I HAD BEEN BACK in Detroit for nearly two weeks. Trent had said that it would look better if I stayed in his guesthouse while I was waiting to hear about the auction and if I had received an invite. Nico was pulling his hair out being here, and I spent most nights trying to calm him down. The only thing that was currently stopping him from heading back to New York was Kristen’s cooking every evening.
I had received my invite with all the instructions for the evening, along with the key card I needed to get into the building. As yet, I hadn’t told Nico anything about it. I wasn’t sure how he would take it. He was extremely protective of me at times, and not just because he was my chief of security and best friend. I knew I had to speak to him about it sooner or later, especially as the auction was only a week away now.
I had asked Trent not to mention anything about it until I spoke to Nico, and so far he had kept his word, but with the evening getting closer, I knew that he wouldn’t be able to keep his mouth shut for much longer. I was currently sitting on the deck out the back of the house enjoying a drink and a cigarette after enjoying another one of Kristen’s meals. I knew it wouldn’t be long before Nico joined me. He always gave me a little while to unwind on my own before he would join me for a drink and a chat.
I heard him walk onto the deck long before he came and sat down with me. I could tell he sensed something was going on, but would never ask me unless he thought I was worried or in any form of danger. Usually, he would just wait until I broke and told him everything. So I was quite surprised when he sat down with a glass and the bottle of Jack in his hands and spoke.
“So, are you going to finally tell me what the hell is going on, and why the fuck we are still here in Detroit? It’s not that I don’t enjoy your company – or Kristen’s cooking, come to mention it – but it would be nice to know why I am still here and not happily at home in NYC.”
It wasn’t very often that Nico would question any decisions or why we were doing something, but when he did, he expected an answer. I sighed as I looked down at the glass I held in both hands. How did I tell him what I had done? What would he think of me? I knew I had to tell him, but it was the last thing I wanted to do.
“I’m sure it can’t be that bad, Hud. Just tell me and we can work it out together.”
I looked up at him and saw his concerned face. “I did something the last time we were here. It was the suggestion that Trent made. Have you heard of Club Lust?”
I saw his face turn to one of shock.
“You’ve got an invite to the auction? Is that what Trent suggested?”
I nodded my head before I went on to explain.
“I’m not sure if you know this, but it was where Trent met Kristen. He went to one of their auctions a few years ago now, and he bought a weekend with Kristen. As it turns out, they got along so well that they continued to see each other after the weekend. And the rest, you know. Trent suggested that perhaps I should try it. I really wasn’t sure, and if I am honest, I’m still not. The thing is, there is something else I haven’t told you. Something that happened around five years ago.”
I knew I was risking a lot by telling Nico everything, but he had a right to know. It was one of the reasons I leaned on him so much over the years. He had never asked me why, and I had never felt the need to tell him. Until now.
“The reason I have had so much trouble finding the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with is because I already found her. It was around five years ago, and Trent and I were at a club just outside the city. I met her in the bar area, sitting down all alone, looking a little lost. A wonderful curvaceous hourglass figure, full breasts, gorgeous auburn hair. She was perfect for me in every way. We found a quiet spot in the club and got to chatting. I only knew her as Angel, but the name suited her perfectly.
“I excused myself to let Trent know that I wouldn’t be home until late and went to get some drinks. When I went back, she had gone. Another Dom had taken her and claimed her as his own. That was the last time I got to speak to her. I saw her a few times again at the club with her Dom, who seemed to be pimping her out to everyone and his brother. I tried to get him to agree to let her spend some time with me in the hopes that I could lure her away from him, but he would never let me get within a foot of her. After a while, I just gave up. Hoped that she was living a good life. But I never got over losing her that night. So, that’s my story of woe. You know everything now.”
I looked over at Nico, who had a shocked look on his face. I wasn’t sure how he was taking this news. He had been with me for so long now that to find out this information after all this time could be the make or break in our friendship. He just sat there for a moment and then shook his head.
“Why did you wait so long to tell me this, Hud? Were you that worried about what I would think or say?”
I couldn’t answer him, embarrassed by my own confession. It seemed silly that a thirty-three-year-old man was ashamed to tell his best friend about the one who got away, but it was the truth. I was ashamed to have let Angel go. I wish I’d had more courage back then to find her and claim her as mine, but it was too late now. I had to try to forget her to move on with my life, and this was the first step to doing just that. Nico shifted forward in his seat and took my hand in his.
“It doesn’t make any difference to me. I just wish you would have told me sooner. Perhaps I could have done something about it with all my contacts here in Detroit and NYC. I can still do that if you want me to.”
I immediately answered him. “No. I can’t live in the past any longer. I have to move on with my life. Perhaps this is the right thing for me. I could be lucky like Trent and find the love of my life, or just have a fantastic weekend. Either way, I need to forget Angel. Perhaps she was never meant to be mine. Only time will tell what fate has in store for me. I hope this will be the opportunity that I need. That we need. It could be perfect for the both of us.”
I knew that wouldn’t be the end of it. Nico wouldn’t let this go and would try to find out as much as he could about the mysterious Angel. I wouldn’t be able to stop him. But at least now he knew the full truth about my past. Not that it was bad, just embarrassing that I had let a woman get away.
“Well, the offer will always be there, man. If you ever want me to find her, I will. And know that I will find her, no matter how little information you have about her. Now, tell me more about this auction. I’ve heard of the place and the rumors about what goes on, but have never been able to get an invite myself.”
I spent the next thirty minutes going through everything about Club Lust that I knew and what I was required to do when I went to the club. I knew it was supposed to be kept quiet, and you would only know who was there if you saw them at the bar, but I knew that Nico wouldn’t say a word to anyone. I watched his thoughtful face as I spoke about everything.
I knew he had as much, if not more, money than me. He could quite easily have spent an evening there. So, why was he working for me? Well, he liked to keep his true identity away from the rest of the world. There were plenty of people who knew what he did and who he was, but like him, they wouldn’t publicly come out and expose him, as they would also have been exposing themselves. It suited both of us. He kept his private life private, and I had one of the best security managers along with my best friend close to me all the time. Once I had finished going through everything, we both sat there in silence for a few moments before Nico turned to me and spoke.
“Well, it certainly seems to be an option. Maybe not something I would consider, but then I’m not the one looking for a woman. I’m happy exactly as I am right now. But if that is what you want and need, then go for it. If it enriches your life like you need then that is all I want for you. I know you aren’t happy with things the way they are right now. That you need more in your life than what you have.”
I heard a slight sadness in his voice as he spoke. I knew he would worry about me and our relationship. That bringing a woman into my life would change our dynamic forever, but I didn’t see it that way. I saw it as enriching both of our lives and bringing us closer together.
“It’s not just about my life, Nico. You know this affects you as well. I want this for both of us. I want a woman we can both share and enjoy together. We have spoken about this so many times. I’m looking for the perfect woman, one that will fit into our slightly dysfunctional family. This is about us as a family unit. I don’t want to lose you because I have found a woman to love. I want that woman to love you as well. I know it will not be an immediate thing, but we can slowly bring her around to the idea.”
Seeing Nico’s face change from one of concern to one of hope confirmed that I had said the right thing. We had spoken many times about finding a woman we could share in our lives. It was a fantasy of both of ours, one that I hoped this auction would be able to fulfill.
“If that is what you want, Hud. I know we have spoken about this so many times, but I wasn’t sure if that was what you still wanted. If I would take a backseat once you had found the woman you wanted in your life. You know I am more than happy to be part of your family unit. I would miss it if I wasn’t. So if that is what you want, then go for it. I will be there, whatever the outcome. You know that.”
That was all I needed to ease any concern I had been feeling at telling Nico everything. He now understood why I was doing this and what it meant for us, and his reaction was the best I could possibly hope for. All I needed now was to find the right woman for us to share our lives together. I just hoped that Club Lust was indeed the answer.