Page 5 of Making June Mine


“I’ll watch them with you,” she says, her voice low. My cock hardens in my boxers, but I ignore it. I want every drop of my seed inside her.

“That would be lovely.”

“Have you seen When Harry Met Sally?” she asks.

“Of course. It’s my favorite,” I tell her, unashamed. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve seen it. I owned the VHS, then the DVD, and now on digital. It’s iconic.

“Mine too. I think I’ve seen it seventy-five times, maybe more.”

“I’ve probably seen it that many times too.”

We talk for an hour or so longer about any and everything until she yawns. When we hang up, I foolishly rub at the pang in my chest. It, of course, does no good. I’m in love with June Carter already, and I know I’m just going to fall deeper and deeper into it.





“Okay, so is this date casual or fancy?” I tap my chin before answering her.

“Owen’s not the fancy type.” I realize how that sounds and clarify. “In a good way. I have never been a fancy person, either. So…” May giggles and shakes her head.

“Girl, I know what you meant. So, I think you should wear these jeans, this crop top, and your high-heeled ankle shoes.” I look at the outfit she has put together, and I have to admit it would look sexy while being comfortable.

“Wow. How did you do that? It takes me hours to figure out what to wear. I have never been good at putting outfits together.”

“I don’t believe that. You are always cute for work.” That’s true, but business attire is always easier. Just then I hear the door open to find Logan coming through.

“Ladies. I came to steal my wife back.” I smile at the way she blushes at him, and his hand immediately goes to her stomach, rubbing it.

“Ooh. Can you take a picture of us?” May asks him, giving him her phone.

“Of course, baby.” We put our heads together and smile for the camera. He flashes it, and we both look at the picture he took, laughing. “You know, you two look alike. Like really alike. It’s almost as if…you’re sisters.” We both stop laughing and look at one another before smiling.

“Yeah, I guess we sort of do,” I say, my mind going through how true it really is.

They leave shortly after, giving me time to shower, comb my hair, and get dressed. Of course, I obsess over how I look once I am dressed, but with no time to change, I put on some mascara and lip gloss before grabbing my purse. I walk over to the door and put on my shoes, so I am ready for when he rings the bell.

Waiting, my mind goes to a hundred different places, wondering what my DNA tests will reveal. As crazy as it sounds, I agree: May and I and all of her other sisters look alike in one way or another. Knock. Knock. I am so nervous when I hear him knock on the door. I almost for one second contemplate not answering it until I berate myself and put on my big girl panties.

I open the door and smile big smiles at him. “Hey gorgeous. Wow. You look…wow.” I can’t help but blush at the heart in his eyes.

“You don’t look so bad yourself, handsome.” He is adorable when he puffs his chest out. He is wearing the sexiest Henley I have ever seen. His muscles fill it out nicely, and did I mention his thick thighs in these jeans?

“Well, I hope you didn’t want somewhere fancy.” His concerned voice stopped my lust. I looked up at him and smiled, putting my hand on his chest.

“I don’t like fancy, Owen. I like real.” He puts his hand on my back and leans in for a kiss. I meet him halfway; it is the sweetest kiss in the world but full of promise.

“That’s good, beautiful because with me, you get nothing but real.” Geez, why does that make my panties wet?