Gen thought in that moment that Jack had lost his damn mind. Maybe this was a last-ditch effort. Or maybe he knew how to talk to computers in a way that she didn’t. She thought you were supposed to use the keyboard-thing and type out messages. But she reasoned that Jack was much more technically savvy than she and trusted his expertise.

But with no digital intervention, Gen started to grow skeptical as the room remained silent, except for the humming of the computers. She was about to give up hope that they’d deciphered the riddles correctly. However, from the shadows, a white, ghostly figure appeared, springing up into life, taking the form of a young man. A warrior, she thought.

Akio Takahashi.

He was dressed like a modern-day warrior in armor with long black hair and dark eyes and a courageous expression on his trusting face.

Jack didn’t jump or react. Instead, he held his head high, lowering his hands, but keeping them loose by his side. His demeanor wasn’t one of intimidation, but rather invitation. He seemed to be acting in the way of a perfect diplomat.

The ghost bowed before Jack. “I’m Akio Takahashi, a warrior for the House of Fourteen.”

Jack bowed too. “It’s an honor to meet you.”

“You have come for my sword, Rakurai, made for me by my grandfather,” Akio said, his figure flickering like candlelight in the wind. “But I can’t give it to you.”

Jack’s mouth popped open with surprise, disappointment following, spreading over his face. “Oh, you can’t. Why not?”

“I can only give it to another founding family for the House of Fourteen,” Akio stated, looking past Jack at Gen. “I believe you aren’t just among a founding family, are you? Who are you?”

Gen stepped forward, even with Jack. She bowed. “My name is Gen Beaufont. I was one of the fourteen original Founders who created the House.”

“You,” he said in a hush. “It is your strength that keeps the Beaufonts so pure. They, along with the Takahashis, are the two remaining founding families left in the House of Fourteen.”

She nodded. “I don’t know that it’s because of me, but my father imbued a strong courage in his family. I hope I carry that.”

Akio nodded. “You know Liv?”

Gen grinned. “She said you taught her how to fight.”

“That I did,” he said with a chuckle. “You should have seen my face when she showed up with a giant-made sword and a bad attitude. I nearly thought I’d met my match that day. But she became one of my dearest friends. And I certainly would die again for the mission that we were sent on because it was so noble. Liv fights on the side of good—always.”

For a moment, it felt exceptionally surreal to Gen to realize she was having this conversation with a ghost. But then, it also just felt like another weird day in her new life. She nodded. “I know Liv well enough to know that everything you say makes sense. She is wonderful and just and pure and also, crazy.”

“That she is,” Akio said, holding out his hands, flatly. “I can only give my sword, the one my grandfather made me, that holds so much power and magic, to another founding family. Only they would know the right person to give it to. And it would be their burden and their gift to hand off. I will give it to you, Gen Beaufont, Founder of the House of Fourteen, if you ask. But I only will hand it to you.”

Gen kept her gaze forward, knowing that Jack was intently focused on her. She looked Akio directly in the eyes. Nodded. Gave him a look of conviction. “Yes, Akio Takahashi. I will ensure your sword goes on to the right person, to continue to fight on the side of justice, as you did for so long.”

“Very well,” he stated and bowed his head, closing his eyes.

In his hands, before the three of them, a sword that was beautiful and slight and also commanding much power materialized. When it was solid, although held by the transparent hands of a ghost, Akio looked up.

He then extended his arms, offering the weapon to Gen. “This is yours. I entrust it to you to give to the one you deem worthy.”

“Thank you,” Gen said, nearly breathless, taking the sword, finding it lighter than she expected in her grasp.

Akio straightened when his hands were free and smiled at her ever so slightly. “Please tell Liv that I, well, I’ve always been proud of her, but that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t collect new accolades from me every day. She is the best of the best. And must come from the best of the best.”

“I’ll tell her,” Gen replied in a whisper, finding her voice absent. “And thank you.”

“You’re welcome, Gen Beaufont.” And with that, Akio Takahashi disappeared, leaving her and his sword and Jack alone in the computer room.



Library, House of Fourteen, Santa Monica, California, United States

“You don’t have to give me that,” Jack said at once when Akio disappeared and the temperature of the computer room started to normalize.