I took a deep breath. What the heck was I doing to myself? Panicking. Even if they were mafia or whatever, I was a waitress. They didn’t have any interest in me.
“Yes. Leonie, that’s right. Do you want a tissue, are you OK?” I asked the girl.
She looked up at me, like a puppy that had been kicked and I shot a look of reproach at the man named Kai.
“No, I’m fine. Thank you,” she said in an embarrassed voice.
Thinking on my feet, I knew I had to get her away from Kai so I could check she was OK. “Look, if there is nothing on the main menu to entice you, we have a specials board. Do you want to come and have a look? There may be something that gives you more of an appetite,” I soothed, giving her the chance to get away if she needed to.
I watched as several emotions flickered across her face and she glanced across at her companion.
“Thanks, but we’ll just take the club…” Kai started.
“Yes, that would be great,” she replied with zest, cutting him off as she pushed to her feet. He also stood, looking both angry and uncomfortable.
“Follow me. We’ll be back in a sec,” I said, my voice much firmer than usual. My stare seemed to force him back down into his seat.
“Fine. Just hurry up,” he snapped across at us.
I moved to the side to allow her past me, she was taller and very slim, her limbs appearing almost gangly.
Ava followed me as I took her to the specials board which was inside behind the bar.
I could see she was only pretending to study it and I went in for the kill.
“Are you OK? Do you need help at all?”
She shot me a sideways glance and worried her lip. “What makes you say that?”
“The guy you are with. Are you with him of your own free will? You look upset.”
My words caused her to grin and a chuckle escaped her.
I wasn’t sure whether to feel stupid or give her another nudge. “I’m sorry if I’m speaking out of turn but is he your boyfriend?
She snorted. “He wishes.”
I opened my mouth to quiz her again but she glanced over her shoulder to where he sat, still glaring at us both and talking into his mobile phone. Oh shit.
Her next words still didn’t put me at ease.
“You’re sweet to worry but it’s OK. That big old bull over there is my stepbrother and we don’t get on. He’s harmless enough. Like a stone in your shoe, it doesn’t hurt but it's annoying.”
And then the penny dropped. “Ah, I see. Sorry to come across nosy.”
She turned towards me, looking down her pert little nose and taking in my uniform. Her finger then lifted to my chest and she straightened my name tag.
“Not at all. We girls must stick together. He’s just an obnoxious twat who acts like he’s in charge and it pisses me off. I’ll have the lasagne, please. With garlic bread. Kai hates garlic.”
I grinned. “Want me to sprinkle some into his sandwich?”
She returned my look, “Better not. He’s probably part vampire. My stepfather wouldn’t take too well to me offing his prince.”
“OK. One lasagne with extra helpings of garlic bread and a club sandwich coming up.”
“You’re OK Leonie, which makes things so much harder.”
She then glided off over to Kai and slumped into her seat. Again, he gave her a few harsh words. I ran their order through and thought no more about it. There were some crazy people in London.