Gen nodded, confusion muddying her thoughts right then.
This is it, Emperor said in her head. This is the trouble I felt that you’d get into.
But I didn’t do anything, she urged silently.
It doesn’t matter, he replied. You can’t run from what’s happening next. I believe, although I can’t say why, that it’s pivotal to set a ball in motion. Sometimes bad things have to happen to stop worse things.
Fine, Gen said, returning her full attention to the police officer.
“Is everything okay?” she asked, looking back at the building she’d exited, only a few yards away.
“I’m afraid not,” the officer said. “We’ve gotten a report that valuables have just gone missing from MystTech Creations.” The man pointed to the large building.
“Oh, well, it wasn’t me,” Gen urged suddenly.
The police officer gave her a stern expression under his dark hat. “We have reason to believe it was. Do I have your permission to search you?”
Gen was about to comply when yelling from the building stole both their attention. She whirled around. Panic raced through her veins from the loud protests. Her heart leapt into her throat as she saw a group of other MystTech employees burst through the front doors, their faces contorted with anger and accusations. At their backs, walking much slower and seeming reserved, was Chip. His arms were crossed in front of his chest and there was a strange expression in his eyes.
“There she is!” one of the technicians shouted, his finger stabbing in Gen’s direction. “She’s the one who stole the quantum-entangled silicon!”
“It must have been her,” another employee said, pausing with the others a few feet away. “She just left when we noticed the significant shortage. The intern took them.”
Behind the raging men, Chip had halted too. He didn’t make eye contact with Gen, looking down at the ground, like this theft was hurting his heart.
Gen shook her head. “I didn’t steal anything. I sorted the silicon. You can ask Chip. I did it and in record time. Maybe there’s a mistake because I changed the process.”
“Miss Beaufont,” the officer began in a calm voice. “This could all be a misunderstanding. Since you’ve just left the facility, can I have permission to search your person?”
“Of course,” she replied, holding up her hands. “I’ve got nothing to hide.”
The man stepped in closer, giving her a hesitant expression. Then he looked over his shoulder at the officers waiting in the police cars and nodded. It was a signal of sorts, like checking that they were watching and had his back, should anything happen.
Gen grimaced as the man patted her down. It was very clinical and not rough, but it still felt like an invasion. His hand paused at her hip, the expression on his face suddenly quizzical. He pressed on the pouch she wore strapped to her belt.
“May I?” he asked, indicating the small bag.
Gen nodded, keeping her hands up, wishing this would all be over soon and she could go home. Then she’d really be sorting through these events, trying to figure out what was going on at MystTech Creations and who was trying to rob the place.
Gen’s racing thoughts were interrupted when the officer pulled out a glowing blue crystal-like chip.
“What?” Gen barked, nearly losing her voice. “What’s that doing there?”
“We told you!” one of the technicians cheered loudly, slapping the hand of one of the other employees beside him.
“I didn’t steal that,” Gen argued. “This must be a mistake.”
She wasn’t granted any respite from the search as the officer again dug into the bag, pulling out several more of the quantum-entangled silicon chips.
Gen’s eyes widened, her mind spinning with questions. Her blood ran cold, her mind reeling with confusion and disbelief. She opened her mouth to protest, but before she could utter a word, officers poured out of the vehicles.
They lifted their weapons and instantly trained them on Gen as they formed a tight circle around her. She raised her hands even higher into the air, her heart pounding a frantic rhythm against her ribs.
“Gen Beaufont, you’re under arrest for theft of highly valuable technology,” the police officer in front of her stated, his voice harsh and uncompromising.
“Someone must have put that in my bag,” Gen said, her mind searching through the various events that had transpired in MystTech Creations. There had been so many and several chances when her attention was diverted. There were so many people who could have done it too and it boggled her mind suddenly. She looked through the crowd where Chip seemed to be hiding. His face was blank and unresponsive as she shot him pleading expressions.
The officer’s eyes narrowed, his expression hardening. “We’ll see about that. Please turn around and place your hands behind your back.”