Page 83 of Fragile

He ran his tongue over his front teeth before he replied. “Come on, why don’t you have a shower, and I’ll show you all the different ways in which I care for you, Leo.”

The fact that he shortened my name which he hardly ever did told me everything was OK. He had made his point, not in the best way possible but I cared about Gabriel despite his flaws.

I placed my hand into his outstretched one and we walked down the corridor towards our bedrooms. I really wanted to melt into him, but I needed to shut that down.

When we got to his door, Gabriel turned and smiled down at me. It was a look so full of sexual promise.

“You look tired but I can wake you up.”

I nodded, feeling sad in the aftermath of our argument. I had hoped those days were over.

“Or we could just skip the shower and go to bed? You’re going to get hot and sweaty anyway,” Gabriel pointed out smoothly, planting a kiss on my nose.

I weighed up my options. I so wanted to be with him but I knew I couldn’t allow myself to just fall in bed with him after what had happened. That reoccurring thought that this thing between us was only physical would be refuelled by those actions. I was a person, not a blow-up doll. If I adopted the behaviour of jumping when he snapped his fingers, he would always expect that.

I needed to be strong.

“I’ll have a shower but I’ll sleep alone tonight if you don’t mind,” I replied with a slight smile. I didn’t want him to think I was still angry, exhausted was more like it.

I could see that he wasn’t happy, but I had to stick by my decision. A muscle in his jaw ticked.

“Are you sure?” Gabriel whispered, stepping further into my personal space, and sweeping a finger down my nose. It was an affectionate gesture but I knew what he was trying to do.

My breasts suddenly felt heavy in the corset and his eyes dipped to my chest. It was almost like he knew how he affected me.

“You look incredible in this, but I was kind of looking forward to removing it.”

I swallowed. It would be so easy to give in but I needed to prove something; not necessarily to Gabriel but to myself.

His breath was on my face and I longed for him to touch me.

“You’re sulking,” he husked, lowering his hand to skim it across the skin above my stockings.

“I’m not sulking. It’s just been a crazy night.” I fizzed in the place where he touched me. It was a light caress but I felt the force of it like thunder.

“Are you sure you don’t want to make it even crazier? I want to make you cum with my mouth.” My pulse skyrocketed and I took a step backwards to put some distance between our two bodies but Gabriel was having none of it. He moved with me and his hands fell to my waist.

“I need you tonight,” he husked as I stared up into his perfect face.

He touched his nose against mine before he crushed my mouth with his.

The kiss was explosive, his tongue pushing into my mouth, devouring me. It was a masterful, erotic kiss meant to entice and I was almost lost; my hands were in his hair whilst his strong fingers dug into my hips. I could feel he was hard against my stomach and warm heat arrowed between my legs. Gabriel was taking no prisoners as his hands moved and cupped my bottom, pulling me against him as he ground his cock against me.

It was over almost before it started as Gabriel suddenly drew back, with a passion-torn expression.

“Sorry, I’m being needy and that’s not me at all. You go have your shower and get some sleep.”

I was surprised he’d stopped, if he hadn’t it would have been much longer before I’d caved. What can I say, my body was a slave to his.

“If you’re sure,” I said, almost changing my mind. I hoped he didn’t think I was giving him the cold shoulder.

He chuckled, “Oh I’m far from sure. I should get a fucking medal for restraining myself. You look as sexy as fuck in that outfit. It’s a shame you can’t keep it,” he husked, motioning towards the corset with a flick of his eyes. They were dark with desire and his smile was wolfish. I glanced down, no longer feeling cheap in the clothing.

“But it’s fine, I can just get myself off whilst thinking about you in it,” he grinned.

“Gabriel,” I scolded, bearing in mind what he’d said about other men doing just that.

He held his hands up in mock surrender. “I’m joking. Go, enjoy your shower before I change my mind.”