Page 11 of Buying Angel

“Angel, shall we start getting you ready for the evening? If you would like to get changed into your outfit over there and then place this robe around you, we can get started on your hair and makeup. We want you to look your best, now, don’t we?”

I looked over to the area she was pointing at and noticed a screen where I could get changed. I took the purple robe from her and walked behind the screen, quickly changing into my bra and panties and placing my black heels on again, then put the robe around me. I walked out just as I was doing up the robe, allowing Scarlet a quick glimpse of my body. I saw a huge smile come over her face.

“Oh, my. We don’t get many perfect hourglass figures here these days. You have an amazing body.”

Tell that to my fiancé, I thought to myself, knowing I couldn’t let anyone know I was engaged, as I had put down I was single.

I walked over and sat in the chair in front of Scarlet.

“Now, I am thinking that we go very neutral with your eye makeup, but we make a feature of those gorgeous lips with a bright red lipstick to match your nails. Also, I have to ask, is that your natural hair color? Because I am seeing hints of auburn in there.”

She was right. I had changed the color of my hair to blonde a little while ago. It wasn’t that I hated the color of my hair; I loved it. However, many men didn’t like it. They saw me as a fiery redhead and were afraid to get attached. I was far from fiery, but I wanted to make a good impression.

“That sounds perfect, Scarlet. And yes, I am auburn usually. But men don’t like it and feel intimidated by it, so I dyed it blonde.”

She smiled at me as she placed a hand on my shoulder. “My dear, if they don’t like it, well, then they aren’t the right man for you. I love your hair, but I bet you look fabulous with your natural hair. Now, let’s pamper you for a while.”

I spent the next ninety minutes being primped and pampered for my auction. I stood looking at myself in the mirror, not recognizing the woman who was looking back at me. I looked amazing: my figure was the perfect hourglass shape, my hair was perfectly curled and arranged to one side of my head, my eyes stood out even though the makeup was natural, and my luscious red lips just finished it off.

I turned to Scarlet and smiled. “Thank you. Thank you so much for making me look so amazing.”

She walked up to me and gave me a hug.

“It’s easy when I am working with such a beautiful woman. You will knock them dead out there. Just remember to be yourself. That’s all you need to be. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Now, I will leave you to gather your thoughts and wait to be taken out to the stage.”

She gave me another hug before walking out of the room, leaving me standing there looking at myself in the mirror. All I had to do now was wait and hope that whoever bid on me was my means of escaping Vincent. Because if they weren’t, I wasn’t sure how much longer I would be in this world.

Chapter Six


I ARRIVED OUTSIDE Club Lust at about seven-thirty. I knew I was slightly early, but I wanted to try to get in with as few people as possible knowing I was here. I watched as another bidder walked into the club, a man I knew well: Mikhail Orlov. I had never had any dealings with him personally, but I knew that Nico knew his boss, Viktor Kozlov, well.

“That’s interesting.”

I looked at Nico, who was driving me this evening. “What’s that?”

He turned in his seat to face me in the back of the car. “Well from what I know of Mikhail, he doesn’t usually pay for anything. He usually gets what he wants as payment from people who owe him and his family money. That must mean there is someone here who is very special.”

That was an interesting thought. Could it be that there will be someone worth considering buying in the auction?

“Do you think he will be an issue?”

I watched as Nico smirked.

“It depends on how much he wants someone. Are you prepared for a bidding war?”

I knew he wouldn’t be able to see me if I was bidding against him. Trent had already explained that although I might see some of the other bidders in the bar area, the seating area was always dark so you wouldn’t see who was bidding.

“If the need calls for it, yes.”

“Then no, he won’t be an issue. Now go and get us a woman.”

I laughed as I got out of the car. I wasn’t bothered that Nico hadn’t gotten out to open the door. I rarely gave him a chance to do it anyway, so most of the time, he gave up.

I walked to his window and spoke. “I will see you in a couple of hours, hopefully with a gorgeous woman on my arm.”

I gave him a wink and a smile and headed over to the entrance of the club. When I placed my card on the keypad, the door opened. I walked into the lobby, where a young woman immediately greeted me.