“Someone is coming,” Rudolf said, sliding up close to the door—listening. “Hurry.”

Gen slipped the frame back where she found it. Just then, the sound of keys jiggling echoed on the other side of the door. Both of them stiffened, fearing they’d just gotten caught.



Commissioner’s Office, Los Angeles Police Department Headquarters, Los Angeles, California, United States

Silently, Rudolf spun his finger in the air, pointing at Gen and then himself, magic circling around them. Instantly, Gen shrunk like before. This time, the feeling was much more painful. She guessed it was his impromptu attempts that made Rudolf have to do it with a little less precision than before. And not only that, but she felt a little off, like she wasn’t a mouse this time.

Still there was no time to worry on this. Gen scurried one way and then another, hearing the jiggling of the keys on the other side of the door. Rudolf ran over to the wall next to the door. He glanced at her, nodding in his direction. At once, she knew what his plan was. She also knew why she didn’t feel like a mouse—King Rudolf had turned them into little moles.

Gen almost laughed at the ridiculousness of Rudolf with his pointy nose and squinty eyes. However, then she realized the problem for her. Moles couldn’t see so well. Not only that, but they were a lot less agile than mice, having rounder bodies and funny feet. Luckily though, Gen managed to dart over next to the other mole, her clumsy form making each step a little less than graceful.

Just then, a key slid into the lock of the door. Gen held her breath as it opened. She nearly squeaked with fright when a polished leather shoe stepped inches away from where she and King Rudolf were huddled. It reminded her of how vulnerable they were as tiny little rodents.

“What in the world?” Charlie Sloan exclaimed, looking at the broken ceiling tile lying around on the floor. He stomped over, leaving the door open behind him. When he was under the missing false ceiling tile, he looked up, a loud growl ripping from his throat. “I’ve been broken into!”

Charlie Sloane went to pull something from his suit jacket. Just as he unlocked the phone, King Rudolf gave Gen a hurried look. She knew what he was intending. Not needing another bit of encouragement Gen scurried out the door. She thought that King Rudolf would follow immediately.

To her surprise, she heard him yelp, scratch loudly on the carpet and then speed off.

“What!” Charlie boomed into the phone. “No! Apparently, I have rodents! That’s what I just found has broken into my office.”

Gen grinned with delight, realizing what the fae intended. He was trying to throw Charlie off the idea that it had been a robbery. Now, he just thought he had little pests. And even better for them, the Commissioner of Los Angeles wasn’t the type of man who would hurry after rodents. Therefore, Gen and King Rudolf were given complete freedom to race through the hallways in mole form.

From there, they found the stairwell door propped open by a mop bucket, left there by the after-hours cleaning crew. Easily, the pair sped down the stairs, finding the task a bit humiliating, since the mole’s body rolled and lost its balance easily. Still, they made it to the first floor where another open door provided an exit.

Unfortunately, in the lobby of the police department headquarters is where they met their first real obstacles. The place thankfully only had a few people stationed about. However, when two moles raced over the shiny floors, this produced many screams and sounds of alarm from people.

“Get them!” one person yelled.

Another jumped clear of Gen’s scurrying paws.

“Let them out!” someone called, yanking a glass door open, clearing the path for them, thinking they were just lost rodents.

Gen was grateful for that as she and King Rudolf sailed out into the night air, finding concrete and freedom once more.



Pizzeria Mozza Restaurant, Los Angeles, California, United States

As Gen stepped into Pizzeria Mozza, her senses were immediately overwhelmed by the sights, sounds and smells of the bustling Los Angeles eatery. The warm, inviting aroma of baking bread and melted cheese wafted through the air, mingling with the lively chatter of the other patrons. The interior was a cozy blend of rustic charm and modern elegance, with exposed brick walls, gleaming wood floors and soft, golden lighting that cast a warm glow over the dining room.

King Rudolf, Sherlock and Alicia were already seated at a table, engrossed in a lively discussion about the latest developments in the investigation at MystTech Creations. As Gen approached, Alicia looked up and waved her over, a friendly smile on her face. Gen slid into the empty seat, her eyes wide with curiosity as she took in the unfamiliar surroundings.

After Rudolf returned her successfully to her human form, Gen immediately went back to the Rogue Rider mansion for a shower. As a rodent, she had her hands and feet and belly touching everywhere she’d just been. Although as a woman born and raised in the medieval era, she wasn’t squeamish about such things, maybe modern plumbing and the convenience of amenities was making her softer.

The reconnaissance mission at the Los Angeles Police Department had been as successful as Gen could have hoped for. They’d found two pieces of hard evidence that linked Charlie Sloane to the LACMA and Federal Reserve Bank robberies. Also, they hadn’t gotten caught, which was a big win after the near miss in the Commissioner’s office. Now, Gen was hoping to learn what Alicia and Sherlock had discovered at MystTech Creations, but first she needed to refuel after her long and exhausting mission.

“So, this is pizza?” Gen asked, eyeing the large, round pies being carried to the tables around them. The sight of the golden, bubbling cheese and the vibrant colors of the toppings was both intriguing and intimidating.

Sherlock chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “Not just any pizza, my dear. This is Pizzeria Mozza, home to some of the finest pies in all of Los Angeles.”

“It’s not Italian pizza, but it definitely wins applause from me,” Alicia stated. “Actually, where I’m from in Venice, we’re not known for our pizza.”