“And finally, we have the Nano-Monkeys,” Bermuda said, her voice taking on a note of caution. She pointed to a small, glass terrarium filled with what appeared to be a swirling cloud of metallic dust. “These microscopic monkeys can build and rebuild themselves, creating circuits and structures on a molecular level. They’re incredible for designing intricate special effects rigs, but they can also be unpredictable. If they get out of control, they could wreak havoc on a massive scale.”

Gen peered into the terrarium, her eyes straining to make out the individual Nano-Monkeys. As she watched, the swirling cloud began to combine, forming a tiny, shimmering monkey that chattered and leaped, its movements almost too quick to follow. It moved around its area, looking over its shoulder at Gen, seeming to be plotting based on the cunning expression in its eyes. It was all too much for Gen to even process, but she couldn’t ignore what she was seeing with her own eyes.

“Incredible,” Gen breathed, her mind reeling with the possibilities and implications of these strange, hybrid creatures.

Bermuda nodded, her expression grave. “They are indeed. But I’m not sure I’m comfortable leaving them here at MystTech. Something about this place doesn’t sit right with me.” She shook her head, her brow furrowed.

Gen gave the giantess a pointed look. “Really? Emperor had a similar…suspicion.”

There was a glint in Bermuda’s eyes, like she was grateful for the information. She nodded. “Right. Well, I’ll have to think long and hard before I agree to loan them out. In the wrong hands, these creatures can do serious harm. In the right ones, well, they are still unpredictable.”

Gen couldn’t help but agree, having seen firsthand what the creatures could do. But she had also seen what MystTech Creations could do and that was very unsettling. The memory of her disturbing experience in the lobby was still fresh in her mind.

As she followed Bermuda out of the room, she couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to MystTech Creations than met the eye. Emperor had sensed something dangerous within these walls, but just how treacherous was the question. It could be harmful to a few…or millions.



MystTech Creations, West Hollywood, California, United States

Unnerved by this special effects studio, Gen was just about to start her covert investigation when Chip came back into the room where he’d left her. Bermuda Laurens had kindly taken Gen back to where she’d found her. On her own, Gen would have gotten lost navigating the confusing hallways in the belly of MystTech Creations.

“What are you doing?” Chip asked, giving Gen a look of scrutiny.

She was bent over, inspecting the strange blue gel-like liquid around the perimeter of the lockers on the far wall. Straightening, she shook her head. “Nothing. I just thought I recognized this substance. It smells like Sneak’s Stain Solution.”

“Oh, you’re familiar with that, huh?” Chip asked. “Well, if you’re ready, then I’ve got your workstation set up. If you follow me, then I’ll get you going on your first assignment.”

“Right, yeah, I’m eager to get started,” she replied, looking over her shoulder at the potion used for security purposes. She wondered what they were protecting and if it was the dangerous thing that Emperor had picked up on.

As Gen followed Chip through the winding corridors of MystTech Creations, she couldn’t help but marvel at the sleek, high-tech surroundings. The walls were lined with interactive displays, each one showcasing a different aspect of the company’s cutting-edge virtual reality technology. This would have been Sully’s heaven. For Gen, it was the epicenter of confusion—broadcasting just how much she didn’t know about this world.

Chip led her into a vast, open-plan workspace, where dozens of lab stations hummed with activity. At one table, a group of guys dressed in clothes of the modern era were gathered. Chip introduced them as engineers. They were huddled around a complex array of lenses and mirrors, their faces illuminated by the eerie glow of holographic projections. Gen only knew what that was due to terminology she’d heard from the screens in the hallway, explaining the technology.

At another lab station, a lone technician was working on something with great focus. Chip explained the work, using mostly terms that she didn’t comprehend. Gen watched as the technician carefully adjusted the delicate circuitry of what was apparently a haptic feedback glove. The man’s brow was furrowed in concentration.

“Over here, we have our motion capture rigs,” Chip explained, gesturing to a series of sleek, black suits adorned with countless sensors. “These allow us to translate real-world movements into virtual environments with unparalleled accuracy.”

Gen nodded, like this at all made sense. Her eyes were wide with wonder as she watched a suited figure dance and spin. Their movements were mirrored perfectly by a shimmering, digital avatar on a nearby screen. It was the strangest bit of magic she’d witnessed, but apparently it was more than just that. It was technology—magitech.

“And this,” Chip continued, leading her to a cluttered workbench, “is where we need your help.”

Gen raised an eyebrow, taking in the scattered components and tangled wires that littered the surface. It was a strange assortment of broken pieces and bits of dust with bright blue objects that glowed. They were interspersed in with an odd mix of parts which Gen obviously didn’t recognize. “What exactly do you need me to do?”

Chip grinned, a mischievous glint in his eye. “We need you to clean up some of our magitech remnants. You know, sort through the debris left behind by our little cyber-critters. We give them large chunks of hardware that is magically enhanced. Over time, they grow pieces of powerful resources. That’s what we need you to sift out. I’ll show you what you’re looking for.”

“Okay, I guess that doesn’t sound too difficult,” Gen related.

He shrugged. “I know it’s not glamorous work, but it gives you a chance to learn about what we do and be exposed to the magitech.”

Gen looked around in anticipation, remembering her earlier encounter with the strange, hybrid creatures. It was fascinating to her that this company was using little cyber-critters to help them with their work. She approached the workbench cautiously, her fingers hovering over the jumble of parts.

As she began to sort through the mess, a soft, pulsing glow caught her eye. Chip watched her with curiosity for a moment, seeming to be studying her and also a little confused by her demeanor, like she wasn’t what he expected. Dwayne probably told him that she had a self-entitled bad attitude.

Nestled among the debris was a small, crystalline chip, its surface etched with intricate, swirling patterns that seemed to dance and shift in the light. Gen picked it up gingerly, feeling a strange, tingling sensation in her fingertips.

“Ah, I see you’ve found our quantum-entangled silicon. I thought you might spot what it is I have you hunting for amongst the mess,” Chip said, his voice taking on a note of reverence.