“Congrats,” he nodded, taking in each word with an interested expression. He didn’t do that active listening thing most straight guys did when they spoke to me. It was refreshing.
“Come and talk to me sugarplum, keep me company. I’ve had a fucker of a day.”
Taking the leather seat opposite the coffee table where he was slouched, I eyed him across the space.
“So, why the bad day?” I asked with genuine concern.
Max dashed a hand across the stubble on his jaw, he looked shattered.
“Not why—who.” Again, he used the same type of phrasing he always had in my company. Chats with Max were always a guessing game.
“I imagine the who is a she?”
He sat forward and scratched one of the tattoos along his arm. Max was tense and I knew I’d guessed correctly. His expression as his eyes latched on mine, screamed, women trouble.
“You’re very astute,” Max said with a slight grin; one that didn’t quite reach his eyes.
“I’m also a good listener,” I encouraged, shuffling my bottom back into the seat and lifting my feet from the floor.
I watched him over my raised knees. “So, what’s she done this time? Lady Swift, I take it?”
“None other. She’s driving me up the wall,” he husked, dashing a hand across his unshaven jaw. He was so big, rough and burly-looking; I was surprised he didn’t make the girl nervous. I’d only seen her from a distance but she was shorter than me. A definite firecracker though from what I’d been told and didn’t take shit from anyone. I respected that as guts was something I sorely lacked. Girl power and all that.
“In what way?” I asked, encouraging him to offload.
“She’s started talking back to me in front of my men.” Max released a heavy sigh of frustration.
“And that’s not a good thing because?” I queried, needing more intel from him.
“It makes me look weak. She’s a subordinate and so should just do as she’s fucking told.” The flare of annoyance on his face was palpable. My goodness, the girl must have a backbone of steel to backchat this person.
“So, take her to one side. Have it out with her,” I suggested.
He snorted and quirked me a look. “Oh, believe me, I’ve tried, but she laughed in my face the last time.” Bloody hell, the girl needed a medal.
“You could sweet-talk her?”
“Believe me, all the charm in Britain couldn’t sweeten her sour. The woman is made from concrete with a backbone stronger than the toughest bloke. And believe me, I know concrete.”
“Well, why don’t you just fire her? If she’s speaking out of turn, you’d be well within your rights.”
“I can’t fire her. I’m supposed to be showing her the ropes. I’m building a hotel with her old man just outside the city and he wants me to show her how to project manage. I’m all for showing someone the ropes, but I used them in a totally different way if you get my meaning.” Max shot me a wolfish look.
I shook my head and swallowed my smile, not wanting to indulge in one of his kinks.
“So, tell her you won’t teach her unless she tows the line.”
A muscle in his jaw started to throb. “She just doesn’t listen and thinks she knows best. Typical female.” I raised my eyebrows. “Sorry, no offence.”
“None taken,” I bounced back. “She sounds like a bit of a nightmare. Couldn’t you try and reason with her? Man to woman?” I so didn’t know what to suggest.
“It would be more like man-to-man.”
I leaned back in my seat and started to think how he could get through to her. “Have you wondered why she is so off with you? Have you done something to offend her in the past or something?”
He grimaced, which gave me my answer.
“What did you do?”