Page 111 of Fragile

After a moment or so, his call must have been answered as his expression dipped. Kai exhaled sharply, his nostrils flaring.

“Detective Rogers, this is a nice surprise—OK—No, I can’t see that happening but thanks for the offer. My father has his right to a phone call I believe. Get his lawyer on the fucking phone, now. I don’t give a shit if you drag him from his deathbed.”

Kai’s eyes were on Gabriel’s when he said it. So, I was right. Gabriel’s father worked to defend the mafia. They were also aware of this ill health.

Pulling his gaze away Kai then started pacing. “So where is he?”

From the sounds of things, Ava’s pack had reached the police and they had commandeered Kai’s father’s phone.

“Moonlight flit? Really. Why am I not surprised.” He then ended the call, dropped the phone onto the floor and smashed his heel against it. The device cracked into several pieces.

“It appears your father has done a runner,” Kai said. “What do you think I should do about that?”

“As far as I’m concerned, nothing. I don’t work for my old man and before you ask, I haven’t got a clue where he is so you can save it.”

“I want to believe you,” Kai replied, his face looking tired.

“I give you my word.”

The silence swirled around us, the atmosphere becoming thick with more tension and unresolved business.

“Look, you have my package. I would never have done anything with it even if I had found it before today. I didn’t know there was one until you messaged me. I saw what was in it and knew I wanted nothing to do with that shit. I don’t have a death wish, which is why I never joined my father’s business,” Gabriel rallied at Kai as he walked around me.

“I’m still thinking about it. I’ll let you leave. I’ve just not decided if that will be by foot or in a body bag. As you can imagine, I’m not in the best of moods.”

Gabriel dashed a hand down his face and Max moved to stand before him. “Look, I’ve told you. I’m no rat. I had nothing to do with today and I only met Ava at Garrett’s office that afternoon. Fuck knows why she sent that shit to me.”

“She saw you as a possible ally,” Kai said with a wince.


“You’re the only one to ever tell Gerard no.”

There was another drawn-out silence as Kai slumped on the chair in front of me and continued to bleed. My sob brought him to his senses and he lifted his gaze to mine.

“I would apologise for the trauma I’ve caused you today little fairy, but apologies are not my style.”

“Please, can we just leave now?” I said, my eyes searching his face. “And you need an ambulance,” I pointed out.

“I’ve had worse. The bullet went straight through and so I’ll live. No thanks to my bloodthirsty little stepsister.” So Ava’s mother was married to Kai’s father. I wondered what he’d done to her to make her hate him so much. What if Kai’s dad had touched her or something? The thought made me sick to my stomach.

Max cleared his throat and said something to Gabriel but I didn’t catch it. Lester then reappeared, he was out of breath and minus an Ava.

“She’s long gone, boss.”

There was a pause as Kai soaked up this information. “Fuck. Lester, call Doctor Farmer and say I need a patch-up job. Sean, call a meeting.”

“Yes, boss. What shall we say the meeting is about?”

“We’re going to need a restructure.”

“A restructure. The Don’s going down then,” Lester put in with a puzzled expression, having missed the telephone conversation.

“What does that mean boss?” Lester questioned as Kai pushed to his feet.

“It means there’s a new sheriff in town.”

Both Gabriel and Max looked towards me. “Kai. It’s time to let us leave.” Gabriel said in a firm voice.