Five Years Ago
I WALKED INTO THE club on my own. I wasn't sure what to expect, but my friend had told me to give it a try. She was meant to be meeting me here at around eight-thirty, but it was nearly nine in the evening and there was still no sign of her. I sent her a quick message to say I was going inside and not to worry about me. I was anxious as I walked in and saw all the beautiful women standing around in their lingerie.
At the suggestion of the bartender, I took a seat toward the back of the bar area. I had always been good at watching people and gauging their personalities. As I looked around the bar, I was starting to wonder whether I had made the worst decision of my life by coming in here alone. Most of the men in here were bald, fat, and middle-aged. Not that I had anything against a guy like that, but they really didn’t do anything for me.
I was just about to leave, when I saw a shadow come over the table in front of me. I looked up and saw a man standing in front of me. He had an amazing body, striking looks, and the most gorgeous pair of brown eyes I had ever seen.
“Hi there. I haven’t seen you here before. Is this your first time at the club?”
His voice was strong, but caring. I could have melted just hearing it. He smiled at me, waiting for my reply.
“Hi. Yes, it’s my first time. I was supposed to meet a girlfriend here, but she seems to have stood me up. Do you come here a lot?”
“Yes. My brother and I are here quite often. Do you mind if I sit down? I wouldn’t want to intrude.”
I nodded, and he sat down next to me.
“I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Hudson. Not to sound too corny, but you are the most gorgeous woman I have seen here this evening. What can I call you?”
I knew that most women in here used a different name. My friend had told me that. However, I was suddenly striken dumb about what name I should use. I sat there for a moment, struggling to come up with a name. Hudson must have sensed my inner turmoil and placed his hand on mine.
“Let me help you. I suggest Angel, because you certainly look like one.” He lifted my hand and pressed his lips onto my knuckles. “I’m guessing not only is this your first time here, but your first time in a club like this. What brought you here? Not that I’m complaining.”
I could feel myself start to blush, and Hudson squeezed my hand.
“I guess it’s that obvious, is it? I hate to say that Fifty Shades brought me here, but if I said it didn’t, I would be lying. I guess you’ve seen a lot of women like me, come here wanting to find their own Christian Grey. I’ve looked into it in more detail than just the books, though. I’ve researched the Dom/sub scene, and something about it fascinates me. I hoped that there might be someone here that was willing to be patient with a woman like me. However, I was starting to wonder if it was a bad idea.”
I found myself opening up to this man sitting next to me. Something about him told me that he wouldn’t hurt or even ridicule me. Add to that the fact that he was drop dead gorgeous, and my worry was starting to turn into expectation.
“Well, it’s a good thing I’m a patient Dom who’s looking for someone to train as my sub, then. Shall I get us another drink, and we can go somewhere and talk about it more?”
“I’d like that. Just a soda for me, please. I think I should lay off the alcohol for this evening.”
“Wise choice. I just need to find my brother and let him know not to wait for me, if he’s leaving at any point. I shouldn’t be too long.”
He leaned in and pressed a kiss on my cheek before getting up and heading out toward the bar. I watched as he headed out of the bar area and out of sight. I sat there studying the bar again, and saw a man standing over in the corner, looking in my direction. I looked away, not wanting to catch his eyes. Then I looked around again and found him standing next to me. I had to admit he was also handsome to look at, and seemed very amiable when he spoke to me.
“Hi there. I’m Vincent. I don’t usually just walk up to women in here, but I didn’t want you to get yourself into trouble. I’m guessing you are quite new to this and have never been here before. I just wanted to warn you about your friend. He isn’t all he seems to be. I’m not trying to interfere, but I just don’t want to see you get hurt.”
I was quite shocked hearing him say this. Hudson had seemed like the perfect gentleman when he spoke to me. I was sure he wouldn’t hurt me. Then again, it was my first time here, and I was new to all this. I could be misjudging him as a person.
“I know you don’t have to believe me. Hudson seems like a very nice gentleman. However, I can take you to many women in here who will tell you he is very much into sadism and can be quite heavy handed.”
I watched as a woman walked past our table, and Vincent stopped her for a moment.
“Sapphire, sorry to stop you, but could you give this young lady here the lowdown on Mr. Bryce-Stanton?”
I saw something flash across her eyes. I couldn’t quite understand what the emotion was. The interaction between the two of them was strange and I couldn’t place my finger on what was wrong. After a few seconds, though, she smiled at Vincent and then turned to me.
“If this is your first time here, and you are looking for the Fifty Shades experience, then I suggest you steer clear of him. He is definitely Christian Grey in his punishment role. Only not as a punishment. That is him 24/7. He gives the appearance of a kind and caring Dom, but after you are hooked, he can turn into the devil incarnate. If I were you, I would steer clear of him.”
Before I could thank her for her insight and explain my lack of judgment, she gave Vincent a look and then instantly walked away from us. Vincent smiled and spoke.
“Well, just thought I would warn you about him, but I will let you make your own decision. Have a lovely evening. I hope to see you again soon.”