“Got it.” We took care of the dishes and wiped the counters in comfortable silence interrupted only by a gurgle coming from the baby monitor.
“Will he wake up?” I glanced at the machine in concern.
“Probably not.” She paused and listened. After a minute, all was peaceful. “He’s a sound sleeper once he’s out. He really is a great kid.”
“I can see that.” Austin was awesome, fun, and happy. “It’s probably because he has you for a mom.”
She laughed. “He got some good DNA from you, too.”
I shrugged off her compliment, not convinced that my genetic makeup was worth that much. My brothers and I were improving the family stock, but we were starting from a pretty low standard to begin with.
“I better go so you can get some sleep.” Her house was lights out by ten, I’d noted, but Austin’s bedroom light came back on by six in the morning.
“Thanks for having dinner with me,” she said as she walked me to the door. “It was nice.”
“It was.” My hand was on the doorknob, the metal cool under my fingers. Leaving was the last thing I wanted to do. I wanted to kiss her like I used to when we were wild about each other and when I’d thought nothing could ever change that. I didn’t think she’d go for a passionate kiss, but she was lingering at the door with me. Maybe…
I leaned toward her slowly, waiting to see if she’d back away. She didn’t. In fact, she leaned in a little, giving me the green light I needed to brush my lips against hers in a soft kiss, giving us both a reminder of what could be. “Good night,” I said and left before my self-control snapped. I’d told her we could go at whatever pace she wanted. I just hoped to hell that she wanted me even a fraction as much as I still wanted her.
I pulled away from the curb in front of her house, circled the block, and took up the position I’d held for the past nights to watch over her and Austin.
Castle Jewels did look classy. Its interior, once dominated by shades of brown, had been updated to an elegant green-and-gold scheme. As we walked in the door late the next afternoon, I nervously twisted the engagement ring Zach had brought with him that morning, retrieved from his safe deposit box at the bank. It was the one I’d given back to him two years ago. The pear-shaped diamond was beautiful in its platinum setting. I’d loved it the second Zach had slipped it on my finger during his proposal. Having it on brought back a slew of memories, both good and bad. I’d been so happy when he'd given it to me—and so heartbroken when I’d given it back.
Zach took my hand, lacing our fingers together. As our hands joined, I felt him finger the ring, almost as if to confirm to himself that it was back where it belonged. He shot me a smile, the kind that made his blue eyes warm and playful. I thought of our kiss the evening before and how tempted I’d been to continue it. But I couldn’t be distracted by that. I needed to focus on our reason for being here.
“Welcome to Castle Jewels.” A saleswoman approached us, assuming we were a couple and this was a good potential sale. “How may I help you today?”
“I’d like to see Mr. Castle, please.” I’d wanted to call ahead and make an appointment, but Zach convinced me that surprise was a better method of gleaning the truth from people.
“I’m sure I can help you.” The woman glanced to a closed door at the rear of the store, making it clear that Drew Castle was in.
“I’m not shopping. I need to speak with him about business matters. Please tell him that Carolyn Evert would like to speak with him.”
A flicker of recognition crossed the woman’s face. She knew the name. “I’ll be right back.”
When we were alone, I looked in the nearest display case. The merchandise was lovely, very sophisticated, not altogether different from what my store offered. The stores were on par with each other in quality and taste, making us true competitors, which explained why Mr. Castle was trying to buy All That Sparkles. It would make him the only game in town, as far as fine jewelry went.
“Carolyn. How lovely to see you.” Mr. Castle came to greet me. “Step into my office so we can talk.” He turned his attention to Zach, offering his hand. “Drew Castle. I don’t think we’ve met.”
“Zach Vale. I’m Carolyn’s fiancé.”
“Congratulations, then. I don’t suppose you’re shopping for a ring with us?” His eyes dropped to my hand, where the diamond sparkled. “I see you’ve taken care of that.”
“That’s not why we’re here,” Zach said. “If we could speak in private?”
“Of course.” Mr. Castle led the way to his office, also recently redone to reflect the store’s new color scheme. “Can I get you anything? Water? Coffee?”
“No, thank you.” I settled into a chair as Mr. Castle took a seat behind the oak desk.
“I heard about the robbery,” he said. “It must have been awful. It’s what we fear most in this business, isn’t it?”
“Yes,” I agreed. I’d done my best to shrug off the effects of the robbery-turned-hostage-situation, but it haunted me. Even though it had ended well for me, Austin, and my staff, it could have been devastating. “We were fortunate it was resolved relatively quickly and peacefully.”
“I heard the robber…” Mr. Castle trailed off, which brought the image of the robber’s final seconds to my mind.