“Sure,” I said with little enthusiasm as I got out of the car. I entered by the side door, pausing to listen. When there was only silence, I guessed they were in the backyard. Zach stayed with me as I headed to the French doors that opened onto a deck. My mom was pushing Austin in the toddler swing she’d just had installed for her only grandchild.
“Look who’s here,” Mom said, slowing the swing and lifting Austin out. “Mama and Dada.”
Austin toddled toward us across the grass. The smallest bumps in the lawn could make him fall, but he was adept at getting back on his feet. To my surprise, Austin went straight to Zach, raising his arms to signal he wanted to be picked up. Zach swung him up, giving our son a kiss on the cheek before holding him against his chest.
Uh-oh, I thought, when Austin waved at me from the safety of Zach’s arms. He was growing attached to his father, which wasn’t a bad thing in itself—Austin should know his father—but a part of me worried. What if things didn’t work out? What if Zach grew bored with mundane family life? He was used to a different existence, full of missions and specialized training. He worked for a security company now, where he could still use some of his skills, but the danger that small town Georgia could offer was nothing compared to what he was used to. What if he decided it wasn’t enough to make him happy after all?
“Zach.” Mom gave him a one-armed hug. “It’s good to see you.”
“Same goes for you, Faith.”
“Carolyn says you’ve retired from the SEALs,” my mother said. “I guess that means you’ll be sticking around?”
“Mom, Zach’s just getting used to civilian life,” I interrupted, trying to preempt my mother’s gushing. Mom had felt that Zach was a keeper from the beginning.
Mom turned to me. “Any luck with Drew Castle?” I’d confided in her about our plan to confront him.
“No, we didn’t learn anything new. I don’t think Mr. Castle is behind the sabotage. He seemed genuinely horrified about what happened with the robbery. He offered to buy us out again, though.”
“He’s relentless.” My mother dismissed the idea with a wave. “I’m glad Zach was with you.”
He had been helpful, that was for sure. I’d felt much better having him with me.
The thought that I’d also felt better with his ring back on my finger was one that I’d be keeping to myself for now.
“Thanks for looking after Austin,” I said. “We’ll take off since I want to get him home in time for dinner.”
My mother gave Austin a noisy kiss and patted Zach’s cheek before giving me a hug, whispering in my ear, “I’m so happy to see you two together again.”
I wanted to say that I wasn’t at all sure that we were together again, or that we ever would be, but my mother had timed it so I didn’t have a chance to disagree without making a scene. Fine then, she could have the last word. But her saying it didn’t mean that it was true. Being with Zach again wasn’t going to magically happen overnight. Not when I still felt so unsure about whether we’d be able to make things work.
At home, I made sandwiches for a quick dinner before settling down to work at the alcove in my kitchen while Zach took Austin into the living room to play. Even though I tried to focus on emails and calls, I could hear giggling. For now, Zach was making Austin happy, very happy, judging by the peals of laughter.
I’d just take a peek, I decided, tiptoeing into the living room. Zach lay on his back, holding Austin at arm’s length above him and zooming the boy over his head while making noises like a plane taking off. The muscles in Zach’s arms flexed and rippled with the effort. For a minute, I got sucked into the fantasy of a perfect family life. I found myself twisting the engagement ring I hadn’t yet removed. How good would it be if I came home to the two of them every evening? If we were a real family?
I’d spent two years telling myself that that was never going to happen. But now…I couldn’t stop myself from feeling hopeful again.
Iplaced Austin in the crib that night, leaning over to kiss his forehead before straightening.
“All set?” Carolyn said softly from next to me. She placed her hand on my arm.
During the trip to Castle Jewels, I’d held her hand and touched her as a fiancé would, falling easily into that role again and liking it. With her touch, was she signaling she might be ready for more between us? I hoped so.
“Yeah.” Austin’s eyes were already closed. “He’s tired today.”
“Lots of play time,” she commented before kissing our son good night and adjusting the soft blanket he slept with.
I started the soother and turned on the night-light before we crept out and went downstairs. I didn’t notice that she’d paused at the bottom of the steps, waiting for me, and I bumped into her. To steady her, my arm went around her waist as it had so many times in the past, and she looked up. Her eyes always reflected her thoughts. I liked what I saw in them at that moment.
Without overthinking it, I pulled her a bit closer, then waited to see how she’d respond. I was more than pleased with the result when her arms went around my neck and she snugged her curvy figure against me. The sultry smile on her lips was the only invitation I needed as I covered her mouth with mine. A soft moan, a sound I remembered well, came from her as I deepened the kiss, teasing the seam of her lips until she opened for me.
Her tongue slid against mine, the friction hot and wet, making me think about other ways we might come together. Sex with her had always been amazing, better than I’d known with anyone else. This kiss was a reminder of all that and something more, I decided, when she nipped my lips playfully and her hands slid to my butt.
I pushed my leg between hers, thinking her couch was a good place to test whether our chemistry was just as potent as it used to be. When I made a step toward the living room, though, she backed away, loosening her hold on me.