“Mr. Bryce-Stanton, welcome to Club Lust. If you would like to head over to the elevator, it will take you down to the main floor.”
I wondered for a moment how she already knew my name, then looked at the tablet in her hand. My entry card. Of course. It would have all my details on it.
I thanked the young woman and headed over to the elevator, entering and pressing the button to go down to the main floor of the club. As the doors opened, I walked out into the bar area of the club. A few potential buyers were mingling around, mostly keeping to themselves, but I could see a few people interacting with each other. Over in the furthest corner, I could see Mikhail nursing a vodka. How cliché. You would have thought that a Russian would try to act differently instead of reaffirming what everyone assumed about them. I walked up to the bar.
“What can I get you, sir?”
I was impressed that the waiting staff were so quick. I guessed that with so few people here, it was easy to serve.
“Large Jack and Coke, please.”
I headed over to a quiet corner of the bar area. I could watch the whole room as people arrived and others spoke to each other. I was trying to gauge whether I had any real competition here. Money wasn’t an issue for me; I had millions at my disposal, both personally and within the business. Trent had already told me to spend what I needed if I found the right woman for myself. However, I wasn’t stupid enough to think I could just spend that kind of money. After all, it would only benefit the club and not the woman I was buying. I would rather use that money to spoil the right woman.
As I looked around, I could see the only person in the room that worried me was Mikhail. I discreetly watched him from my position, making sure I didn’t make eye contact with him. I didn’t want him to know that I had realized he was here.
I caught him getting up from his seat out of the corner of my eye and walking over to where I was standing. So much for not being noticed. I guessed I would be speaking to him whether I wanted it or not. He gained my attention by speaking as he approached me, his thick Russian accent in full use.
“Mr. Bryce-Stanton, I am surprised to see you here. I wouldn’t have expected to see you spending money so liberally on such frivolous things as this.” His tone, even in his accent, was condescending and almost pompous.
I decided to play along, not wanting to make a scene in front of everyone.
“Mr. Orlov, I haven’t seen you in a while. You’re right, this isn’t usually my thing, but my brother, Trent, suggested I give it a try, so got me an invitation.”
I saw a smirk come over his face. I knew he had coveted Kristen long before she and Trent got together, and he had never forgotten that. I knew that some form of comment would be forthcoming.
“And how is Trent doing? I haven’t seen him in a while. Is he still seeing the lovely Kristen?”
I took great pleasure in telling him what I said next. “Yes. They are married now and expecting their first child.”
I watched as his face dropped slightly, but quickly became neutral as he continued to speak.
“That is indeed wonderful news. Please pass on my congratulations when you see them next. Anyway, what is it that brought you here?”
This, I understood. It was almost like two businessmen getting together to have a chat, each one trying to figure out what the other was up to and brag about it. However, I thought I might use it to my own advantage as well.
“To be fair, as I said, it was my brother’s suggestion. Perhaps I might be lucky and find a permanent partner, or if not, I can just have some fun for the weekend. It all depends on who is for sale. How about you? Looking for anything in particular, so I have an idea on who not to bid against you for?”
A smile came over his face. “Oh, yes. There is one lady in particular I want to purchase tonight because I recommended her. I have gotten to sample her many times in the past and can’t get enough of her. She will be mine at the end of the evening, no matter the cost. Well, except for you, I cannot see many people being able to go above two million dollars this evening. You will know her as soon as you see her, believe me. And I am sure she wouldn’t be to your liking from what I have seen in the club, so I’m sure my money will be safe.”
I was surprised at his reply. I expected him to be coy with his answer, but not to be so forthcoming with information. This did indeed pique my interest.
“That is good to know, Mikhail. Neither of us wants to spend more than we need to, now, do we?”
He let out a raucous laugh and placed his hand on my shoulder as if he was slapping me on the back, almost causing me to lose my balance for a moment. I watched as several people turned around to see what the noise was all about before turning away again quickly.
“We wouldn’t want that, would we, Hudson?”
Before I could answer him, two women dressed in purple shorts and matching bras with black high heels walked over to us.
“Mr. Bryce-Stanton. Mr. Orlov. If you would like to follow us to your seats, we are getting ready for the start of the auction.”
I turned to Mikhail. “Well good luck this evening, Mikhail. Not that I think you will need it. Let’s hope we both get what we want this evening.”
“Indeed, and good luck to you too, Hudson.”
With that, we both followed the waiting staff into the main area of the club. The lights were down low enough so you could see where you were going, but it was difficult to see anyone who was already seated. The young woman who had been leading me stopped next to a seat.
“This will be your seat for the auction, Mr. Bryce-Stanton. If you would like to take a seat, I will explain everything to you.”