Mary nodded. “It’s been crazy. I thought we could go for dinner? Talk about this collab with Ethan Hayes?”
Delia’s expression brightened. “Do we have a collab with Ethan Hayes? Did IndieLake actually set it up?”
“They’re still talking with his manager, but I think it’s moving along.”
Jack thought back to all the conversations he’d had with his coaches and agent back in the day. How in high school and college they were always working behind the scenes to get him in front of the right people, to give him opportunities to learn from players who were just ahead of him on the NHL-hopeful path. That part of the business made sense to him. No matter what industry you were in, networking and locking in resources were imperative to levelling up.
Just that tiny slice of his world slammed Jack back into reality. He was there for just over twenty-four hours to make a buzz, then he’d fly back to Calgary first thing in the morning and do what he knew. Hockey. After practice, he’d have a game—where he’d hopefully perform better than the last one—and with all the press, he’d be one step closer to nailing down a contract for next season.
Delia stood, and Jack caught the scent of her shampoo as she stepped back into the booth and slipped her headphones back on.
“Alright, love. Try something new on that last bridge, yeah? Maybe a small run—something fanciful.” Finn ran a hand through his hair, and Delia laughed.
Jack clenched his jaw. This wasn’t his world. They were comfortable with each other here. Finn and Delia were a little more comfortable than he preferred. And just like in the restaurant, that tightness in his chest and the swoop in his belly told him he needed to leave. There was zero reason for him to be in the booth and one very pressing reason for him not to be. He was enjoying this. He wanted to keep watching her, and he didn’t appreciate that Finn kept grinning and calling her “love.”
The paparazzi had gotten pictures of him at breakfast with Delia. They’d snapped some shots as they entered the recording studio, which meant his job there was done. This wasn’t a relationship, and the more time he spent with Delia, the easier it would be for that line to get blurry.
Jack leaned over to Mary. “I’m going to head back to the hotel. I have an early flight.”
She frowned and looked at her phone. “It’s only two in the afternoon.”
He stood. “I’m old, remember?”
Mary laughed, and Finn held up a hand for quiet. She motioned for them to step out of the room. “Don’t you want to wait until she’s done?” Mary asked as soon as they were in the hall.
Jack shook his head. “No, I think Tony’s in touch with the marketing person with the Blizzard. I’m sure they’ll figure out our next photo op.”
Mary’s eyes narrowed. “Right.”
“Thanks for letting me tag along. I’ll just . . .” Jack motioned to the door, and Mary nodded. He turned and walked down the hall, then pushed out the front doors and froze as a barrage of arms and cameras accosted him on the sidewalk.
“Jack! Over here!”
“Jack, where’s Delia? Are you in love?”
“Jack! Give us a smile!”
He scrambled for the door handle and fell back into the studio foyer.
“Forget something?” Mary still stood in the hall, looking at her phone.
“There are at least fifty reporters out there.”
Mary cursed under her breath. “Do you have security through your team in Calgary?”
“I haven’t thought twice about it.”
“You might need to. But don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.” She tapped something on her phone screen.
Delia burst out of the recording studio and walked down the hall. “Mary? Finn says we’re finished, and—” She pulled to a stop when she saw Jack. “Oh. I was just going to ask where you went.”
Something fizzed in Jack’s chest. She was looking for him. “I was going back to the hotel, but it seems we’ve attracted some attention.”
Delia walked to the window and peeked out through the blinds. “Oh.” She backed up. “Do you still have that driver, Mary?”
Mary nodded and turned to Jack. “He’s on it. We can drop you at the hotel on our way home.”
“See you, Finn!” Delia yelled down the hall as she grabbed her coat. It looked like it had been taken from a recently shorn sheep. Jack noted how the soft cream colour brought out the blue in her eyes. And that she didn’t go back into the studio to say goodbye to Finn in person.