“And food, I suspect.” It was more than a suspicion, he could feel the hunger rolling off her. This connection to her needs and emotions was unexpected, and unwelcome. Still, he owed her. “When did you last eat?”

Her eyes flicked over his shoulder, then back to him. “I’m not sure. What time is it?”

“Pushing three in the afternoon.”

She looked down and slid her clasped hands between her thighs. “Dinner, last night.”

Nikolai sucked in a breath and whirled on Leo. “Has she not been offered any food?”

Leo’s eyebrows flew to his hairline. His mouth dropped open, and his gaze cut to the floor by the door to the cell, where a bottle of water sat untouched.

“She has had nothing at all?”

“I’m sorry, my lord.” Leo bowed his head. “I’ll get something, uh, now. I’ll just—” He thumbed over his shoulder and left.

Nikolai crossed the room and retrieved the bottle, then returned to his crouch before her. He removed the lid and held the water out to her. “Drink it. I know I must’ve taken more from you than I should’ve. You are probably dehydrated.”

Katherine eyed the bottle, swallowing hard enough to be audible. “Why do they all listen to you?”

“Because I’m a pain in the ass if they don’t.” Saying any more would lead to conversations there wasn’t a chance in hell he would have. With her. With anyone. “Now, drink.”

She arched an eyebrow at him, and the commentary regarding his command was crystal clear. He almost smiled, except it was obvious she wanted the water, so why didn’t she take it? All at once, he knew. It was the same concern he would’ve had in her position. He put the bottle to his lips and took a long sip, then offered it to her again.

Her shoulders sagged and she accepted the bottle, drinking nearly half of it at once. Twin reactions coursed through Nikolai—regret that she didn’t trust him enough to take the water before he’d proven it clean, and satisfaction at seeing one of her needs sated. And at having a hand in that.

Truly, he couldn’t blame her for the mistrust. Hadn’t he approached her the same way? Wary. Questioning. Not to mention his brethren had thrown her in a dungeon. The satisfaction, though, that was a whole other animal. In and of itself, something to be distrusted. Because the root of it lay in his fascination with her, desire for her—a desire he needed to ignore. If the past six months taught him anything, it was that he could never again tolerate such loss. No way he would ever put himself in the position of feeling this kind of pain again. Evgeny’s and Kyril’s deaths had left a gaping hole in the center of his being.

Shit. Why was he even thinking about any of this?

Katherine rested the nearly empty bottle on her thigh and glanced up at him. A glossy sheen covered her bottom lip. Nikolai’s mouth fell open as his respiration increased. The plump, wet skin called to him, beckoned. To taste it… All at once, his mind went blank and he could focus on nothing else. Unconsciously, he leaned in, watching as her lips parted and her tongue snaked out to wet her top lip, too. Their eyes met. Hers were hooded and intense, heaven in a stare. He held her gaze as he moved closer. Her scent added to her allure, surrounding and confusing him. The smell of his own blood, on her, followed fast behind, building within his chest a deep, hot feeling of male satisfaction. Christ, he loved her wearing his blood. Were it on her skin, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from devouring it. Devouring her. Warm, quick exhalations fell against his lips. He shouldn’t do this, he really fucking shouldn’t, but he had to, he had to know—

“My lord, I brought—” Footsteps ended abruptly in the doorway behind him.

Nikolai wrenched back and rose to his feet, his heart hammering against his breastbone. Disappointment warred with relief in his mind. What the hell was he doing? He fixed a glare on Leo and nodded to the table.

Eyes down, the young warrior crossed the room and dropped the tray to show his displeasure.

“Something on your mind, Leo?”

“No, my lord,” he said, gaze still averted.

“Didn’t think so.” Skin prickly, muscles tense, fangs aching, Nikolai was pissed off now and not sure why. “Is Anton here?”

Leo shook his head. “Stayed in the city once you were stabilized.”

Nikolai didn’t miss the unusual gruffness to the kid’s voice. “Call him and tell him to come. And let me know the minute he arrives. Now, go.” Leo lifted his eyes enough to communicate understanding and gave a single nod. Feeling edgy and restless, Nikolai watched him leave and then grasped the tray and placed it on the bed.