Gen sat back, his hidden message dawning on her. She’d told Captain Neal when they were working together on the Federal Reserve Bank case that she knew Sherlock Holmes and his assistant King Rudolf. That had to be who he was insinuating now, which was a brilliant idea. Of course the detective team could help her find out who was behind this. Suddenly hope blossomed in her chest.

“But that won’t be enough,” he added, a solemn tone to his voice, like he knew she was starting to get hopeful and didn’t want her to get swept away just yet. “You need someone who knows about magitech. The substance you were found stealing is very strange, indeed. It’s unique to the products that MystTech Creations makes. Maybe there’s something to that…I can’t say for sure.”

“This is a lot,” Gen said, feeling heavy.

“I know, but as a Beaufont, I’m simply offering you a fair chance to protect yourself,” he said, a sturdiness in his gaze. “Sophia, your relative, helped me a lot when she was a leader of the Rogue Riders. Since she’s left, well, things have changed, but that’s no news. I was fired by the previous Chief of Police. I’m not here to help you as much as warn you.”

She drew in a breath. “And what is that?”

“The prosecution is building a strong case against you,” he answered. “You were seen at the LACMA robbery?—”

“I stopped it,” she cut in, forcefully.

“That’s not how they are painting it,” he countered. “They can say that you were the mastermind and traded sides when things went south.”

“But that’s not what happened,” Gen argued, her body vibrating with frustration.

“I get that,” Captain Neal said. “The Beaufonts have always been good to me and my officers. But all I could do here was make a plea to the district attorney to get you an option for bail.”

Gen tried to keep the confusion off her face, not following entirely what he meant.

He’s saying that he’s negotiated for you to get out of jail, Emperor explained. But you’ll have to pay a large sum and it’s only for a little while until you’re taken to trial for your crimes. Then you’ll be tried and if found guilty, sentenced.

“Thank you for that,” Gen said, not wanting to remain silent for too long, having a silent conversation with her dragon in her head with the Captain staring at her. “But they couldn’t put me in a normal jail.”

“They were going to turn you over to the House of Fourteen for holding, who they have an arrangement with for such criminals committing crimes in the mortal world,” he offered. “Anyway, I convinced the district attorney that you weren’t a flight risk and they’ve agreed to offer you a bail option.”

Seeing this as a positive, rather than another slap in the face, Gen managed a smile of gratitude. “Thank you.”

“I warn you though,” he said at once, gravely. “It’s going to cost you. They’ve made the bail steep, saying that you might retaliate if they release you. Someone has really convinced them that you’re out to get the city.”

Gen narrowed her eyes, having her suspicions of who that could be. “I’m only trying to protect Los Angeles and bring down the corruption.”

He nodded, a look of conviction in his eyes. “I believe you. Anyway, the district attorney has granted you bail, but you’re going to have to pay up.”

Gen scoffed. “That’s fine. I own a diamond company, I’m not sure that you know that.”

He winked at her ever so slightly, avoiding anyone behind the mirror window to see him. “Oh, is that right?” She knew Captain Neal was already aware of this since it was that business, selling engagement rings, that allowed her to pay a hundred good police officers’ salaries when they’d been fired.

“Yeah, which is why it’s absurd that I’d risk my life and career and my family’s name to steal some quantum-entangled silicon,” she said, angrily. “I don’t even know what the stuff does.”

He shook his head. “I don’t either. Which is what you should figure out. Find out why MystTech Creations. Discover what could be behind this and who. Only then are you going to be able to clear your name and walk free.”

Gen nodded, feeling the severity of the moment.

Captain Neal stood, striding for the door. He turned when his fingers were on the handle. “I don’t think I have to impress to you how important it is that you figure out who is behind this and expose them. If they are coming after you, then I suspect they’ll be knocking down others soon. You might be their biggest thorn in their backsides, but there are many splinters in this city. If someone is setting you up, they’ll come for others after you’re not a problem. Find them. Stop them. This city needs that.”

Gen knew all too well that he was risking everything to covertly tell her the urgency related to this matter. The look of fear in Captain Neal’s eyes was real. He was afraid of what the Commissioner would do next. Like with Barry Fer, the unethical Chief of Police, there could be other corrupt law enforcement hiding under the radar.

If they could set up Gen, then they’d have no trouble bringing down the Captain and his officers. Gen had to clear her name. Then she had to find out exactly who all was behind this. And then she’d expose them and bring justice to Los Angeles, like it deserved.



Rogue Rider Mansion, Beverly Hills, California, United States

“You are fired!” Dwayne Stone roared, pointing an accusatory finger down at Gen.