Zach chuckled, the vibration making goose bumps race down my skin. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I tilted my hips up, rubbing against his erection. His answering groan was music to my ears as he pressed against my pelvis. His face looked pained as he fought to maintain control, but I needed him now. Waiting wasn’t an option.
Digging my heels into his butt, I continued to rub against him. “Please, Zach. I need you inside me.”
With a growl, he thrust into me. The feel of him brought me back to when we were first together, and it was as if we’d never been apart. We moved as one, finding a rhythm that had us both panting, my body rapidly spiraling up with pleasure until an orgasm cascaded through me. With one final thrust, he came inside me, gasping out my name as I hugged him tightly to me, loving the weight of his body pressed to mine.
Irolled over, touching the bed next to me. It was cool and empty. I sat up, listening, and heard Zach’s soft footsteps in the hall. He appeared in the doorway, dressed in tactical pants and a black T-shirt, a grin on his face. I smiled, feeling more than a little pleased with myself. I had a smokin’ hot man who’d made my night very memorable.
“I didn’t want to wake you,” he said. “I’ve got an early meeting.”
“Come here.” I beckoned him with a finger.
“If I do that, I’m going to be late.” He moved toward me anyway.
“I just want a kiss,” I said. And to be held again before he left for the day. After we’d made love, I’d slept in his arms until he’d woken me to do it again. I’d been an enthusiastic participant both times and was already looking forward to tonight. The sex was great with Zach, but I also loved having him in my bed, his body warm and hard next to mine. I felt safe, protected. No one else had ever made me feel that way.
He sat on the edge of the bed, and I scooted toward him. The sheet slipped to my waist as I moved. His eyes followed it down, and he swallowed, a slight flush coming to his tanned cheeks.
“See something you like?” I teased.
“You make it hard to leave you,” he said, lifting the sheet and tucking it around my chest, his hands lingering on me.
“Austin will be up soon. Our time would be limited, but still…” I stroked his freshly shaven cheek. His aftershave had a spicy, masculine scent I remembered well.
He chuckled, catching my fingers and kissing them. “Patience. We have tonight.”
“And tomorrow night?” I asked before I could stop myself. I didn’t mean to sound needy. I wasn’t a woman who begged for a man’s attention.
“I’m not going anywhere,” he assured me before pulling me to him and kissing me, a long kiss that ended only when we heard Austin stirring in his crib. Zach rested his forehead against mine while we listened to our son’s happy babbling.
“I’ll get him this morning. If he sees you, he won’t want you to go,” I said. I got out of bed and pulled on a robe while Zach watched me, desire in his eyes. What I wouldn’t give for another hour alone with him.
“Do you want me to pick him up at Nina’s after I get off work?” Zach asked. His day usually finished before mine, so he’d bought a car seat and often picked Austin up.
“He’ll be with my mom today, and I want to ask her about a paper I found in that box in the attic last night. Can you meet me at her house after work?”
“No problem.” He kissed me one last time before leaving.
Later in the day, we arrived at my mother’s house at the same time and walked in the door together. Austin was sitting on her lap, flipping through pages in a book.
“Look who’s here,” Mom said to Austin, who squirmed to get down as soon as he spotted us.
Austin went to Zach first, arms extended upward. Zach picked him up, giving him a hug and a kiss before holding him out for my kiss.
“You three look good together,” Mom commented with arched eyebrows.
“We do,” I said, leaving it at that. I knew my mother’s game, but I wasn’t willing to give out too much information about my relationship with Zach just yet.
“I think Austin’s never been happier, too,” my mother added.
“He’s always been a happy baby,” I countered, which was true. Happy, cooperative, leaving me little fear of the coming terrible twos, despite the many warnings I’d heard.
“So I’m having no effect on my son’s life?” Zach whispered while my mother went to grab some toys for Austin.
“I didn’t say that,” I responded with a smile. “I think you’ve had a big impact on his life…and mine.”