Delia's car pulled to a stop in front of the WestJet sign. "I have to go check in for my flight."
"Yep. Travel safe."
It felt wrong to say sleep well or rest up like she'd say to any random acquaintance. The words she felt in her soul bobbed to the surface like a cork, and she wasn't fast enough to shove them back under. "I love you, Jack."
Her throat closed like she'd just swallowed poison ivy. She shouldn't have said it—it was too soon, and then he was going to feel pressure to say it back, which she absolutely did not want, so she did what she did best and panicked. Which might've involved her finger pounding against the screen until she hung up on him.
"Nice." Alvin gave her a thumbs up, then opened his door and got out of the car.
10:01 PM
Landed. Heading home. Hope you're sleeping
6:34 AM
I was out by 8:30. I feel superhuman. But maybe that's because of the bra
8:56 a.m.
Lol. You found it
8:57 a.m.
I slept with it
8:57 a.m.
8:58 a.m.
How’s your mom?
8:59 a.m.
I could roast marshmallows on her feet
I've almost convinced her to come to the doctor, though I may have used the word patisserie instead. It's on the way
9 a.m.