“Not that it matters now, but I was going to take her to our favorite little crab shack and fill her full of wine until she agreed to spend the rest of her life with me.” He shrugged. “It sounded like a good plan in my head,” he whispered. Heather put the ring back in the box and shot him another sad look. He hated the pity he saw in her eyes.
“Stop looking at me like that, Heather. I don’t need your pity. I need to figure out a way to fix this, fix her.” Nico shook his head, knowing he couldn’t fix the fact that she didn’t remember him, he might never be able to. Toni might not ever know him and that thought hurt like hell.
“I know you have a new plan, boss. You always have a backup plan, it’s who you are, Nico,” Heather soothed. He knew she was trying to help, but he felt as though his world was imploding in on him and there was nothing that he could do to stop it.
One of the reasons he loved being a conservational scientist was because he thought he could make small, daily changes that would lead to big changes in the world. He wanted to make the planet a better place, and that meant long hours in his lab and a shit ton of research. He was used to it. Nico’s parents were both part of Boston’s world of academia and he followed in their footsteps. He was never close with his mother or father, they both put their hearts and souls into their work, leaving little time for him. He was an only child and sometimes, he wished he had a brother or sister to share some of his loneliness with. Nico often made-up imaginary friends to fill his emptiness, hoping that someday his parents would show him some interest. And they eventually did, but not until he graduated Summa Cum Laude with his doctorate in environmental conservation. His mother and father were front row center when he received his diploma and even spared a few hours that night to take him out to dinner. He was hoping for at least a “congratulations” or a “way to go, son” but instead, they wished him well and sent him on his way.
Nico moved to the Isle of Palms when he heard of a research grant that would enable him to study the island’s ever-sinking beaches. He fought hard for that grant, and when he got it, he never looked back. He’d get an occasional card for his birthday or Christmas from his parents, reminding him that another year had passed, but that was all. Nico made a few friends on the island, mostly fellow scientists who were there to research the erosion problems on the island, but for the most part, he kept to himself and concentrated on his work. All that changed when Toni washed up on the beach. She moved into his life and became such a fixture in his day-to-day life, that he couldn’t remember what his life was like without her. He was afraid he might soon be reminded if she didn’t regain her memories of him and their life together.
Nico sighed. “I’ve got to go up and wake Jenn—fuck—I mean Toni. The doctor said to wake her every hour since she most likely has a concussion.” He stood from his chair and Heather jumped up from her spot on the corner of his desk and pulled him in for a hug.
“I know this seems like a strange thing for me to say since I’m your assistant and all, but you are pretty unforgettable, boss.” Nico wrapped his arms around Heather, not quite sure what to do or say next. He nodded, and when she pulled free, he headed upstairs to the apartment he and Toni shared.
Nico opened the bedroom door to find her curled up on their bed, still wrapped in the blanket he put over her. Toni looked so peaceful he hated to wake her. For a moment, he allowed himself to hope she would open her eyes and remember him, but the scientist part of him knew that would be darn near impossible. A concussion and amnesia didn’t just disappear after only an hour of sleep.
Nico sat down on the bed next to Toni as the mattress dipped with his weight. He couldn’t help but gently kiss her cheek, knowing that once she was awake, she’d want him to keep his distance. She stirred and snuggled into his body and there was that damn hope again. He wanted to believe Heather, but he was sure that if given the chance, Toni would leave him. Nico always worried she would regain her memories and decide to return to her old life, whatever it was. He felt like a complete ass that he wished for the woman he loved to never recover her past. What kind of person hoped for something like that? He knew exactly—a selfish one.
Toni rolled into his body, covering his lap with her arm and his cock sprang to life. Apparently, it didn’t get the memo that the love of his life didn’t remember him. His dick was screaming at him to wake her up and slide into her body, but that couldn’t happen now.
“Honey, wake up,” Nico whispered. He dipped to kiss her forehead and she smiled in her sleep, not opening her eyes. She took his breath away and a sadness consumed him. How long would she stay? How long would he have with her now that she remembered her past? Would she ever look at him in that same sweet way again—the one that told him she thought he hung the fucking stars.?
“Sweetheart,” he crooned. “It’s time to wake up.”
“Mmm, Nico,” she moaned and snuggled closer to him. Nico smiled down at her, he couldn’t help it. She remembered his name and now that damn hope was back. If Toni knew him in her dreams, it was only a matter of time before she’d remember him in real life.
Toni woke to a man’s voice quietly telling her to wake up. She felt like a truck had run her over and her head was pounding. “Sweetheart, it’s time to wake up,” the gentle voice soothed. She wanted to snuggle into the man and let his sweet voice lull her back to sleep, but he kept insisting she open her eyes. With the way her head hurt, opening her eyes was the last thing she wanted to do.
“Baby, open your eyes for me,” the man coaxed. His voice sounded familiar, like coming home, and she wanted to find him, run to him, but she couldn’t. He felt safe and she knew the man behind the voice would never hurt her. She could feel herself slowly waking and she almost hated leaving the lovely dream, but the insistent voice was leaving her no choice. Her eyes popped open to find the man from earlier, who claimed to be her boyfriend, sitting next to her on the bed. He was stroking her face, pushing her long, blonde hair back from her eyes, and she couldn’t help but lean into his touch. It felt right to have him touching her and she wasn’t sure what to do about that.
“Hey beautiful,” he whispered. Toni couldn’t help but smile up at him. He was handsome and she liked the way he seemed to want to protect her. Earlier, while the lifeguards and doctor were crowding her, she noticed him watching her, as if he wouldn’t let anything or anyone hurt her. Toni just wished she could remember him.
His sad eyes looked down at her and she was sure she could see into his soul. “Hey,” she croaked. Her voice was hoarse, and he reached for a glass of water that was sitting on the nightstand.
“Here, take a drink of this,” he said.
Toni sipped at the water and laid back down. Even those little movements hurt her head and she hoped he would let her go back to sleep. “Thank you—” she paused, not remembering his name. She looked up at him, her sheepish grin in place. “I’m so sorry, but I’m not sure of your name.” She didn’t miss the flash of disappointment that crossed his features.
He smiled and Toni noticed it didn’t reach his deep brown eyes. “My name is Nico, Nico Andrews,” he whispered. “I’m sorry I had to wake you, but the doctor said to do so every hour to make sure you’re all right. A head injury isn’t anything to fool around with,” he said. “You were in bed for days last time—” his voice trailed off.
“It’s all right, Nico. I know this must be hard for you too. You claim that we are—together.” Nico nodded his head, taking the glass of water from her. “I want to remember you, I really do,” she sobbed.
“No, baby, don’t cry. It will only make your head hurt more. It will be all right, you just need to rest, and in a day or two, I’ll take you to the mainland and we’ll have you checked out,” Nico promised. She worried her father would be beside himself with worry. Waiting two more days wouldn’t be fair to him or Zac. They must have been so worried about her, especially if she had really been gone for over a year.
“I’d like to contact my father and boyfriend,” she said. Toni wiped her eyes and again noticed the disappointment in Nico’s eyes. He was so expressive; she was sure she would always be able to tell exactly what he was thinking. “I have a life, Nico. Or I did. If what you say is true, and I’ve been gone for over a year, they must be worried sick.” Nico nodded and stood, and Toni instantly missed the comfort of having his body close to hers. She found that fact strange, but nothing about the day felt normal.
“Why would they not have come looking for you after your first accident?” Nico questioned. Honestly, she wondered the same thing. How could she go missing and her father not look for her? The last time she talked to him, he was upset with her for stalling her decision to marry Zachary Bierman. Zac was a great guy, but she wasn’t in love with him. She didn’t know if she would ever love him, and she didn’t want to marry someone for the sake of her family’s business. She wanted the fairytale, her knight riding in on a white horse and all the crazy things young girls wanted. Zac wasn’t that for her, he never would be. She tried to tell her father that, but he refused to listen or take no as her answer. Had she made him so upset he didn’t want to find her?
“You told me you were staying on the island, at your family’s beach house?” Nico asked.
“Yes, we have a house over on the South side of the island. I was staying there for a few days, trying to make up my mind about—” Toni didn’t know if she should tell Nico the rest. The last thing she wanted to do was hurt him, he seemed so sweet and gentle with the way he took care of her.
“You were making up your mind about what?” he questioned. Toni had a feeling Nico didn’t miss much. He did say he was a scientist, so he was probably paying attention to her every detail, even studying her.
Toni sighed, knowing she was going to have to give him the whole truth, and hope he would still help her. She wanted to find out what the hell was going on, why no one had come looking for her in over a year. She also wanted her life back, and if she was going to hurt Nico, she at least owed him the truth.
“I was trying to decide if I wanted to accept Zac’s marriage proposal,” she almost whispered. Nico watched her from across the small bedroom, his murderous gaze made her shiver.