“I wouldn’t want that, sir,” Gen muttered dully.

He ignored her, continuing. “This advanced special effects studio creates graphics and computer-generated imagery.”

“You mean they make the visuals on television that aren’t real?” Gen asked, realizing how complex this assignment was going to be.

He nodded. “Yes, genius. You’re going to be required to learn about all the complex cutting-edge technology that this studio offers.”

“Wouldn’t it be best to start me with something simpler?” Gen countered. “Like how a phone works?”

“No,” he spat at once. “You can figure that stuff out on your own. You seem to try to make quick work of everything I assign you, so this time, I’m going to ensure that it requires your full attention and attendance.”

She caught the glint in his eyes and thought he probably knew that she wasn’t actually fulfilling all her shadowing hours in person. Gen didn’t want to get Jack and Sully in trouble, so she decided not to argue it.

“What do you want me to do?” Gen asked, swallowing down her pride.

“You’ll start an internship at MystTech Creations where you’ll have to report to a supervisor who doesn’t care that you’re a Beaufont,” he explained. “You’ll be required to complete forty hours and only when you’ve fulfilled their objectives will you be done.”

“And then I’ll be done with training and assigned a case, sir?” Gen asked, hope in her voice.

He shook his head. “Then, we will see what else you need to learn.”

Gen worked to keep the irritation off her face. She simply nodded, knowing that she’d continue to work cases behind Dwayne’s back. Currently, her and Emperor’s main goal was investigating Charlie Sloane and finding out what the corrupt Commissioner of Los Angeles was up to and why.

“Okay, sir,” Gen said, injecting enthusiasm into her voice, knowing that would only piss Dwayne off more.

“Now, get out of my sight,” Dwayne said, glaring at the breakfast buffet, his anger flaring. “And tell Amanda to stop making such lavish meals for you. They are wasteful and you’re not worth the effort.”

“I couldn’t agree more,” Gen said, wishing that she wasn’t being given special treatment but grateful for it. And right then, she was pretty pleased to see how it irritated Dwayne. Now, she just had to ace this new internship and give him no reason not to put her in the field, working a case.



Grounds, Rogue Rider Mansion, Beverly Hills, California, United States

“Man, that’s not fair,” Sully complained, throwing his arms in the air in frustration.

“What are you, a teenage girl who can’t get tickets to a Taylor Swift concert?” Jack joked, shaking his head at his friend. “Life isn’t fair. Get over it. And if anyone should be complaining about fairness, it is Gen.”

She shrugged, holding Bellumferrum in her hand, preparing to use it for their sparring practice. The Rogue Riders were spread out around the grounds of the estate, performing various training exercises. Their dragons were stationed nearby, some of them also practicing maneuvers, but many of them only lounging lazily. Emperor stood next to Gen and the two men, his head low as he listened to Gen tell them about her new training assignment.

“It’s fine,” Gen said. “I made the most of the moral philosophy assignment and I’m actually really grateful for the education.”

“I told you,” her dragon said, smugly.

She shook her head at him dismissively. “It was still a task meant to keep me busy and try and break my spirit. It’s just that it didn’t work.”

“But now you get to go to MystTech Creations, which is truly the coolest special effects studio in the world,” Sully said with disappointment and envy. “I love movies more than anyone and would kill to see that mind-blowing technology. You haven’t even seen a movie yet, have you?”

She cut her eyes to the side, avoiding looking at him. “It’s on my list of things to do.”

He groaned, shaking his head. “Seriously, the coolness of this experience is completely lost on her.”

Jack grinned at Gen, his cute, little dimple surfacing. “I’ll take you to a movie.”

A squeal popped out of Sully’s mouth, earning him attention from some nearby Rogue Riders. Clipper was one of them and she was doing a poor job of hiding her eavesdropping on their conversation.

“Oh, let’s take her to that new action thriller!” Sully exclaimed loudly, clapping his hands with excitement. “It will serve as training because they do some awesome stunts in it.”