“No. God your imagination is messed up. How the fuck would I know that unless I was there. Although of course you know I like to watch,” he said, I could tell he wore a smirk.
“Max,” I warned, my voice deathly low.
“She’s here at Aquarius and fuck me she looks hot.” Steam had to be coming out of my fucking ears.
“What the fuck is she doing back there?” I shouted into the space of the car, pushing my foot on the pedal, and changing direction.
“How the fuck should I know?”
I jammed my hand on the horn as I swerved close to a car, I was literally seeing red.
“Has she seen you?”
“Nope, I’m in my usual booth at the back. She’s getting some interest, you wanna get your arse down here fast,” he suggested, like that wasn’t exactly what I was trying to do. At that particular moment, the city that never sleeps could do one, the traffic was a nightmare.
“I’m keeping an eye on her. She just finished one set but I think she’ll be on again, the girls usually do a couple a night. The crowd are going fucking nuts. She looks pretty amazing; you should be proud.” Was the fucker on glue? The thought of other men leering at her made me want to put a bullet in someone.
“So, she’s on stage? Dancing?” disbelief and horror coated my insides.
“Yes, she’s looks great though, you don’t have to worry.”
“Stop trying to cheer me up. I’m outside,” I growled, ending the call and parking half across the pavement.
The veins in my neck felt like they were going to burst as I jumped from the car and stormed over to the entrance. There were three big fuckers out front, and they blocked me as I attempted to go into the club.
“You alright mate? You sure you’re in the right frame of mind to visit this establishment,” the older one said.
“What the fuck does that mean?” I snarled, my nostrils flaring as I attempted to hold on to my temper. Smacking one bouncer in the face was straightforward but taking on three was another matter.
“Maybe you should calm down a bit first. We don’t allow trouble here.”
I cleared my throat and attempted to appear more relaxed, but it was a struggle. So, I went with honesty.
“My girlfriend is dancing here tonight, and she shouldn’t be. She doesn’t belong here, no offence,” I said to the older one, he looked fatherly, and so I was hoping he’d get what I was saying.
“Yes. She’s doing a favour for a friend,” I said, waving my arms around to highlight my point. God knew why.
His nose scrunched as he frowned and then realisation pooled into his crabby features.
“Ah, little Leonie.” His gaze switched from wary to tranquil.
So, he knew her name. I wasn’t sure if I should be relieved or pissed off.
“Yes, that’s right. Leonie. I’m here to take her home,” I said gruffly. I so wasn’t used to humbling myself, but I needed them on my side if I was to get into the building.
“Well, who are we to stand between a man and his old lady?” grandad said. I found it interesting that he called her my old lady, a sign that he may be part of an MC (motorcycle club) which is where the term was coined. He wasn’t wearing a cut with his colours, but he wouldn’t have been as he was in uniform.
“Thank you. I appreciate it.”
The old dude then put a hand on my shoulder and whispered, “I’m Trevor by the way and you must be Gabriel?”
My brow threaded that he knew about me. “That’s right.”
“Go get our girl,” he said gruffly. I decided not to break his fingers. Good of me considering he’d called her ‘our’ girl.
I gave him a brief nod and turned to the entrance. It was showtime.