Page 93 of Fragile

Max was in wind-up mode. “Gabriel, thinking he has a chance of beating Dale at pool for starters.” At least the guy could think on his feet so she didn’t know we’d been talking about her.

“Oh, I take it he’s the one to beat then?”

“Yep. You must watch him though; he’s been known to hustle the wrong types of people.” Max said.

“Nothing worse than messing with the wrong types of people hey Gabe,” Leonie said with a cheeky wink. Little minx. Purposefully trying to get a rise out of me. I loved that she’d called my Gabe, something she rarely did.

Max nudged me in the ribs, “Indeed,” was my comeback. “When are you coming to join us?” I questioned, pushing a strand of hair which had come free back over her ear. She glanced up at me in a flirty way through her lashes. If we’d been alone, by now, I’d have her pinned against the nearest surface. The last few weeks had been hell without her soft warm body against mine. I yearned for her like a fucking alcoholic did booze.

“When I get off, not long now but I wanted to tell you some news,” she said, her pale eyes lifting even brighter. The energy that bounced off her was infectious and I sat up in my seat, now fully on my game.

“Go on.”

“I got it, the audition!” she yipped, throwing her arms around my neck, and hugging me. I almost fell off the fucking stool.

I gave her a second or two to share her glory with me before gently pulling her arms from around my neck and setting her back. My smile was genuine and I was happy for her. “See, I knew you would kitten. Congratulations.”

I cleared my throat, needing to tone it down as I now had every friend’s pair of eyes staring me down. Piss off, this isn’t a peep show.

Leonie stood staring at me with that dreamy expression. “I’m so happy. Oh, sorry. Hi Max, happy birthday.” She only noticed him because the fucker coughed really loudly. It was like all she could see was me and I loved it.

Max dropped from his stool. “Cheers, sunshine. So, where’s the audition?” he said, casting me an over-the-top smile like a condescending twat.

Leonie didn’t notice, she was too giddy about her news. “For the Royal Ballet, well for their corps de ballet anyway.”

“Sorry, you’re speaking another language to us sunshine,” Max said, placing his empty bottle on the bar and ordering another.

I gave him a smug look. “Speak for yourself, I know exactly what she’s talking about.”

“Do you now?” he said suspiciously.

The way the brag left my mouth could have been considered comical. It was the worst version of a big dick contest you could be involved in. My knowledge still gave me more weight with her than Max though and so I carried the hell on.

Leonie had no clue about the pissing contest going on under her nose, she just continued to smile and take it all in. “Yep. Leonie’s been teaching me.” I patted her nose with my fingertip, I couldn’t help myself. I needed skin-to-skin contact.

“Has she now?” Max said in that same half-masked tone, he was like a broken record. He was amused, probably because I was acting like a love-sick teenager.

Leonie punched me playfully in the chest and said with a nod, “I’ll make a dancer out of him yet.”

Max chuckled. “Now that I’d like to see.”

After a big grin at my friend, who I wanted to kneecap, all her attention turned to me. Just the way I liked it. “Well, I just wanted to thank you for telling me to go for it.”

Max had fizzled out into the background as had everyone else and to me, it was just the two of us.

“And you can thank me again when you get the gig,” I said with a wink.

The pleasure that whooshed over her face was like an aphrodisiac, fuck me I enjoyed being the one to bring that colour to her cheeks. “Do you think I have a shot?”

“Fuck yeah. You’re a beautiful dancer Leonie and you move like an angel. They’ll want you as soon as you walk into the room. Who wouldn’t?”

Her eyes narrowed and she wagged a finger my way. “So, you did come to the showcase?”

“You know I did. I don’t send my errand boys when I deliver flowers,” I replied, glancing at Max who just grunted and necked his beer. He probably felt like a gooseberry as we’d blanked him out, but I didn’t give a shit.

“You’re such a charmer. Anyway, I’ve got an hour left of my shift and then I’ll join you if that’s OK? Asher is on his way with Mark.” Terrific, I thought.

Leonie lifted on her tiptoes and planted a kiss on the side of my face. My hand immediately went up to touch the area and I shouted. “We’ll save you a seat.” As she skipped away. Fuck me, she made me happy.