his head and looked at me before he spoke.

“Have you heard of Club Lust, Ella?”

I hated the nickname he had decided to call me, but I was too afraid of the consequences if I told him. So I just let it go and smiled sweetly whenever he said it.

“I heard some of the girls mention it last time we went to the club. Isn’t that an elite club where they hold the auctions?”

The reason I had heard about it was because I was interested in getting into one of the auctions. You were either invited by recommendation from someone who had already been, or scouted by one of the workers at the club. Being with Vincent, I had little or no chance of any of that happening, but I lived in hope. The five-hundred-thousand-dollar payday for being sold would be just what I needed to get out of this relationship and far away.

Vincent carried on the conversation. “Yes, that’s right. It is a very exclusive club, and I have managed to get you an interview for the next auction.”

Why the hell did he want me to go into the auction? There had to be some reason, but this could be my way out. I didn’t want to seem too keen, though, so I answered as unenthusiastically as I could.

“Why have you done that? I wouldn’t have thought you would be happy with selling me off to the highest bidder for a whole weekend.”

A sadistic laugh came from him as he sat there and looked at me. “There is a very good reason why I have done it. The five hundred thousand dollars it would give me. It would solve all of my financial worries, and keep me happy for a while as well. All you have to do is open your legs, and I know you are good at that. Anyway, you won’t be bought by anyone I need to worry about. The only people who would be interested in you are the middle-aged and old fat guys at the clubs. I mean, look at you. Look at how much weight you have put on. I’m starting to feel embarrassed to be out with you.”

I couldn’t believe the audacity of this guy sitting in front of me. I knew I had put on a little weight, but that was only thanks to having three miscarriages at his hands. As for me being good at opening my legs, I really didn’t have much choice. It was either that or pay the consequences later on. While I wasn’t that happy with the suggestion, or the fact that once again I was being forced to have sex with a complete stranger, especially to sort out Vincent’s money worries yet again, it started me thinking.

“You are my Dom, so of course I will do anything you tell me to, sir.”

I thought I would start to get him on my good side so I could hatch a plan of escape at some point over the weekend. I continued as though I had no idea of the process I had to go through when I really knew it down to every last detail.

“What am I required to do at this interview?”

Vincent got up from his seat and headed over to his desk in the corner of the room. Unlocking the drawer, he pulled out a document and proceeded to lock the drawer again. I wasn’t trusted with anything in any of his desks. Even as his PA, I hardly got involved with anything. Sometimes I thought the only reason I was there was so he could keep an eye on me, or give him a blow job under the desk when he was feeling stressed. He walked back over and passed me the document.

I read the front page of the document.

Application to Attend “A Night to Remember” Auction at Club Lust.

I flicked through the application, partly shocked at the number of questions and the information that they wanted to know. It was all pretty standard stuff: name, age, measurements, and all that. I guessed it wasn’t the questions, but just the sheer number of them. I looked at one of the last questions and wondered how the hell I was going to answer it. I looked up toward Vincent, who was just sitting there watching me and dared to ask a question that I couldn’t answer.

“Who do I put as the name of my reference, seeing as I wasn’t personally recruited?”

I watched as a sly grin came across his face before he answered me.

“Why? I would have thought that was obvious.” He paused, never once removing the smirk from his face or losing eye contact with me. “You put Mikhail Orlov.”

As soon as he said the name, a feeling of dread came over me. I should have known that he would have something to do with this. Vincent owed him so much money I was often ferreted into a room with him and his other cronies to pay off his debts. I didn’t know much about Mikhail, except that he was a senior member of the Russian mafia. I looked down at the form and then back at Vincent.

“Will Master Orlov be at the auction?” I used the name I was meant to call him in the club.

I hoped to hell that he wouldn’t be there, but I had a strange feeling he would be.

“Of course. He is looking forward to it. A weekend alone with you, to be able to do whatever he wants. He wouldn’t turn that down. Now, if you agree to this, then you can be assured that I will not touch you until after the weekend. I wouldn’t want anyone to get the wrong impression, either at the interview or during the weekend. As far as anyone is concerned, you are single and are looking to use the money to move abroad. I will check your form once you have completed it, so be careful what you put.”

The one thing I was pleased about was that it didn’t ask for bank details. I assumed that would be requested once you had been accepted into the auction. That gave me a chance. I could give them my secret personal account and when Vincent was out one evening, I could just leave. I wouldn’t go anywhere near my family; I wouldn’t have wanted Vincent to send his associates to do anything to them. I would make sure I was far away before I contacted them.

I could see that Vincent was waiting for me to acknowledge or answer him, so I spoke.

“If you think it is for the best, then I will do this for you. But what happens if Mikhail doesn’t win the auction and I end up with someone else?”

Vincent let out a raucous laugh at my question. Did he really think that little of me, that he assumed no one else would be interested in me? After all, he had been once.

“I don’t think you have to worry about that. Mikhail has his ways of stopping the competition. Plus, who else out there would want a slut like you? I don’t even find you attractive anymore after all the men you’ve slept with. Even though it may seem strange that Mikhail will be paying for his own debt, he will get a weekend with you without me around, so can do whatever he wants to you. You never know. He may even want to keep you, and then you will be out of my life forever.”