Edward was obviously used to the questions asked and anticipated the most important one. However, it did save me from asking it myself.
“It was one of my questions. However, I do have one last question. Will I be expected to do anything my purchaser desires?”
His face turned serious. I hoped I hadn’t asked the wrong question and this wouldn’t cause me to forfeit my chance. He took his hand in mine as he spoke.
“Gabriella, my dear, you have given all of your preferences, kinks, and soft and hard limits. These will all be explained to the buyers. If you are asked to do something that is beyond your limits, you do not have to do it, no matter how much the buyer has paid. Every single buyer has to sign a contract to say they will respect the boundaries of whoever they purchase. You will be asked when you return how you were treated, and if you were treated badly, there will be repercussions for the buyer. So, to answer your question, you only have to do what you are comfortable with. Does that make you feel better?”
I nodded my head. I just hoped that if I did get a place, whoever bought me was just as understanding.
“Thank you, Edward. Was there anything else I needed to do today?”
“No, that is everything, my dear. Thank you for coming along. Hopefully, we will be seeing you again soon.”
We both got up from our seats, and I held my hand out for Edward to shake. This time, though, instead of shaking it, he took it and raised it to his lips, pressing a kiss on the top of it.
“Goodbye, Gabriella.”
“Goodbye, Edward, and thank you again for inviting me for an interview.”
“It was my pleasure.”
With that, I left his office and was greeted again by my driver, who escorted me back downstairs to the waiting car. I got into the back of the car and watched as we drove away from the building and back to Vincent’s apartment. I just hoped that wouldn’t be the last time I saw it.
IT HAD BEEN NEARLY three weeks since I had been for my interview for the Club Lust auction. It had become a daily occurrence that Vincent would ask me if I had heard anything. Every day, I had to say that I hadn’t heard a thing. I was starting to lose hope that I would be selected. I remembered what Edward had said, that I would get an email either way.
Vincent had been away for a business meeting for a couple of days, which meant that I could stay at home. I knew he was probably getting high on whatever drugs he could lay his hands on and fucking anything in a short skirt, but if it meant that I had at least a couple of days of peace and quiet then I was pleased. I knew this could have been the perfect time to escape, but where would I have gone. I had no money as of yet, and I was sure that my phone had a tracking app on it, as he always seemed to know where I had been if I went shopping on my own, and it wasn’t because I used his credit card, because I hardly ever did.
I knew I probably only had a couple more hours before Vincent would be home, so I decided that I would make the most of it. I had just had a small meal of pesto pasta and was running myself a nice relaxing bath to soak away my worries for the evening. I poured myself one glass of wine, started some soothing music on my phone, and lit some scented candles. I immersed myself in the hot water and lay there to relax for a while. This was the one time I could truly be myself. Listening to classical music, a glass of chilled chardonnay, and the hot water easing the tension out of my body. Just what I needed before Vincent came home to bring me back to reality.
I finished my glass of wine and, feeling completely relaxed, got out of the bath and dressed in a comfy suit. I walked into the living room, sat down on the couch, and switched on the TV waiting for Vincent to come home. As I sat there watching the latest episode of Dead Ringers on Amazon, I heard a notification on my phone. I unlocked the screen and opened up the email notification that was showing. I held my breath as I read the subject line.
“A Night to Remember” Auction at Club Lust.
I hesitated, frightened to open the email to find out my fate. I took a deep breath, pressed on the email to open it, and started to read.
Dear Miss Quinn,
Firstly, I would like to thank you for your application and for attending an interview at my office for our “A Night to Remember” auction at Club Lust. As you can imagine, we had a vast number of applicants, and with only sixteen spots, it was very difficult to make the decision.
I was too frightened to read on, the thought of my one chance of escaping ebbing away. I knew I needed to continue, though. I had to know either way so I could tell Vincent. I just didn’t know what his reaction would be if I didn’t get in. I took another breath and continued to read.
When making a decision we have had to take a lot of things into account, including the diversity of the merchandise we are offering for sale. With that being said, I would like to congratulate you on securing an invitation to attend the next sale on Friday, May tenth.
Please find attached all the information you will require for the night and we look forward to seeing you at Club Lust.
I was trying to hold back the tears as I read the email. I had been given a place in the auction. Finally, I had a chance, something to hope for in my life. I sat there for a moment just holding my phone in my hand, rereading the email over again, just to make sure I had read it correctly.
It said the same thing every time. I had secured a place in the auction.
I heard the front door open, which meant my peace was now shattered. However, at least I had good news for Vincent, and a few more weeks of being left alone. I heard him throw his keys onto the side table as he walked in. Hopefully that meant he was both sober and clean of drugs. He walked into the front room and looked at me sitting there. For once he actually seemed quite happy to be home and to see me.
“Hello, Ella. Have you missed me?”
Like a hole in the head, I thought. But I wasn’t going to antagonize him if I could help it.