She could hear their footsteps up the back wooden staircase, and she was sure her heart was going to burst from her chest. The closer they got to her; the more panic welled up inside of her. She fought against the restraints and cried out in agony from the pain that sliced through her flesh.
“We have to move her now, the cops are already at Andrews’ house, arresting the complete fuck up that you hired,” Zac barked. “Honestly, a monkey could have done a better job of killing that pain-in-the-ass scientist. Do I have to do everything on my own?” he growled. Toni’s panic eased some with the knowledge that the man Zac sent to kill Nico didn’t succeed. But she wondered just how long it would be before he made good on his promises and killed Nico. Would he give up that quest once she was his wife? She doubted Zac would let Nico live, knowing that he would always be a threat to him. Zac was a coward and the way he took care of things he feared was to eliminate them. She and her father were prime examples of just how far Zac would go to get what he wanted.
Zac thrust the door open and turned on the switch, all at once flooding the dark room with incandescent light. Toni tried to open her eyes, but they were so sensitive to the new stimulation. She blinked, trying to get her bearings, trying to figure out who Zac was talking to.
“Ahh, the heiress is awake,” Zac growled. “Well, princess, just in time. We’re going to have to take a little trip and it will be easier to do with you awake and compliant. Do I need to give you a little something to help with your obedience issues, honey?” Zac held up a syringe and Toni had no trouble seeing his evil smirk. He would take great pleasure in having to drug her. She shivered at the thought of just what he would do to her if she were completely at his mercy. No, she needed to convince him she was going to be a good girl and play by his rules, even if that was a total lie.
“I can behave,” she choked. Her voice sounded like gravel, and she realized just how thirsty she was. “May I have a little water before we go?”
Zac pulled a knife from his jacket, and she panicked. “If I cut you loose and you try anything, I won’t use a needle to shut you up. Do you understand?” He flashed the knife in front of her face, and she yelped.
“Yes, Zac. I understand,” she spat. She needed to keep her temper in check if she was going to remain believable. The last thing she needed was to be drugged or stabbed, either would lessen her chances of getting away from Zac and finding Nico.
Zac worked at her bindings, cutting her loose, enjoying every little cry of pain that he elicited from her. He wasn’t the boy she once knew and she needed to remember that, otherwise she wouldn’t have the nerve to do what she needed to do to get away from him.
“You’ve changed,” she whispered as he helped her to sit up.
“Now you’re getting it, baby. I’m not that same kid who used to follow you around. He was a nothing and I run two major development companies,” he said. “That kid didn’t have the brains or the guts that I have, baby.” He pulled her in for a hard, smacking kiss and Toni felt nauseous.
“I miss that boy,” she whispered.
“That boy officially died the night he pushed your limp body overboard, leaving you for dead.” Toni shot him a look and he laughed. “I know that bothers you, doesn’t it, honey? I could be so cold-hearted that I’d leave you for dead?” Toni shook her head as if trying to deny his words, and he grabbed her face, stilling her motion. “Don’t you fucking lie to me, Toni. I know you better than that.”
“I understand why you did it, Zac,” she lied. “You had ambitions, and I was in the way,” she said. He still held her face in his hands, the wildness in his eyes didn’t dissipate.
“You were both in my way,” he barked, pushing her face away from himself as if she suddenly disgusted him. “You and your asshole father.” Toni gasped, realizing what Zac was saying.
“You killed him, didn’t you?” she sobbed. Zac seemed to take pleasure in telling her she was correct.
“Yes, baby. I killed your old man, and I’d do it all again. He refused to sign the company over to me and make me the heir to his fortune. I had him sign everything over to me, promising that I’d let him walk away from our little business deal, as soon as everything was finished. We both knew that I was lying. James and I took a walk and well, that was when he had his little accident.” Toni didn’t try to hide her sobs. Hearing her father was murdered by the monster who sat in front of her was almost too much.
Her father’s letter said he suspected Zac had been the one to try to kill her, but she didn’t really believe it until her memories started coming back to her in flashes. Everything from her dad’s letter was finally starting to make sense. He was right to keep the fact she was alive and living with Nico a secret from Zac and the rest of the world. If Zac had found out what her father knew, he would have come after her and Nico, finishing the job he started. Hell, he might get his chance to do just that now.
“I had a feeling your father was holding a trump card up his sleeve, but he kept the fact you were still alive hidden from me until you reappeared a few weeks after his death. You were his little secret and the reason why he changed his will six months after you disappeared. When I heard about his little clause of finding a living blood relative, I realized he knew more than he was letting on all that time and kept it from me. Your dad was a brilliant poker player, I’ll give him that much,” Zac said. Toni wanted to laugh at the way he almost sounded like he admired her father for keeping the truth from him.
“So, what now?” she asked, rubbing at her wrists and ankles, as Zac went on about being duped by her father and how disappointed he was in them both, as if she cared. God, all she could think about was getting some feeling back in her extremities so she could try to make a break for it when the time presented. Knowing exactly what Zac was capable of now made her more determined to break away from him, otherwise, she would end up like her father.
He didn’t answer her question and she was determined to draw his attention from his revenge. “May I use the washroom before we head out?” She cut into his monologue and Zac didn’t look very pleased. “I assume you want to leave before the police figure out where you’re hiding me?” she asked, batting her eyelashes at him. She was sure her feminine wiles wouldn’t work on him, but she would at least be able to distract him from droning on about himself.
Zac looked her up and down as if deciding if he should let her go to the bathroom. “I really have to pee,” she added and crossed her legs for good measure.
“Fine,” he grumbled. “But make it quick.” He helped her up from the bed and for a minute, Toni worried she wouldn’t be able to make it on her own. Her knees buckled and she thought for sure she was going to go down. Zac gripped her elbow and cursed. Toni pulled her arm free from his hold and pasted on her best smile.
“I’ve got this, thank you, Zac,” she purred. She wanted to yell and scream for him to let her go. Toni wished she had the strength to stomp on his foot and make a run for it, but she didn’t. She was at his mercy, and she needed to play her role if she wanted any chance of surviving.
Zac was waiting for her at the bottom of the staircase after she finished in the bathroom. She searched the medicine cabinet and the rest of the small bathroom for anything she could use as a weapon but found nothing. No one had lived in the old house for a long time and basic household items were nowhere to be found.
“Ready, honey?” Zac asked. His voice gave away his confidence and she wanted to tell him he wouldn’t win. He left one very loose end untied and Nico would come and find her, she was sure of it.
“So where are we going?” she asked, trying to act casual. Instead, she sounded breathy and anxious and both Zac and his bodyguard laughed at her.
“Well, not that it matters if I tell you what my plans are, but I do like watching you squirm when you feel helpless. Let’s just say I’m taking you far away from here. No one will be able to find you for a very long time, and by the time they do, I’ll have a little insurance policy in place, to make sure you won’t want to leave me.” Toni must have looked as confused as she felt by Zac’s vague statement.
He chuckled to himself as if enjoying a personal joke. “I’ll get you pregnant, Toni. You’re not the type of person who would leave her child. You won’t ever leave me again; I’ll make sure of it.” She gasped at his crazy idea, knowing she was up against a complete lunatic was making it easier for her to plan her escape, even if it meant hurting a man she once thought of as a friend.
“You would force me to have sex with you?” she questioned. Zac’s mean smile told her everything she needed to know. Forcing her to have sex with him was only the tip of the iceberg when it came to things he would do to keep her under his thumb.
“Oh, Toni, you have no idea what I have planned for you.” He turned to his guard. “Get the car and meet us around the corner. I don’t want to raise any suspicions,” Zac barked. His guy nodded and went to do as ordered, leaving Toni alone with Zac. She knew she was still too weak to even think about trying to escape, although the thought did cross her mind.