Mairin sighed. “ ’Tis rotten business. I want Alaric and Keeley to be happy.”

Ewan pulled her into his arms. “There’s nothing to say that Alaric won’t eventually be happy with the match. Rionna is a beautiful lass. She’ll bear him strong sons and daughters.”

“But what of Keeley?” Mairin whispered.

“She’ll remain here with us, sheltered by the McCabe clan. There are plenty of men who’d count themselves fortunate to marry a lass such as Keeley.”

“You make it sound so simple. Would you think the same if you were forbidden to marry me?”

Ewan pulled away, a scowl on his face. “There is no force on earth or heaven that would keep me from your side.”

“Aye, and I love you for it. Maybe I think ’tis what Alaric should be willing to do for Keeley,” she said quietly.

Chapter 30

Keeley was up at dawn, staring moodily over the terrain. The snows had almost fully melted during an unexpected warming trend, most unusual for January. She hadn’t slept the night before and her eyes were dull and achy.

Maddie’s counsel had been invaluable. Keeley needed to hear the other woman’s wisdom. ’Twas no use in hiding in her chamber sulking. She was no longer the frightened young girl terrified to be on her own without the support of her clan.

She had the McCabes now. She had family. And friends. Good and loyal friends. Rionna and her father couldn’t hurt her.

If it killed her, she would smile through Alaric’s wedding. She’d send him off with all the love in her heart but with no weeping. No grief. Some things were private. As much as she’d love to shout her love for Alaric for all to hear, it was better kept to her heart where naught could be used against him.

Feeling marginally better after her all-night weep fest, she washed her face and straightened her hair. Then she took a deep breath and exited her chamber to go belowstairs. She really had no idea what she would do this day. For the past weeks, she and the other women of the keep gathered to keep Mairin company in the hall. With the McDonalds in residence, the women would likely seek a quieter spot for their visitation.

It was soon obvious to Keeley that most of the clan was still abed after a late night entertaining the McDonalds. The keep was blanketed in silence.

’Twould be a wonderful opportunity for a walk around the courtyard, at least since the laird forbade anyone from venturing farther.

She stopped into the kitchens to visit with Gertie and ask if there were any herbs she needed for her preparations. Gertie scowled and waved her away, mumbling something about being interrupted while she was trying to think.

With a grin, Keeley set off for the courtyard. A brisk chill met her as soon as she stepped outside, but she welcomed it on her skin. She drew in a deep breath and closed her eyes. The air just smelled cleaner and fresher in the winter. The bite of ice filled her lungs and when she exhaled, her breath came out in a cloud of steam.

Giggling like a child, she made a turn around the wall and ventured down the side of the keep. The loch was to her left and was so still, it resembled a looking glass. The sun bounced off the surface, reminding her of a shield held up in battle.

She was so ensconced in her view of the loch that she didn’t notice the person coming toward her until she heard her name.

“Keeley? Keeley McDonald, is that you?”

Keeley whirled around, her heart leaping to her throat. Rionna stood but a few feet away, her expression stunned.

“Aye, ’tis I,” Keeley returned in a low voice. She took a hesitant step back.

Pain creased Rionna’s face. Her golden eyes turned dull until the ever-present shimmer had faded to amber.

“I thought you dead. When they told me you were gone, I looked. I waited. But when you didn’t return, I thought you were dead.”

Keeley’s face crinkled in confusion. “Who did you speak with? I am fit as you can see.”

“The women and men I sent to your cottage to ensure your well-being. How did you arrive here? What is it you’re doing on McCabe land? It’s been months since you were last seen at your cottage.”

Keeley stared warily at the other woman, unsure of how to respond. “ ’Tis where I am welcome.”

A spasm of pain crossed Rionna’s face. A McDonald man appeared in the distance and shouted Rionna’s name.

“The laird is looking for you. He wants you present for the breaking of fast.”

Rionna’s hands curled into tight balls. She glanced back at Keeley and then to her father’s man. “I must go. I would see you later. I have much to say to you.”

Without further explanation, Rionna turned and hurried back toward the keep. Keeley watched her go, her stomach in knots. Her emotions were such a mass of uncertainty. Part of her wanted to throw her arms around Rionna and hug her senseless. Tell her how much she missed her childhood friend and tell her how beautiful she’d grown.

The other part wanted to demand an explanation. The hurt she thought she’d long buried bubbled to the surface. Maybe she would never be able to forget or forgive being forced from the only life and protection she knew.

She sighed and turned back to the loch. She walked to the edge and stared, mesmerized, into the crystal clear waters. She loved the water. It absorbed the moods and whims of nature and cast them onto the surface for all to see. ’Twas freeing, that. No pretending. No hiding. Just a reflection of what boiled right below the surface.

For how long she stood there, she wasn’t certain. She stared across the loch, lost in her thoughts and the constant aching in her heart.