Gen turned to Jack. “Okay, are you ready to meet another strange character?”
Mama Jamba smiled up at Papa Creola. “Which one of us do you think she is referring to when she says strange?”
“I hope it’s me,” Papa Creola said, strumming his guitar.
“I hope it’s me,” Mama Jamba countered, tugging him back toward the front of the Fantastical Armory. “Let’s come up with a new note. Something that no one has ever heard before.”
Outside The Crying Cat Bakery, Roya Lane, London, England, United Kingdom
“So you broke my sword on purpose?” Jack asked coyly as they approached the bakery on Roya Lane.
Gen paused, turning to face him directly. Everyone was dropping all these hints to him, sharing the secret she was trying to keep to herself. It was wonderful to have so many powerful entities around her, until they trespassed into her head and leaked her personal feelings and thoughts.
“It’s not like that,” Gen began. “I didn’t set out to break your sword. Bellumferrum works based on my intentions and thoughts. And I guess, I wanted to spend more time with you—just us. So, it became something that would break your sword.”
A knowing smile unfurled on his face. “And then you would have to help me replace it, using connections that only people like you have.”
“What does that mean?” Gen spat back. “People like me?”
He sighed. “You’re a Beaufont. I know that you’re tired of everyone treating you differently because of that?—”
“Poorly,” she interrupted. “They are treating me like I’m some spoiled brat who doesn’t deserve to be a Rogue Rider. The others think I get special treatment because of my name. Dwayne downright hates me and is trying to make me quit.”
Jack nodded, understandingly. “I know and it sucks. Because if the others gave you half a chance and got to know you, they’d learn what I know. You’re incredible because of who you are deep down. Your name isn’t who you are. Your heart is what makes you amazing. And you get special treatment from me, Amanda and the world around you because when people get to know you, they want to help you.”
Gen stared into his eyes, not sure how to respond to that. “Well, thanks for saying that…”
“But you can’t discount the fact that you are a Beaufont,” Jack continued. “And that means that you come from royalty. There are a lot of rumors and lore about the Beaufonts. It’s believed that there’s a curse on your family that says you can’t rest until you find corruption and blot it out. Then there’s the one that says that your father made a pact with Mother Nature enslaving his family and all of his relatives to fight for justice for all of time.”
Gen actually laughed at this. “That sounds like something my father would do.”
He nodded. “Your family is famous. The Beaufont name fills the history books. No one can argue that it’s pretty incredible that each one has a story and has fought for magic.”
“They’ve also died young for it,” Gen said, having studied much of her family history recently.
“I know,” Jack imparted sympathetically. “And your family is incredibly well connected. I just met Father Time and Mother Nature. Oh, and the Protector of Weapons, who is allowing me to have a sword that I’ve studied and dreamed of holding.”
“Yeah, I guess we have some cool friends,” Gen replied. “But it seems to go with the territory of never getting a break and being cursed to always fight.”
“You know you love it,” he teased.
She nodded, chuckling. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“Me either,” Jack stated. “Anyway, so you wanted to spend time with me. I’m glad. I obviously enjoy having you by my side.”
“Jack, I can’t date you…”
The light expression on his face faded to disappointment.
“I’m so new to this world,” she continued in a rush. “And I’m just trying to figure things out. And then there’s the whole, trying to put a life together. I’ve essentially started over.”
“I can help you,” he offered. “I know pretty much everything about this world or I know where to look for answers. Well, I haven’t been in the Great Library like some people, but still, I’m fairly resourceful.” He gave her a playful expression.
“Jack, Dwayne has it out for me,” she said. “I don’t think it will be good for you to be closely associated with me. He’ll come after you too.”