“Let’s have a picnic and not use any napkins!” Amanda cheered, striding into the large open space. “And don’t worry about crumbs or spillage. I’ll just turn on the self-cleaning function in your room when we’re done.” The House Manager grinned slyly at Gen. “I turned it off for most everyone else’s rooms. They are going to be living in their own filth in no time.”

“Did you get queso?” Liv asked, digging through the bag of goodies that smelled so delicious.

Amanda pursed her lips. “Do you think I want to be cut by you? Of course I got your queso. And extra chips and also salsa molcajete.” Liv grinned, pulling items from the bag and lying on the seating area at the front of her room. The space offered an area for lounging in the reading nook, a socializing section in front of the fireplace, a dressing space next to the oversized bathroom and of course, the actual sleeping quarters. Her room was by far one of her favorite parts of the Rogue Rider Mansion.

“You’re a good woman,” Liv cheered, arranging the food on the coffee table in front of the fireplace. There were various seats around it, but for the trio’s picnic in Gen’s room, they’d plopped oversized pillows on the floor around the low table.

The wood-burning fireplace was something Gen never expected to use. Los Angeles was proving to have the perfect temperatures, not too hot nor cold. She missed a lot of things about fifteenth-century London, but the weather wasn’t one of them. Maybe in time, she’d miss the lone foggy morning, or a cozy rainy day, but for now, the constant sunny weather and inviting blue skies were a welcomed relief.

“What’s that?” Gen asked, pointing at what looked like shredded chicken wrapped up in a flour blanket. It was covered in green and red diced vegetables and sprinkled with cheese.

“That,” Liv said, picking up one of the many items like this lying on the table, “is a taco. And I’ll show you how to eat them.” She tilted the taco to the side and took a large bite out of the front. Salsa slid down her chin and some of the contents spilled out the back.

Amanda laughed. “And see why I told you not to worry about clean up?” she asked Gen, winking at her. “I’ve got you covered. Be as messy as you want and I’ll make it spotless when our taco feast is done tonight.”

Gen smiled, settling down in her spot in front of the table. “Thanks, but I don’t want to make more work for you.”

Amanda threw back her head, laughing. She snapped her fingers and a large phone-like device appeared suddenly in her hands. Seeing the confusion on Gen’s face, she held up the technology. “This is a tablet, but specifically, it’s magitech that I use to take care of the house.”

Liv nodded, settling into her spot, having already eaten all of her taco. “Yes, Alicia DeLuca, one of my best buds created it for Sophia when she and Lunis started the Rogue Rider Mansion.”

“It’s amazing,” Amanda said, picking up a taco and taking her spot at the table. “This device allows me to add rooms, delete them, rearrange the house layout, redecorate and do a whole host of other things.”

“I thought that you did it through magic,” Gen said, simply famished, but a little uncertain of how to eat this taco thing. However, she liked the example that Liv had set, showing how to eat the food and also that it didn’t matter if you were messy doing it.

“Well, the House Manager Tablet is magitech,” Amanda said, indicating the device that she’d laid down on the table so she could eat with both hands. “But as the House Manager of the Rogue Rider Mansion, I’m connected to it. So using magic, I can instantly do all the functions that are offered on the menus of the device.”

“So she can perform functions remotely with magic,” Liv offered, picking up a tortilla chip and dipping it in red salsa. Gen had been exposed to that food when Liv had taken her for her first nachos. She’d described them as the best food ever. After having them, so far, Gen couldn’t argue with her on that, although burgers were a close second.

“But if I want to conserve magic, then I use the House Manager Tablet,” Amanda explained. “So if I want it to smell like sulfur in the dining room right now, then I just tap this button.” She did and smiled. “Now those jerk Rogue Riders’ dinner will be a little less enjoyable.”

Gen couldn’t help but laugh at this. “That seems sort of wrong.”

Amanda scoffed. “Did you see how happy half those jerks were when Dwayne tried to fire you? They just blindly follow his lead, disliking you because they are afraid of him. I don’t have any respect for riders without a spine.”

“They are just confused,” Liv offered, chomping on a chip she’d dipped in thick green salsa. “They had Sophia before who they couldn’t relate to because she’s so purely good. Hell, I can’t relate to that little angel. Now, they have Dwayne and talk about a pendulum swing. He’s cruel and unfair so they are doing what they think he wants and shunning you, Gen.”

She nodded, daring to take a bite of the chicken taco. Instantly, she was rewarded with a savory goodness of spices and bold flavors. She took another bite before chewing and swallowing the first.

When Gen had pretty much inhaled the taco, she pointed to the House Manager Tablet. “Liv, do you think that your friend who created that can advise me? I think I need a magitech expert to understand more about what’s going on at MystTech Creations.”

“Absolutely,” Liv replied, picking up another taco with hungry anticipation. “I’ll set up a meeting. She can be found in the electronic repair shop under where I live.”

“That would be really helpful, thanks,” Gen replied, also grabbing another taco. “And also, while I’m at the House of Fourteen I need to visit the library to find Akio Takahashi’s sword.”

The light expression on Liv’s face faded. “Oh, Akio…”

“You knew him?” Gen asked, instantly regretful, knowing that he was dead.

Liv nodded. “He taught me how to fight. He was one of the best—all around.”

“I’m sorry,” Gen said. “And he is from a founding family. It’s just that Subner said that Jack should have his sword, Rakurai. I broke his other one so I’ve got to help him replace it. Apparently it’s hidden somewhere in the library in the House of Fourteen. Any ideas of where to look?”

Liv laughed, covering her grieving look from before. “No, but good luck. I guess we have you to blame for how crazy that place is.”

“I didn’t create the library,” Gen argued. “I mean, as Founders, we built the location of the House of Fourteen but it was much different than it is now.”

“Evolved,” Amanda corrected. “You started the seed and like a person, it’s sprouted up and become its own thing over time, with traits and personality.”