I held my breath for a second as a memory that I had buried came flooding back to me. The night I first met Vincent.
It was him. The one that I should have walked away with all those years ago. I was almost sure of it.
I slowly raised my head, following the contours of his body up and toward his face. As soon as our eyes locked, the recognition was clear on both our faces. He held his hand out to me, and I took it as he helped me up from the floor.
“Shall we get you ready and head off for the evening?”
He gently brushed some hair from my face that had fallen down and then raised my hand up to his lips, pressing a gentle, but long kiss to it. I felt goosebumps go all over my body at his slightest touch.
“Yes, sir.”
I saw a smile come over his face at my words. I could tell that it pleased him the way I spoke to him.
“I only expect to be called ‘sir’ inside the bedroom. Please call me Hudson. Would you like to be called Angel all the time?”
I hadn’t even thought about that. I had assumed that whoever bought me would expect to keep me in the bedroom all weekend. However, looking at Hudson in front of me, I made my decision.
“I guess we were never formally introduced before. My name is Gabriella-Rose Quinn, but you can call me Gaby if you would like to.”
Chapter Ten
I SAT IN MY CHAIR until the auction ended, sipping my drink. I wasn’t going to order any more; two was enough for me this evening. I wanted a clear head when I finally got to meet Angel. I expected my subs to be mainly free of alcohol before any participation in a scene, and so I also followed that rule myself. Alcohol could make a fantastic evening go completely out of control and you could never be sure if your sub was enjoying the scene or if she was acting under the influence of alcohol. The same with drugs, which was one thing that did worry me.
I knew that Vincent was both an alcoholic and a substance abuser. That was one of the reasons why he used Angel to pay off his debts. There was mention a while in the past that he also had big gambling debts, but I hadn’t heard anything recently. All I hoped was that Vincent hadn’t turned Angel into an addict just to get through the evenings he put her through. If he had, then it could cause an issue for me. I wanted her so much, but not if she required drugs to get through it.
The evening seemed to be dragging on, probably because of the anticipation I was feeling regarding meeting Angel after so long. I watched as the hammer went down on the final lot of the evening. I wasn’t sure how the rest of the process would pan out until the emcee spoke.
“That's it for tonight, ladies and gentlemen. Please close your tablet and complete your payment if you have not done so. If you purchased an item, once the payment is made you will have a contract to sign. Please do so ASAP to speed up the process. As soon as the confirmation of payment and signatures are processed on my end, the merchandise's handler will come to your table and escort you to their room to collect them for the weekend. Just a reminder, your item must be returned here by midnight on Sunday, unharmed.”
The emcee left the stage, and I could hear the general chatter of people who were sitting next to each other.
As the auction was now over, I pulled out my phone, turning it on to text Nico to let him know that I would be bringing someone home with me. His answer was almost immediate.
NICO: I assume she is perfect for your needs.
I smiled to myself. She was more than perfect for my needs. She was perfect for us. I was sure if she got to know Nico, she would completely fall for him as well, which was exactly what I wanted her to do.
ME: She’s not only perfect. I have her, Nico. I have my Angel at last.
I left the message at that and waited. I knew it wouldn’t take him long to answer, and I only had to wait a few seconds for his reply.
NICO: Do you mean THE Angel? The one you were telling me about?
I laughed to myself. I knew he would ask that question, because probably, like me, he couldn’t believe it.
ME: Yes.
I placed my phone back in my jacket pocket. I wasn’t going to answer him anymore. It wasn’t long before I was greeted by my handler.
“Mr. Bryce-Stanton, if you would like to follow me, we can get all of the payment and paperwork completed for your purchase.”
I was escorted out through a door toward the side of the stage and into an office, where I found the emcee sitting behind a desk.
“Good evening Mr. Bryce-Stanton. Congratulations on winning lot four. My name is Edward. Shall we get all of the necessities over with?”
I liked a man who got straight to the point, but I suspected he had to with the amount of lots that had gone through this evening. I signed the contract, which I had already read through in my invitation pack, and sent the funds to the account given to me. Edward sat there for a moment checking through everything before he spoke again.