Subner blinked at Gen, giving her a look of true annoyance. “You’re going to make me help him, aren’t you?”
“I think that he’s worthy of your assistance,” Gen replied. “And I broke his sword with Bellumferrum so I owe him.”
“Bellumferrum did no such thing,” Subner countered. “You broke Jack’s sword so that you could spend more time with him.”
Gen blushed, jerking her head to the side, avoiding looking at either man. “That’s absurd.”
“And then you thought that because you knew me, you could bring your so-called friend here for help,” Subner continued.
“Of course, she can,” Mama Jamba’s southern accent chimed from the front of the shop. Gen and Jack turned to see the old woman with a head full of grayish-blue curls striding in their direction. Today she was wearing a hot pink tracksuit which matched her lipstick perfectly. “Gen is always welcome here. This was her first home in this time. And she can bring anyone with her who she likes, especially one of my favorite Rogue Riders, Jack Lane.” Mama Jamba halted just a few feet from them, batting her eyelashes at the pair. “And I swear young man, you are as handsome as I intended…”
The Fantastical Armory, Roya Lane, London, England, United Kingdom
Jack’s mouth fell open and his blue eyes shined bright with amazement and awe. Gen didn’t think he could look cuter than in that moment when he was face to face with Mama Jamba for the first time. She knew that he was in complete astonishment to be in front of the creator of everything. But more than that, he, like most, was surprised to find that she just looked like a regular old woman. She was a beautiful one and had a distinct charm about her, but she definitely was more ordinary than anyone would have expected.
“Y-Y-You’re Mother Nature?” Jack stuttered, fixing his jacket, although it was fine.
She smiled brightly. “Those who know me personally call me Mama Jamba.”
“It’s a pleasure and honor.” Jack held out his hand to her. “I can’t believe this…You’re a real…”
“Person,” Mama Jamba supplied, taking his hand, wringing it in her wrinkled one. “And yes, I’m a real person. Being a vine-covered tree creature was so boring. In the 1980s I took on this form and I quite like my hair so I haven’t changed. Not like Papa, who has regenerated a few times in the last century.”
She glanced over her shoulder, toward the front of the shop, in the direction of the oversized pink armchairs in front of the display window. “Dear, we have company. Get over here.”
Jack gave Gen a look of complete shock. His face accurately said, “I’m about to meet Father Time.”
She smiled, bumping into him playfully, trying to dispel his nerves.
Papa Creola pushed up out of his chair, holding a guitar and looking as handsome as ever in slacks and a button-up shirt. His hair was all silver and pressed back, framing his elegant features that were both strong and distinct.
He strode over, fiddling with the guitar, his attention mostly on the instrument. Not until he was standing next to Mama Jamba did he look up and smile at Gen. “Hey Time Traveler. You know, I’m glad that I had to regenerate in my efforts to try and put you back in the fifteenth century. I’ve been enjoying my artistic nature as a fairy.”
“Some of us aren’t as excited about becoming fairies,” Subner muttered. “Cutting off my wings was excruciatingly painful. And still, often I get the urge to ‘express myself.’”
Gen gave the grumpy guy a commiserate expression. She then glanced at Papa Creola who had his wings glamoured to not show since he kept his. “I’m glad that you’re seeing the bright side of what could have been viewed as a failure.”
He shrugged. “I needed a change.”
“And I think he’s quite handsome and this look suits him,” Mama Jamba said proudly, admiring the man beside her.
“Umm…what? Father Time is a fairy?” Jack asked, looking between Gen and Mother Nature.
Gen shook her head. “He’s a halfling in this version. Papa Creola is half-magician and half-fairy.”
Holding up the guitar, Father Time smiled brightly. “And I’ve been exploring the fairy side. I’m trying to learn how to play.”
“And it’s killing me,” Subner muttered, turning the page of his book.
Gen laughed, holding out a hand to the old man. “Jack, this is Papa Creola, also known as Father Time. He selflessly regenerated his form to try and put me back in my timeline. It didn’t work because I wasn’t meant to go back since my sister had taken my role as Founder and Warrior for the House of Fourteen.”
Jack shook his head. “Your life is very complicated…”
They all grinned, nodding.